
Edward E. Telles

University of California, Irvine
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Sociology, Demography, and Geography

Edward Telles is a scholar of race, ethnicity, and stratification in the United States and Latin America. His award-winning 2004 book, Race in Another America offered a detailed analysis of socioeconomic differentials by race in Brazil and draws comparison to the U.S. case. His 2008 book, Generations of Exclusion, (co-authored with Vilma Ortiz) used an intergenerational survey to show how segregation and discrimination led to stalled social mobility among Mexican Americans beyond the second generation. His book, Pigmentocracies (2014) upends the idea of racial equality in Latin America by quantitatively documenting the existence and socioeconomic consequences of skin color prejudice and inequality in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru. His latest book Durable Ethnicity (2019) shows how American national identities are strong among Mexican Americans and ethnicity endures in the lives of many later generation Mexican Americans, as shown by national and ethnic identity, Spanish language and attitudes about immigrants.

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