
E. Tory Higgins

Columbia University
Psychologist; Educator
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Psychological Sciences

Stanley Schachter Professor of Psychology, Columbia University and Professor of Business, Columbia Business School. Director, Motivation Science Center. Studies the ways cognitive information processing affects human social behavior. Made contributions to social cognition, self-regulation, motivation, and decision making. Books include Beyond Pleasure and Pain: How Motivation Works and Focus: Use Different Ways of Seeing the World for for Success and Influence (with Heidi Grant Halvorson). Recipient of the American Psychological Society's William James Award for Distinguished Achievements in Psychological Science, the Donald T. Campbell Award for Outstanding Contributions to Social Psychology, the Thomas M. Ostrom Award in Social Cognition, the American Psychological Association Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions, and the Distinguished Lifetime Career Award from the International Society for Self & Identity.

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