Press Release

13 Academy Fellows and 3 Foreign Honorary Members Receive Nobel Prizes & National Medals of Science and Technology

Nobel Prizes, 2003

Academy Fellow Robert F. Engle (New York University) and Academy Fellow Clive W. J. Granger (Visiting Scholar, Canterbury University), longtime collaborators at the University of California, San Diego, received the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences. Engle was honored for "methods of analyzing economic time series with time-varying volatility" and Granger for methods of analyzing economic time series with common trends."

Academy Foreign Honorary Member and novelist John Maxwell Coetzee(Honorary Visiting Research Fellow, University of Adelaide) was honored with the Nobel Prize in Literature. A native of South Africa, Coetzee was recognized for work that "in innumerable guises portrays the surprising involvement of the outsider."

Academy Fellow Peter C. Agre (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine), who was inducted into the American Academy of Arts & Sciences this month, shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Roderick MacKinnon (Rockefeller University). He was cited for his discovery of the channels that regulate and facilitate water molecule transport through cell membranes.

Academy Foreign Honorary Members Alexei Alexeyevich Abrikosov(Argonne National Laboratory) and Vitaly Lazarevich Ginzburg (P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute Moscow, Russia) and Academy Fellow Anthony J. Leggett(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) received the Nobel Prize in Physics for their "pioneering contributions to the theory of superconductors and superfluids."

National Medals of Science and Technology, 2002

President George W. Bush announced on October 22, 2003 the recipients of the nation's highest honor for science and technology, naming the laureates to receive the 2002 National Medal of Science and National Medal of Technology. The honorees will receive the medals at a White House ceremony on November 6, 2003.

The National Medal of Science honors individuals in a variety of fields for pioneering scientific research that has led to a better understanding of the world around us, as well as to the innovations and technologies that give the United States its global economic edge. The National Science Foundation administers the award, established by Congress in 1959.

Academy Fellows among the 2002 National Medal of Science Laureates:

Leo L. Beranek, former Academy President; co-founder of BBN Technologies. Retired engineer who designed communications and noise-reduction systems for World War II aircraft. Has also written about the acoustics of concert halls. (Engineering)

John I. Brauman, professor of organic and physical chemistry at Stanford University. Helped determine the role that solvent plays in chemical stability and reactivity. Studied energy transfer and its effects on chemical dynamics. (Chemistry)

James E. Darnell, Jr., professor emeritus of biology at Rockefeller University. Research on how cells retrieve information from DNA provided the first evidence for RNA processing and for signaling genes from the cell surface. (Biological Sciences)

Richard L. Garwin, physicist and senior fellow for science and technology at the Council on Foreign Relations and emeritus fellow at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center. Research has led to the development of superconducting electronic circuitry and many American military innovations. (Physical Sciences)

James G. Glimm, professor of applied mathematics at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Work in quantum field theory and statistical mechanics has influenced mathematical physics and probability. Has also made contributions to shock-wave theory. (Mathematics)

Evelyn M. Witkin, professor emerita of genetics at Rutgers University. Helped establish the field of DNA mutagenesis and DNA repair. (Biological Sciences)

Edward Witten, professor of physics at the Institute for Advanced Study. One of the principal authors of string theory. (Physical Sciences)

The National Medal of Technology recognizes men and women who embody the spirit of American innovation and have advanced the nation's global competitiveness. Their groundbreaking contributions commercialize technologies, create jobs, improve productivity, and stimulate the nation's growth and development. This award, established by Congress in 1980, is administered by the Department of Commerce.

Academy Fellows among the 2002 National Medal of Technology Laureates:

Nick Holonyak, Jr., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, with M. George Craford (LumiLeds Lighting) and Russell D. Dupuis (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Carver A. Mead, California Institute of Technology

The Academy was founded in 1780 by John Adams and other scholar-patriots "to cultivate every art and science which may tend to advance the interest, honor, dignity, and happiness of a free, independent, and virtuous people." Its current membership of over 3,900 Fellows and 600 Foreign Honorary Members includes more than 150 Nobel laureates and 50 Pulitzer Prize winners. Drawing on the wide-ranging expertise of its membership, the American Academy conducts thoughtful, innovative, nonpartisan studies on international security, American institutions, education, and the humanities.