
Winter Concert: Music and Architecture at Notre-Dame in Paris

Dec 17, 2024 |
Cambridge, MA
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“O mira novitas et novum gaudium” “Oh astonishing novelty and unaccustomed joy!” 

Medieval Paris was the most important European center of learning, creativity, and invention in the arts. The evening will celebrate the completed restoration of Notre-Dame Cathedral with an exploration of two aspects of that explosion of innovation and creativity: architecture and song. You will hear a brief discussion of invention and innovation in the construction of Notre Dame prior to a presentation on the magnificent vocal music composed for the cathedral and student songs that were performed in the cathedral’s shadow. 

This program will be presented by The Boston Camerata, Anne Azéma, Artistic Director, with Thomas Kelly and Caroline Bruzelius.

Academy members with a guest are invited to a complimentary dinner following the program, on a space-available basis. RSVP as soon as possible to reserve your seat.