
Anna Elbina Morpurgo-Davies

University of Oxford
Oxford, England
Linguist; Educator
Humanities and Arts
Literature and Language Studies
International Honorary Member
Her research is in historical and comparative linguistics (with sepcial reference to Indo-European) and in history of linguistics. She has focussed on three main areas: (i) the history of Greek from the earliest Myceaean documents written in Linear B to the Greek dialects of the classical period; (ii) the ancient Anatolian languages and especially Hieroglyphic Luwain (ca. 1400-700 BCE) often in collaboration with Professor J.D. Hawkins of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London); (iii) the history of linguistics and especially of nineteenth century linguistics. She is currently working on Greek onomastics, the subject of her Sather Lectures at Berkeley (2000); her aim is to define how the development of common words differs from that of names what pragmatic causes interfere with onomastic development.
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