Keynote Lecture: Building a Bridge to Justice through Medical-Legal Partnership

Bethany Hamilton lecture and conversation with Keegan Warren

The keynote lecture by Bethany Hamilton, Co-Director of the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnerships, was followed by a conversation with Keegan Warren, Executive Director of the Texas A&M Institute for Healthcare Access. The lecture emphasized the transformative potential of Medical-Legal Partnerships (MLPs) in addressing health disparities and promoting social justice. The conversation highlighted practical strategies and pathways for advancing the MLP movement and fostering collaboration between healthcare and legal professionals.


  • Bethany Hamilton, Co-Director, National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership
  • Keegan Warren, Executive Director, Institute for Healthcare Access at Texas A&M University

This session was part of the Making Justice Accessible Summit in March 2024, which brought together a diverse group of participants from various fields for sessions and workshops addressing the civil justice gap. Learn more.