Rebuilding Local and Community Media for the Twenty-First Century
Oct 10, 2024
Madison, WI
American Academy members were invited to join the University of Wisconsin – Madison School of Journalism and Mass Communication and the Academy's Commission on Reimagining Our Economy for a panel discussion and private dinner to engage on recommendations from the recent Academy report “Advancing a People-First Economy.”
The panel featured CORE commission co-chair Katherine Cramer (Univeristy of Wisconsin), television journalist Frederica Freyberg (PBS Wisconsin), professor of journalism Lewis Friedland, and Michael Wagner, director of the Center for Communication and Civic Renewal in discussion on the challenges facing the media industry and the role of the local media ecosystem in a thriving economy.
Katherine J. Cramer
Natalie C. Holton Chair of Letters & Science; Virginia Sapiro Professor of Political Science
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Academy Member
Frederica Freyberg
Anchor/Executive Producer of News
PBS Wisconsin
Lewis Friedland
Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor Emeritus
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Michael W. Wagner
William T. Evjue Distinguished Chair for the Wisconsin Idea
University of Wisconsin-Madison