Press Release

Leaders To Discuss Humanities in a Civil Society on March 9 in Washington, DC

WHAT: Symposium: The Humanities in a Civil Society

WHO: David Souter, Associate Justice, United States Supreme Court. Don Michael Randel, President, The Mellon Foundation. Patricia Q. Stonesifer, Chairwoman, Smithsonian Institution. Edward L. Ayers, President, University of Richmond. Francis Oakley, President Emeritus and Edward Dorr Griffin Professor of the History of Ideas, Williams College. Steven Knapp, President, George Washington University.

WHEN: Monday, March 9, 2009

WHERE: George Washington University, Washington, D.C.

New and increasingly complex challenges – political, cultural, technological, and financial – are profoundly altering conditions for the humanities in the United States. Speakers will examine the significance of the humanities to our national culture and policies to ensure their health in the 21st century. The symposium coincides with publication by the American Academy of the Humanities Indicators, the first comprehensive data set about the humanities in America, and a special issue of the Academy’s journal Dædalus on the humanities. This meeting takes place on the eve of the National Humanities Alliance 2009 Conference.

The panel is by invitation only.