
Adriaan Blaauw

European Southern Observatory; University of Groningen
Hamburg, Germany
Astronomer; Educator; Research institution administrator
Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Earth Sciences
International Honorary Member
Research centers on the Milky Way system, particularly on its youngest stellar component. He showed that the star formation process leads to patterns of adjacent aggregates of new-born stars slightly differing in age. He explained the formation of a minor fraction of exceedingly fast moving young stars, by introducing the Supernova Scenario for massive close binary stars, thus also providing a link with the origin of pulsars. With M. Schmidt he edited the textbook Galactic Structure (1965). He was Director-General of the European Southern Observatory (1970-1974) and President of the International Astronomical Union (1976-1979), and published studies of the history of these organizations in 1991 and 1994. He is also involved in research on the history of Dutch village-settlements.
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