Bonnie T. Fleming
Bonnie Fleming is Fermilab’s Deputy Director for Science and Technology and Chief Research Officer. An internationally recognized particle physicist with outstanding expertise and a world leader in neutrino physics, she leads all areas of science and technology at Fermilab.
Fleming began her career at Fermilab as a graduate student from Columbia University working on the NuTeV experiment and then as a Lederman Fellow working on MiniBooNE. From 2004 to 2021, Fleming was on faculty in the physics department at Yale University. As a user at Fermilab, she served as the founding spokesperson for the ArgoNeuT experiment and for the MicroBooNE experiment (later co-spokesperson). She has been a leading collaborator on SBND and DUNE and pioneered the detector technology employed for all these experiments, Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers, which is also the technology employed by DUNE.
Formerly the Deputy Chief Research Officer at Fermilab (2016 to 2018), Fleming has received numerous honors and awards, including an APS Fellowship in 2013. She served on the 2014 P5 HEPAP subpanel and more recently as co-chair for the DOE Basic Research Needs on Instrumentation panel and the ongoing HEPAP subpanel on International Benchmarking. Fleming earned a Ph.D. in physics from Columbia University. She currently serves as a member of the National Academies Decadal Survey in particle physics and holds a joint appointment with the University of Chicago in the Enrico Fermi Institute within the Department of Physics.