
Alice Guionnet

Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics
International Honorary Member

Mathematician Alice Guionnet is Director of Research at the CNRS in the Unit of Pure and Applied Mathematics (UMPA) at École Normale Supérieure in Lyon, member of the Probabilities team, one of the 3 laboratories of Labex MILYON. From 2016 till 2021, she has also been the Director of the UMPA.

Guionnet's research is shaped by an understanding of the analysis of the overall behavior of large-scale systems, often derived from physics, in particular those coming from statsitical physics and large random matrix theory, using ideas of large deviations theory, concentration of measure and functional analysis, as well as free probability. 

After completing her PhD at École Normale Supérieure in Paris, Guionnet held positions at NYU, Berkeley, MIT, and ENS (Paris).

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