
The third iteration of the HDS was designed to provide benchmark data on a variety of other departmental policies and practices of interest to the field, such as research support for faculty, the importance of certain activities for tenure decisions, and outreach to the community.

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* Folklore was excluded from the figure because it was not possible to generate reliable estimates for the discipline.
** For both communication and musicology, the value for part-time faculty members should be interpreted with caution, as the standard error is more than 25% of the estimate. For combined English/LLE (these departments grant degrees in both English and languages and literatures other than English [LLE]), the estimate for full-time nontenured/non-tenure-track faculty should be interpreted with the same caution.

For the values underlying this figure: See Table 8 in the Appendix, Part A, and the 17th table in each subsection of Part B (e.g., Table AH17, Table EN17).

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* The survey defined public humanities as “making the humanities and/or humanities scholarship accessible to the general public.”

For the values underlying this figure: See Table 7 in the Appendix, Part A.

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* The survey defined public humanities as “making the humanities and/or humanities scholarship accessible to the general public.”

For the values underlying this figure: See Table 7 in the Appendix, Part A.

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* A combined department is one that grants degrees in English and in languages and literatures other than English (LLE).

For the values underlying this figure: See Table 27 in the Appendix, Part A.

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if f.field_survey.value != 1
