Diana Harrison Wall
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO
Soil scientist; Educator; Academic research institution scientist
Biological Sciences
Evolution and Ecology
Pioneer in understanding the role of soil biodiversity in climate change. Research explores how life in soil (microbial and invertebrate diversity) contributes to healthy, fertile, productive soils and thus to society, and the consequences of human activities on soil globally. Conducted research in Antarctica's deserts, the plains of Kansas, and New York City's Central Park, exploring the dynamics of species like nematodes and their impact on life above ground. Work in the Antarctic continues to demonstrate the critical links between climate change and soil. Chaired the DIVERSITAS-International Biodiversity Observation Year (2001-2002), the Global Litter Invertebrate Decomposition Experiment, and cochaired the Millennium Development Goals Committee of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Sat on one of the five working groups of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). Member, U.S. National Committee of the UNESCO International Hydrological Program. Board member, World Resources Institute, and the Island Press. Wall Valley in Antarctica named for her to honor her achievements.
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