Press Release

Digital Pioneers To Gather in Silicon Valley for Symposium on IT & the Public Good, Feb. 28-March 1

WHAT: Symposium, “Information Technology and the Public Good”

WHO: The American Academy of Arts and Sciences in collaboration with Microsoft, Google, & the Computer History Museum

WHEN: Saturday & Sunday, February 28 & March 1, 2009

WHERE Mountain View, Calif.

Digital technology has created unprecedented changes in the way we live, work, and interact with the world and each other. The magnitude of recent trends is staggering: President Obama’s digital campaign recruited 8 million volunteers online; more than 200 million blogs have been published; Facebook surpassed 150 million users worldwide; and sales of iPods topped 180 million.

To consider the impact of these transformations in American society and culture, the American Academy is holding a day-and-a-half symposium, “Information Technology and the Public Good.” The program will address the multiple effects – positive and negative, planned and unanticipated – that information technology has had on society. Leaders from industry and academia come together to ask, How did we get here? What are the pros and cons? Where are we going? Where do we want to go?