
Carlo Maria Ossola

Collège de France
Literary scholar; Educator
Humanities and Arts
Literature and Language Studies
International Honorary Member

Important figure in the field of Italian literature. He is the author of twenty-eight books in Italian and French and scores of articles in learned journals. He has written influential studies on both Dante and Italian poetry in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. He also published several volumes on twentieth-century poets, including Giuseppe Ungaretti (1975,2009, 2010, 2016), Giovanni Giudici (1989, 2000), and Yves Bonnefoy. Since his election as chair in 1999, he has lectured and taught widely in France and other European countries, effectively becoming a spokesman for Italian literature outside Italy. See in particular: Libri d’Italia (1861-2011), 2011; Conversation sur le temps, (with Michel Butor, 2012); À vif : la création et les signes, (2013); Italo Calvino: universos y Paradojas  (2015); Erasme et l'Europe  (2014).

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