Press Release

Scientists to Discuss Novel Applications of Nanotechnology on March 11

WHAT: Panel Discussion: “Novel Applications of Nanotechnology”

WHO: Angela Belcher, Germehausen Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Evelyn Hu, Gordan McKay Professor of Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering, Harvard University. Robert Langer, Institute Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Phillip A. Sharp, Institute Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

WHEN: Wednesday, March 11, 2009

WHERE: American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Cambridge, Mass.

Nanoscale technology involves small structures – from 1 to 100 nanometers in size – and has the potential to create new materials and devices with wide-ranging applications in medicine, electronics, and energy production. But as with any new technology, there are questions about the risks and impact of nanotechnology discoveries. At this American Academy panel, Sharp will provide an introduction and Belcher will discuss emerging applications of nanotechnology in energy; Hu will discuss applications in photonics; and Langer will discuss applications in medicine.

This panel is by invitation only.