Donald J. Mastronarde
University of California, Berkeley
Literary and language scholar; Educator
Humanities and Arts
Literature and Language Studies
Mastronarde is the leading American scholar of ancient Greek tragedy, having produced definitive editions of Euripides' Phoenician Women and Medea, along with detailed commentaries, studies in the manuscript tradition, and an in-progress edition of the scholia (ancient comments preserved in the manuscripts) to Euripides. He has also published important literary studies of the tragedies, on such topics as speech conventions, the chorus, and genre. In addition, he has published a widely used textbook of ancient Greek, well-known for its meticulous control of the language, and has been a decisive force behind the digitization of the classics, including the development of GreekKeys (keyboards and Unicode fonts for classical Greek), along with an Online Edition of the Scholia on Euripides and other projects.
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