People-Centered Civil Justice

with Matthew Burnett, S.M. Kernodle-Hodges, Abigail Moy, Nikole Nelson, and Moderator Rebecca Sandefur

This session featured a discussion on the importance of people-centered justice in the civil justice system, highlighting how many civil justice problems in the U.S. go unaddressed. Panelists shared insights on practices and approaches that empower individuals and communities to better understand and resolve their justice issues. The session aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of how people-centered justice initiatives can effectively address civil justice challenges.


  • Moderator: Rebecca Sandefur, Arizona State University School of Social and Family Dynamics
  • Matthew Burnett, Senior Program Officer, American Bar Foundation
  • S.M. Kernodle-Hodges, Co-Director & Executive Director, North Carolina Justice for All Project
  • Abigail Moy, Director of the Grassroots Network, Namati
  • Nikole Nelson, Executive Director, Frontline Justice

This session was part of the Making Justice Accessible Summit in March 2024, which brought together a diverse group of participants from various fields for sessions and workshops addressing the civil justice gap. Learn more.