
Edward Hoagland

Writer (essayist, novelist); Educator
Humanities and Arts
Best known for his essay-writing and nature writing. John Updike called him the best essayist of my generation, Philip Roth and Cynthia Ozick seconded the motion, and younger writers have regarded him as inspirational. Writes in the reflective American tradition of Emerson and Thoreau. Understands natural processes, diverse cultures, and the global picture. Unlike some nature writers, however, is at home in the city as much as in a cabin in the woods, and his observational powers bring both environments alive on the page. In his personal essays, published journals and memoirs, has also turned the observant lens on himself, with extraordinary candor, humor and sagacity. Has authored more than 20 books, nonfiction and fiction, some of which have been nominated for a National Book Award, a National Book Critics Award, or an American Book Award. Elected, American Academy of Arts and Letters. Affiliated with The New School; Rutgers; Sarah Lawrence; CUNY; the University of Iowa; University of California, Davis; Columbia University; Beloit College; Brown; and Bennington College.
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