Percentage of Humanities Departments in Which Activity Is an “Essential” or “Very Important” Consideration in Tenure Decisions, by Discipline, Fall 2012
* Includes research, scholarship, and creative work.
** For the purposes of HDS-2, the “public humanities” was defined as making the humanities and/or humanities scholarship accessible to the general public.
Source: Susan White, Raymond Chu, and Roman Czujko, The 2012–13 Survey of Humanities Departments at Four-Year Institutions, Table 13 in each discpline profile (College Park, MD: Statistical Research Center, American Institute of Physics, 2014). Study conducted for the American Academy of Arts Sciences’ Humanities Indicators Project.
** For the purposes of HDS-2, the “public humanities” was defined as making the humanities and/or humanities scholarship accessible to the general public.
Source: Susan White, Raymond Chu, and Roman Czujko, The 2012–13 Survey of Humanities Departments at Four-Year Institutions, Table 13 in each discpline profile (College Park, MD: Statistical Research Center, American Institute of Physics, 2014). Study conducted for the American Academy of Arts Sciences’ Humanities Indicators Project.