
David Soskice

London School of Economics and Political Science
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Political Science
International Honorary Member

Soskiceis arguably the most influential living political economist. He developed theVarieties of Capitalism approach in several publications in the late 1990s andin a highly cited book with Peter Hall from 2001, which is widely used inpolitical science, as well as in sociology, business schools, economics, andlaw schools. He has also made major contributions to our understanding of thewelfare state, the origins and consequences of electoral systems, publicopinion, skill systems, macroeconomics, crime, the financial crisis, and, mostrecently, the transition to a knowledge economy and the rise of inequality andpopulism. Soskice is among the 15 most cited political scientists according to “The Political Science 400”, PS: PoliticalScience & Politics,April 2019. 

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