Minutes of the Academy Volume 01 Part 1, 1780-1791


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State of Massachusetts Bay

In the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty.

An Act to incorporate and establish a Society for the cultivation and promotion of Arts and Sciences.

As the Arts and Sciences are the foundation and support of Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce; as they are necessary to the Wealth, Peace, Independence & Happiness of a People; as they essentially promote the honor and dignity of the Government which patronises [sic] them, and as they are most effectually cultivated and diffused through a State by the forming and incorporating of Men of Genius and learning into public Societies for these beneficial purposes.

Be it therefore Enacted by the Council and House of Representatives in General Court assembled and by the authority of the same, that the Honble Samuel Adams Esqr., Honble John Adams Esqr., John Bacon Esqr., Honble James Bowdoin Esqr., Revd. Charles Chauncy D.D., Revd. John Clark, David Cobb Esqr., Revd. Samuel Cooper D.D., Honble Thomas Cushing Esqr., Honble Nathan Cushing Esqr., Honble William Cushing Esqr., Tristram Dalton Esqr., Honble Francis Dana Esqr., Revd. Samuel Deane, Revd. Perez Fobes, Revd. Caleb Gannett, Honble Henry Gardner Esqr., Mr. Benjamin Guild, Honble John Hancock Esqr., Honble Joseph Hawley Esqr., Edward Augustus Holyoke Esqr., Doctr. Ebenezer Hunt, Jonathan Jackson Esqr., Doctr. Charles Jarvis, Revd. Samuel Langdon D.D., Honble Levi Lincoln Esqr., Revd. Daniel Little, Revd. Elijah Lothrop Esqr., John Lowell Esqr., Revd. Samuel Mather D.D., Samuel Moody Esqr., Honble Andrew Oliver Esqr., Doctr. Joseph Orne, Doctr. Theodore Parsons, Honble George Partridge Esqr., Honble Robert Treat Paine Esqr., Revd. Phillips Payson, Samuel Phillips junr. Esqr., Honble John Pickering Esqr., Honble Oliver Prescott Esqr., Revd. Zedekiah Sanger, Honble Nathaniel Peaslee Seargeant [sic] Esqr., Micajah Sawyer Esqr., Theodore Sedgwick Esqr., Honble William Sever Esqr., Stephen Sewall Esqr., Honble David Sewall Esqr., John Sprague Esqr., Ebenezer Storer Esqr., Caleb Strong Esqr., Honble James Sullivan Esqr., Doctr. John Bernard Sweat, Mr. Nathaniel Tracey, Cotton Tufts Esqr., Honble James Warren Esqr., Revd. Samuel West, Revd. Edward Wigglesworth, Revd. Joseph Willard, Revd. Samuel Williams, Revd. Abra Williams, Revd. Nehemiah Williams, & Mr. James Winthrop be, and they hereby are formed into, constituted & made a body politic and corporate, by the name of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and that they, and

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their Successors, and such other persons as shall be elected in the manner hereafter mentioned, shall be & continue a body politic and corporate by the same name forever.

And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the Fellows of the said Academy may from time to time elect a President, one or more Vice Presidents, one or more Secretaries and such other officers of the said Academy, as they shall judge necessary or convenient; and they shall have full power and authority from time to time to determine and establish the names, number and duties of their several officers, and the tenure or estate they shall respectively have in their offices; and also to authorize and impower [sic] their President or some other Fellow of the Academy, at their pleasure, to administer such oaths to such officers, as they shall appoint and determine for the well ordering and good government of the said Academy, provided the same be not repugnant to the laws of this State.

And Be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the Fellows of the said Academy shall have one common Seal, which they may make use of in whatsoever cause or business shall concern the Academy, or be relative to the end and design of its institution; and shall have power and authority from time to time to break, change and renew the Common Seal, at their pleasure; and that they may sue and be sued, in all actions, real, personal and mixed, and prosecute and defend the same unto final judgment and execution, by the name of the President and Fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

And Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that the Fellows of the said Academy may, from time to time, elect such persons to be Fellows thereof, as they shall judge proper, and that they shall have full power and authority from time to time to suspend, expel or disfranchise any Fellow of the said Academy, who shall, by his conduct, render himself unworthy of a place in that Body, in the judgment of the Academy; and also to settle and establish the rules, forms and conditions of Election, Suspension, expulsion and disfranchisement.

Provided that the Number of the said Academy, who are Inhabitants of this State shall not, at any one time, be more than two hundred, nor less than forty.

And Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that the Fellows of the said Academy shall have full power and authority from time to time to make and enact such reasonable rules, orders and bye-laws, not repugnant to the laws of this State, as shall be necessary

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or convenient for the well ordering and good government of the said Academy, and to annex reasonable pecuniary fines and penalties to the breach of them, not exceeding the sum of twenty pounds, to be sued for and recovered in any Court of Record within this State, in the name and for the use of the President and Fellows of the said Academy; and the same rules, orders and bye-laws to repeal at their pleasure; and also to settle and establish the times, places and manner of convening the Fellows of the said Academy; and also to determine the number of Fellows, which shall be present, to constitute a meeting of the said Academy.

Provided, that the Fellows of the said Academy shall meet twice in a year at ^the lest [sic]; and that the place of their meeting shall never be more than thirty miles distant from the town of Boston.

And Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that the Fellows of the said Academy may, and shall forever hereafter be deemed capable in the law, of having, holding and taking in fee-simple, or any less estate, by gift, grant, devise, or otherwise, any lands, tenements or other estate, real and personal; provided, that the annual income of the said real estate, shall not exceed the sim of five hundred pounds: all the sums aforementioned in this act to be valued in Silver at the rate of six shillings and eight pence by the ounce: and the annual interest and income of the said real and personal estate, together with the fines and penalties aforesaid, shall be appropriated for premiums to encourage improvements and discoveries in agriculture, arts and manufactures, or for other purposes consistent with the end and design of the Institution of the said Academy as the Fellows thereof shall determine.

And Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that the end and design of the institution of the said Academy is to promote and encourage the knowledge of the antiquities and the natural history of America, to determine the uses, to which the various natural productions of the Country may be applied; to promote and encourage medical discoveries, mathematical disquisitions, philosophical enquiries and experiments, astronomical, meteorological and geographical observations, and improvements in agriculture, arts, manufactures &

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commerce; and in fine, to cultivate every art and Science, which may tend to advance the Interest, honor, dignity and happiness of a free, independent, and virtuous people.

And it is further Enacted, that the Place, where the first meeting of the Fellows of the said Academy shall be held, shall be the Philosophy Chamber in the University of Cambridge; and that the Honorable James Bowdoin, Esquire be, and he hereby is authorized and impowered [sic] to fix the time for holding the said meeting and to notify the same to the Fellows of the Academy.

(This act passed the 3d May 1780)

True copy


John Avery D. Secy.

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Statutes of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Enacted August 30th 1780

Chapter I.

Of Officers and the manner of their Election.

1. There shall be a President, one vice-President, ten Councillors, two Secretaries, a Treasurer, a vice-Treasurer and a Keeper of the Cabinet: Which officers shall be annually elected by written votes on the day next preceeding [sic] the last wednesday [sic] in May.

{{Altered Nov. 8, 1797. The Ballot to be from 11 to 1 o’clock.}}
2. In Order to this election, the President, or in his absence the vice-President, or in the absence of the President and vice-President, the Senior Councillor present shall take the chair at three o’clock, P.M. and after the choice of three Scrutineers by nomination, the ballot shall begin and remain open till five o’clock, at which time it shall be closed; upon which, should it appear in any instance that there is no choice, the balloting shall be renewed till a choice is made.

3. Each Elector shall deliver his balloting list folded to the President, and a Scrutineer, Sitting by the President with a lift of the members of the Academy present before him, shall mark the name of each person so delivering in his list.

4. When the ballot is closed, the Scrutineers shall sort the votes and report the same to the chair; after which the presiding member shall declare the persons, who have the majority of votes to be the officers respectively for the ensuing year.

5. If either of the Secretaries, the Treasurer, or the Keeper of the Cabinet die, resign or be removed during the year; at the next meeting of the Academy, the vacant office or offices shall be filled by written votes for the remaining part of the year.

6. At all Elections of Officers, if the suffrages should be equal, the decision shall be by lots prepared by the Scrutineers and drawn by the President.

7. Notwithstanding the election of Officers be annual, the Academy reserve to themselves a power of removing any of them for neglect of their trust or disobedience to the orders of the Academy.

8. A Messenger may be appointed or removed at any meeting of the Academy.

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Chap: II.

Of the President and Vice-President 1. The business of the President or in his absence of the Vice-President, or in the absence of the President and Vice-President, then of the senior Councillor present, shall be to preside in the meetings and to regulate the debates of the Academy and Council; to state and put questions both in the affirmative and negative, according to motions regularly made; to call for reports and accounts from Committees and others; to preserve decorum; to summon all meetings of the Council and all extraordinary meetings of the Academy by advice of Council upon any urgent occasions and to execute, or to see to the execution of the Statutes of the Academy.

2. The President, or in his absence, the Vice-President or presiding Councillor is empowered to draw upon the Treasurer for such sums of money as the Academy shall direct.

{{Enacted 31 May 1791.}}
3. The Vice President, when the Office of President is vacant, or when the President is absent from the State, shall execute all the duties, which by the statutes of the Academy, are performed by the President. [written in later hand]

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Chap: III

Of the Council

1. The Council shall have full authority, and it is their incumbent duty from time to time to originate such laws, statutes, orders and constitutions, as shall appear to them to be necessary or useful, according to their judgment and discretion, for the regulation, government & promotion of the design of the Academy. all which laws, statutes, orders and constitutions shall be by them presented at a meeting of the Academy for the approbation of the Fellows; also to prepare such other matters as they may judge proper to be pursued by the Academy in order to advance in the best manner the end of its institution. Nevertheless no Fellow is hereby precluded from laying before the Academy such matters or proposing such laws as he shall think conducive to its benefit.

2. The Council with the President and Treasurer have power to make conclusive bargains for real or personal estate, for the benefit of the Academy and to rent the same, and to give orders concerning the improvement of the estate, goods, lands and revenues of the Academy, pursuant to the orders of the Academy.

3. Every deed or writing, to which the common Seal is to be affixed, shall be passed and sealed in Council and signed by the President and four at least of the Council.

4. During the recesses of the Academy, the Council shall direct the Secretaries in such correspondence, as they shall find expedient. The whole of which shall be laid before the Academy, at its next meeting.

5. The Council shall order such papers and letters to be recorded as they shall think proper.

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Chap: IV.

Of the Secretaries.

1. One of the Secretaries shall have the charge & custody of the Charter and Statute-book, Journal-books, Register-books, and all literary papers belonging to the Academy; and also all letters, after they have been recorded, shall be kept by him on file. This Secretary, if possible, shall attend at all meetings of the Academy and Council, where, when the presiding member hath taken the chair, he shall read the orders and entries of the last precedent meeting, and shall take notes of the orders and transactions of the present meeting, to be entered by him in the respective books, to which they relate. And when there shall be a competent number for making elections, he shall give notice of any candidates, that shall stand propounded in order to election into the Academy.

2. The other Secretary shall have the charge and custody of the Letter-books belonging to the Academy. He shall attend all meetings of the Academy and Council, and read all letters sent to the Academy or to any member in his academical capacity, and draw up all letters to be written to any persons in the name of the Academy or Council (to be read and approved of in some meeting of either respectively) except for some particular cause and consideration, some other person or persons be appointed by the Academy or Council to draught any such letter. He shall also enter all letters, that shall be directed by the Academy or the Council, and when entered, the originals shall be delivered to the first mentioned Secretary in order to their being filed.

3. At every meeting of the Academy, the Secretary, in whose custody the letter-books are, shall read any entries that the presiding member shall direct, and the Secretary, in whose custody the originals are, shall have with him, ready to produce, the file of all letters received since the last [stirke out] meet [end strikethrough] precedent meeting, that, if it be required, a comparison may be made.

4. Each Secretary shall deliver an attested copy of any transaction of the Academy, or paper belonging to his particular department to any member, upon his producing a written licence [sic] from the Council for that purpose, and to any other person, who shall produce a licence [sic] from the Academy signed by the presiding member, and in no other case whatever.

5. Whenever any copy shall be delivered by a Secretary, the person, upon receiving it, shall pay him such fees as the Academy may establish.

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Chap: V.

Of the Treasurer and Vice-Treasurer.

1. The Treasurer and Vice Treasurer shall give such security as the Academy shall require for the trust reposed in them respectively.

2. The Treasurer shall receive officially all monies or sums of money due or payable, and all bequests and donations, that may be made to the Academy: and by order of the President or presiding member shall pay such sums as the Academy or the Council shall direct, pursuant to the orders of the Academy, and shall make no disbursements of money otherwise, and shall keep a particular account of such orders, receipts and payments.

3. All monies or sums of money, whereof there shall not be present occasion for expending or disposing to the use of the Academy, shall be put out to interest on such securities, or otherwise disposed of, as the Academy, or the President and Council, pursuant to the orders of the Academy shall direct.

4. The Treasurer’s accounts shall be annually audited by a Committee appointed by the Academy for that purpose. In which appointment, not more than one member of the Council shall be included.

5. In case of the death, resignation or removal of the Treasurer, the Vice-Treasurer is impowered [sic] to receive all books, papers, and effects, that were in the custody of the Treasurer, and which belong to the Academy, and to give receipts and discharges for the same in the name of the Academy. A duplicate of which, signed by the Vice-Treasurer shall be filed with the President. The same process shall be observed upon the choice of a new Treasurer and his acceptance of the office.

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Chap: VI

Of the Keeper of the Cabinet.

1. The Keeper of the Cabinet shall receive and have in his charge and custody all productions of nature and works of art, that shall be purchased by or presented to the Academy. He shall arrange them according to their respective classes in natural history, philosophy, &c. at his own discretion; unless he be directed therein by a Committee of the Academy for that purpose. He shall also, in a book, to be kept by him, register the various articles in classes corresponding to the arrangement of the articles themselves, with the description that may accompany the article, the Donor’s name, and the place whence taken, and the time when presented.

2. He shall attend the exhibitions of the articles in his custody, whenever the Academy shall meet; and no person shall be admitted to a view of them at any other time, unless in presence of the Keeper of the Cabinet, or some member appointed by the Council for that purpose.

3. He shall be Librarian to the Academy ‘till they shall judge it expedient to appoint a distinct person to that office.

4. He shall give such security as the Academy shall judge proper for the faithful discharge of his office, and for surrendering the articles in his custody, whenever required by the Academy.

{{Enacted 31 May 1791.}}
5. The Librarian shall receive all books belonging to the Academy, when the term, for which they were loaned is expired: and shall from time to time, receive such books as maybe devised or presented to the Society, and give proper receipts for the same. [written in later hand]

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Chap: VII

Of the Meetings of the Academy & Council.

{{3d. Wednesday in October.}}
1. There shall annually be four stated meetings of the Academy, viz. on the last wednesday [sic] in January and the day next preceeding [sic] the last wednesday [sic] in May at Boston; and on the wednesday [sic] next preceeding [sic] the last tuesday [sic] in August and the second wednesday [sic] in November at the University in Cambridge. Provided, that in case the President shall, at either of the said annual meetings, within the year of his first appointment, think proper to deliver before the Academy an inaugural Oration or philosophical discourse, the place of such meeting may be at Boston or Cambridge, according as it shall be most convenient to him; of which he shall give notice at some preceeding [sic] ^meeting of the Academy. The Council shall also meet four times annually, viz. on the first wednesday [sic] in January and the first wednesday [sic] in May at Boston, and on the first wednesday [sic] in August, and the ^[underline] second wednesday in September [end underline] at Cambridge; {{Changed at a Meeting Augt. 22. 1781}} unless it should by any means be unsafe for the Academy or Council to convene at either of the places above-mentioned, at the times specified. In which case, the President with the advice of the Council may appoint the next stated meeting of the Academy at any place within thirty miles distance from Boston. And the President in the abovementioned case may appoint a meeting of the Council within the above said limits.

2. Extraordinary meetings of the Academy may be called at any time or place within thirty miles distance from Boston by the President with the advice of the Council. And extraordinary meetings of the Council may be called by the President within the aforesaid limits, whenever he shall judge it necessary.

{{7 a quorum for Communications & adjourning.}}
3. Eleven Fellows shall be present to constitute a meeting of the Academy, unless for the purposes of receiving communications, and adjourning, in which cases, seven shall be a quorum. And at any meeting of the Council the presiding member, with four others of the Council, are required to be present, in order to transact any business proper to the Council.{{altered Jany 28. 1784}}

4. At all meetings of the Academy or Council, the President and Vice-President, or in their absence, the presiding member shall have a right to vote in common with the other members of either body respectively.

5. No person shall be introduced to any meeting of the Academy, but by vote of the Academy, except American and foreign Ambassadors, Members of Congress, Members of the supreme Legislative and Executive of the State of

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Massachusetts for the time being, and Members of similar Institutions with this Academy, who may be introduced by any member of the Academy.

6. All meetings of the Academy shall be advertised in two at lest [sic] of the public news-papers fourteen days previous to such meeting by one of the Secretaries under direction of the President or in his absence, of the Vice President or presiding member of the Council.

{{Enacted Jany. 31. 1781}}
7. All meetings of the Council shall be notified to the several members by billets from the President or one of the Secretaries under direction of the President, or in his absence of the Vice-President or presiding member of the Council, seven days at lest [sic] before the time stated or proposed for a meeting.

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Chap: VIII

Of Fellows.

{{Repealed Jany. 31st. 1781}}
1. No person shall be elected a Fellow of the Academy, unless proposed and recommended by one or more of the members; and the name, place of abode, and addition of the person recommended shall be delivered in signed by the proposers and read by one of the Secretaries. A fair copy of such paper with the date when delivered shall be hung up in the room, where the Academy shall from time to time meet. On which the Candidate may be balloted for at the next or some succeeding meeting. And if two thirds of the Fellows then present shall ballot in his favor, he shall be a member.

2. Each Fellow residing in the State of Massachusetts shall be subject to an annual payment of [blank] spanish [sic] milled dollars in specie or an equivalent in bills at the current exchange. Fellows without the State shall be subject to no other annual payments than they voluntarily consent to.

{{Enacted Jany. 31st. 1781 in lieu of Stat. 1.}}
1. No person shall be elected a Fellow of the Academy, unless proposed and recommended by one or more of the members; nor nominated to the Academy untill he has first been proposed to the Council, and they have consented to such nomination: and the name, place of abode & addition of the person recommended shall be delivered in signed by the proposers and read by one of the Secretaries. A fair copy of such paper with the date when delivered shall be hung up in the room, where the Academy shall from time to time meet. On which the Candidate may be balloted for at the next or some succeeding meeting. And if three-fourths of the Fellows then present shall ballot in his favor, he shall be a member.

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Chap: IX

Of Proceedings on literary Performances.

1. The Academy will never give their judgment or opinion upon any literary performance presented to the, but allow it to rest upon its own merit and the credit of its Author.

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Chap: X

Of Oaths

1. The President, Vice-President, Councillors, Secretaries, Treasurer, Vice-Treasurer and Keeper of the Cabinet, shall each take the following oath, mutates mutandis;

I A.B. elected to the office of [blank] in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, do swear, that I will, according to my bust judgment and discretion faithfully discharge the duties of the trust reposed in me.

So help me God.

[end page 22 | pages 23-24 – blank | begin page 25]


Fellows continued from page 34.

{{Elected May 29 1789}}
*Nathaniel W. Appleton ^F.M.S. Physician of Boston
Honble William Baylies Esqr. F.M.S. of Dighton
[strikethrough] Revd John Eliot of Boston [end strikethrough]
Duke de Almodavar, a Nobleman of Spain
Alexander Mary Cerisier of Lewden
Marquis de Santa Cruz a Nobleman of Spain
Charles Wm Frederick Dumas Esqr of the Hague
Edmund Jennings Esqr of London
John Luzac L.L.D. of Leyden
Rrevd Archibald Maclaine D.D. of the Hague
Frederick William Pestel LLD of Leyden
Sir Benjamin Thompson Knight

{{elected Decr 2d. 1789}}
Charles Blagden M.D. F.R.S. of London
Samuel Danforth Physician of Boston
Richard Kirwan Esqr. F.R.S. of London
Thomas Percival MD of Manchester in Great Britain
Samuel Webber Math & Phil Nat. Prof. Hollis of Cambridge

{{Elected Jany 27th 1790}}
Solomon Drowne Physician of Providence
{{*….}} John Howard Esqr. FR.S Great Britain
J.G.C. A Baron De Hupsch Cologne German
Revd Samuel Kirkland Oneida
Grimr. Johnson Thorkelin LLD Copenhagen
Robert Young Esqr

{{Elected Aug. 25. 17[90]}}
Samuel Shaw Esq. at Canton
George Erving Esq. Grt. Brit[strikethrough]t[end strikethrough]ain
Rev. John Lathrop D.Dr. of Boston
Hon. John Jay L.L.D. of New York

{{Elected Nov. 10. 1790.}}
Joseph Philip de Litombe L.L.D. at Boston

[penciled line]
{{Elected Aug 24. 1791.}} [in pencil]
John Cranch Esqr. London.
John Trumbull Esqr Lebanon.
Hon. John Pickering. Portsmouth.
John Trumbull Esqr Hartford.
Honble. Alexander Hamilton Esqr N. York.
Honble. Samuel Dexter. Weston.

{{see p. 1 subsequent}} [in pencil]

[end page 25 | begin page 26]

Sr. William Hamilton KB. F.RS.
M. De Condorcet. perpl. Secry. of the French Academy.

[end page 26 | begin page 27]

Jany 26. 1785

For the removal of all doubts, who are members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, incorporated by the General Court of this Commonwealth on the third day of May one thousand seven hundred and eighty; We, whose names are underwritten do hereby declare our acceptance of our appointment or Election as Members thereof.

James Bowdoin  ||  Simeon Howard
F Dana  ||  Peres Fobes
Cotton Tufts  ||  John Prince
J Lowell  ||  David Sewall
Ebenr. Storer  ||  James Sullivan
Richard Cranch  ||  Nath.el Peaslee Sargeant
Loammi Baldwin  ||  E A Holyoke
Eliphalet Pearson  ||  Joshua Fisher
Benjamin Guild  ||  Wm. Erving
John Warren  ||  Jno Sprague
Caleb Gannet  ||  Levi Lincoln
Aaron Dexter  ||  Oliver Prescott
Edward Wigglesworth  ||  Phillips Payson
James Winthrop  ||  Saml Phillips junr.
B Lincoln.  ||  Rob Treat Paine
S Williams  ||  Tho Dawes
Joseph Willard  ||  Jona Jackson
Saml Adams  ||  Danl. Little
Thomas Cushing  ||  Geo Richds Minot
Nehemiah Williams  ||  John Adams.
John Clarke  ||  Joseph Pope
Manasseh Cutler  ||   
[end table]

[end page 27 | begin page 28]

Thoms. Russell
Jeremy Belknap
Charles Jarvis
Nathan Read
Peter Thacher
Jedh Morse

[end page 28 | begin page 29]

Jany. 25. 1786

The names of the Gentlemen hereafter written are recorded in consequence of their respective Letters signifying their acceptance of their appointment or election as members of the Academy.

Hon. Nathan Cushing Esqr.
Hon William Cushing Esqr
Hon Tristram Dalton Esqr
Revd Samuel Deane
Dr Ebenezer Hunt
Hon. Samuel Osgood Esqr
Hon George Partridge Esqr.
Micajah Sawyer Esqr.
Stephen Sewall Esqr
Hon William Sever Esqr
Dr. John Bernard Swett
Hon James Warre Esqr.
Revd. Samuel West
Hon. Timothy Edwards
Revd. Zedekiah Sangar
Hon. Caleb Strong Esqr.
David Cobb Esqr.
Hon. Elbridge Gerry Esq
r. Hon. Andrew Oliver Esqr.

Revd. Charles Chauncy D.D
[strikethrough] Thomas Dawes Esqr [end strikethrough]
James Bowdoin jur Esqr
John J. Spooner Esqr
Dr Nath. W. Appleton.
Hon. William Baylies.
Dr. Samuel Danforth.
Mr Samuel Webber
Rev. John Lathrop. D.D.
Hon. George Cabot.
Nicholas Poke Esqr.
Honle Nathaniel Wells.
Honle Fisher Ames Esqr
John Davis Esqr

[end page 29 | begin page 30]


Charles Bulfinch Esqr.
William Paine. M.D.
Honle. Increase Sumner
Dr Samuel Tenney
Samuel Shaw Esqr.
John S. Copley.
George Erving Esqr.
Revd John [strikethrough] John [end strikethrough] Mellen
Mr Oliver Everett.
Revd. James Freeman.

[end page 30 | begin page 31]


A Catalogue of the Fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Fellows incorporated

  ||  The Honble Samuel Adams Esqr  ||  Boston
  ||  Honble John Adams Esqr  ||  Braintree
  ||  John Bacon Esqr.  ||  Stockbridge
{{*}}  ||  Honble James Bowdoin Esqr.  ||  Boston
{{*}}  ||  Revd. Charles Chauncey D.D.  ||  Boston
  ||  Revd. John Clarke  ||  Boston
  ||  David Cobb Esqr.  ||  Taunton
{{*}}  ||  Revd. Samuel Cooper D.D.  ||  Boston
{{*}}  ||  Honble Thomas Cushing Esqr.  ||  Boston
  ||  Honble Nathan Cushing Esqr  ||  Scituate
  ||  Honble William Cushing Esqr.  ||  Scituate
  ||  Tristram Dalton Esqr  ||  Newbury-Port
  ||  Honble Francis Dana Esqr.  ||  Cambridge
  ||  Revd. Samuel Deane  ||  Falmouth
  ||  Revd. Perez Fobes  ||  Raynham
  ||  Mr. Caleb Gannett  ||  Cambridge
{{*}}  ||  Honble Henry Gardner Esqr  ||  Boston
  ||  Mr. Benjamin Guild  ||  Cambridge
  ||  Honble John Hancock Esqr  ||  Boston
{{*}}  ||  Honble Joseph Hawley Esqr  ||  Northampton
  ||  Edward Augustus Holyoke Esqr.  ||  Salem
  ||  Doctr. Ebenezer Hunt  ||  Northampton
  ||  Jonathan Jackson Esqr.  ||  Newbury-Port
  ||  Doctr. Charles Jarvis  ||  Boston
  ||  Revd. Samuel Langdon D.D.  ||  Cambridge
  ||  Honble Levi Lincoln Esqr  ||  Worcester
  ||  Revd Daniel Little  ||  Wells
  ||  [strikethrough] Elijah Lothrop [end strikethrough]  ||   
  ||  John Lowell Esqr  ||  Boston
{{*}}  ||  Revd Samuel Mather D.D.  ||  Boston
  ||  Samuel Moody Esqr  ||  Newbury
  ||  Honble Andrew Oliver Esqr  ||  Salem
{{*}}  ||  Doctr. Joseph Orne  ||   
{{*}}  ||  Doctr. Theodore Parsons  ||  Newbury
  ||  Honble George Partridge Esqr  ||  Duxbury
  ||  Honble Robert Treat Paine Esqr.  ||  Taunton
[end table]

[end page 31 | begin page 32]


  ||  Revd. Phillips Payson  ||  Chelsea
  ||  Samuel Phillips jur Esqr  ||  Andover
  ||  Honble John Pickering Esqr  ||  Salem
  ||  Honble Oliver Prescott Esqr  ||  Groton
  ||  Revd Zedekiah Sangar  ||  Duxbury
{{*}}  ||  Honble Nathaniel Peaslee Sergeant Esqr  ||  Haverhill
  ||  Micajah Sawyer Esqr  ||  Newbury-Port
  ||  Theodore Sedgwick Esqr  ||  Sheffield
  ||  Honble William Sever Esqr  ||  Kingston
  ||  Stephen Sewall Esqr  ||  Cambridge
  ||  Honble David Sewall Esqr  ||  York
{{*}}  ||  John Sprague Esqr  ||  Lancaster
  ||  Ebenezer Storer Esqr  ||  Boston
  ||  Caleb Strong Esqr  ||  Northampton
  ||  Honble James Sullivan Esqr  ||  Groton
{{*}}  ||  Doctr. John Barnard Sweat [sic]  ||  Marblehead
{{*}}  ||  Mr. Nathaniel Tracey  ||  Newbury-Port
  ||  Cotton Tufts Esqr  ||  Weymouth
  ||  Honble James Warren Esqr  ||  Plymouth
  ||  Revd. Samuel West  ||  Dartmouth
{{*}}  ||  Revd Edward Wigglesworth  ||  Cambridge
  ||  Revd Joseph Willard  ||  Beverly
  ||  Revd. Samuel Williams  ||  Bradford
{{*}}  ||  Revd. Abraham Williams  ||  Sandwich
  ||  Revd. Nehemiah Williams  ||  Brimfield
  ||  Mr. James Winthrop  ||  Cambridge
[end table]


[horizontal line]

{{Elected Jany. 31st 1781}}
  ||  Revd. Richard Cranch Esqr  ||  Braintree
  ||  Honble Manasseh Cutler  ||  Ipswich
{{*}}  ||  Honble Timothy Danielson Esqr  ||  Brimfield
  ||  Honble Timothy Edwards Esqr  ||  Stockbridge
{{*}}  ||  Honble Benjamin Franklin Esqr  ||  Philadelphia
  ||  Honble Elbridge Gerry Esqr  ||  Marblehead
  ||  Ebenezer Hazard Esqr  ||  
  ||  Honble Benjamin Lincoln Esqr  ||  Hingham
  ||  Chevalier de la Luzerne  ||  France
{{*}}  ||  Monsieur de Marbois  ||  France
  ||  Honble Samuel Osgood Esqr  ||  Andover
  ||  Theophilus Parsons Esqr  ||  Newbury-Port
  ||  Mr. Eliphalet Pearson  ||  Andover
{{*}}  ||  Revd. Ezra Stiles D.D.  ||  Connecticut
  ||  His Excellency George Washington Esqr  ||  Virginia
  ||  Mr. Benjamin West  ||  Providence
[end table]

[end page 32 | begin page 33]


{{Elected August 22. 1781}}
{{*}}  ||  Monsieur D’Alembert  ||  France
{{*}}  ||  Mr. Joseph Brown  ||  Providence
{{*}}  ||  Chevalier de Chattelux [sic]  ||  France {{C}}
  ||  Benjamin Gale Esqr  ||  Connecticut {{C}}
{{*}}  ||  Monsieur Court de Gebelin  ||  France
  ||  Revd. Simeon Howard  ||  Boston {{C}}
{{*}}  ||  Monsr. de la Lande  ||  France {{C}}
{{*}}  ||  Mr Peter Wargentin  ||  Stockholm.
  ||  Doctr. John Warren.  ||  Boston {{C}}
[end table]

[horizontal line]

{{Elected Jany. 30th. 1782}}
  ||  Loammi Baldwin Esqr  ||  Woburn {{C}}
  ||  Honble Owen Biddle Esqr  ||  Philadelphia {{C}}
{{*}}  ||  Monsr. la Comte Buffon  ||  France
{{*}}  ||  Mr. [blank] Euler  ||  Petersburgh
  ||  Honble Arthur Lee Esqr  ||  Virginia {{C}}
{{*}}  ||  His Excellency William Livingston Esqr  ||  New Jersey {{C}}
{{*}}  ||  Revd. Richard Price D.D.  ||  London {{C}}
Revd. Joseph Priestly [sic] L.L.D.  ||  Great Britain {{C}}
{{*}}  ||  David Rittenhouse Esqr  ||  Philadelphia {{C}}
{{*}}  ||  His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull Esqr  ||  Connecticut
{{*}}  ||  Honble Meshech Weare Esqr.  ||  New Hampshire

[horizontal line]

{{Elected May 28th. 1782}}
  ||  Thomas Brand Hollis Esqr  ||  Great Britain {{C}}

[horizontal line]

{{Elected Novr. 13. 1782}}
  ||  Monsr. de Grandchain  ||  France


[horizontal line]

{{Elected Jany. 29. 1783}}
  ||  Monsieur Jeaurat France


[horizontal line]

{{Elected April 1. 1784}}
  ||  Thomas Dawes Esqr.  ||  Boston {{C}}
  ||  Doctr Joshua Fosher  ||  Beverly {{C}}

[horizontal line]

{{Elected May 25. 1784}}
{{*}}  ||  William Erving Esqr  ||  Boston {{C}}
  ||  Samuel Hale Esqr.   ||  New-Hampshire {{C}}
  ||  Mr. Samuel Gustavus Hermelin  ||  Sweden {{C}}
{{*}}  ||  John Sparhawk Esqr.   ||  New-Hampshire
[end table]

[horizontal line]

{{Elected Augt. 25. 1784}}
  ||  Doctr. Aaron Dexter  ||  Boston {{C}}
[end table]

[horizontal line]

{{Elected Jany 26. 1785}}
{{*}}  ||  Revd. Jeremy Belknap  ||  New-Hampshire {{C}}
{{*}}  ||  Mr. Peter Jonas Bergius  ||  Sweden {{C}}
  ||  Marquis de la Fayette  ||  France {{C}}
  ||  Revd John Prince  ||  Salem {{C}}
[end table]

[horizontal line]

[end page 33 | begin page 34]


{{Elected Augst. 24. 1785}}
  ||  Doctr. Henry Moyes of London M.D.  ||  {{C}}
[end table]

[horizontal line]

{{Elected May 30. 1786}}
  ||  Le Comte de Castiglioni, Chevalier de ordere militaire, de St. Etienne en Toscane.   ||  {{C}}
[end table]

[horizontal line]

{{Elected Augst. 23. 1786}}
  ||  James Bowdoin jur. Esqr. of Dorchester  ||  {{C}}
  ||  John Feron. Physician of Paris  ||  {{C}}
{{*}}  ||  John J. Spooner Esqr of Roxbury  ||  {{C}}
  ||  Samuel Vaughan Eqr of Philadelphia  ||  {{C}}
  ||  Hon. Nathaniel Welles Esqr of Wells  ||  {{C}}
[end table]

[horizontal line]

{{Elected May 29. 1787}}
  ||  His Excellency Thomas Jefferson Esqr of Virginia  ||  {{C}}
[end table]

[horizontal line]

{{Elected April 30. 1788}}
  ||  Revd. Noah Atwater  ||  Of Westfield{{C}}
  ||  Sir Joseph Banks Bart.   ||  Great Britain{{C}}
  ||  Mr. le Comte de Cassini  ||  France{{C}}
  ||  Mr James Hemmer  ||  Germany{{C}}
  ||  William Herschel LLD  ||  Great Britain{{C}}
  ||  Revd Thomas Hornsby DD  ||  Ditto{{C}}
  ||  Revd. Nevil Maskelyne DD  ||  Ditto{{C}}
{{*}}  ||  Thomas Russell Esqr  ||  Boston{{C}}
  ||  Rt. Revd. Richard Watson DD  ||  Great Britain.{{C}}
[end table]

[horizontal line]

{{Elected Augst. 20. 1788}}
  ||  George Cabot Esqr  ||  Beverly{{C}}
  ||  Charles Hutton LL.D. F.R.S.   ||  Great Britain{{C}}
  ||  John Coakley Lettsom M.D.   ||  Ditto{{C}}
  ||  Nicholas Pike Esqr.   ||  Newbury-Port. {{C}}
  ||  Mr Joseph Pope  ||  Boston{{C}}
  ||  Benjamin Rush M.D.   ||  Philadelphia{{C}}
  ||  Winthrop Sargent jur. Esqr.   ||  {{C}}
  ||  Jonathan Stokes M.D  ||  Great Britain.{{C}}
[end table]

[horizontal line]

{{Elected Jany 28. 1789}}
  ||  John Haygarth MD & F.R.S.   ||  Great Britain{{C}}
  ||  George Richards Minot Esqr  ||  Boston{{C}}
  ||  M J.P. Brissot De Warville  ||  France{{C}}
[end table]

[horizontal line]

See Page 25

[end page 34 | begin page 35]


{{1st meeting}}
By an act of the Great and General court of the state of Massachusetts passed ye 3d of May 1780, a Society was incorporated and established by the name of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In the Act the Philosophy chamber in the University of Cambridge was determined to be the place where the Fellows of the Academy should hold their first meeting and the Honorable James Bowdoin Esqr. was authorised and impowered [sic] to fix the time for holding the said meeting and to notify the same. He having done this by advertisements in the public news-papers, the Fellows of the said Academy held their first meeting at the place aforesaid on the 30th May 1780.

At the meeting, the Act of Incorporation was first published. The Revd President Langdon then prayed: After which, the Fellows passed the following votes:

1. That the Honorable James Bowdoin Esqr. be President until the next meeting of the Academy.

2. That Mr. Caleb Gannett be Secretary until the next meeting of the Academy

3. That Ebenezer Storer Esqr. be Treasurer until the next meeting of the Academy.

{{Committee to frame Statutes}}
4. The the Honorable James Bowdoin Esqr., Mr. Caleb Gannett, The Revd. Samuel Langdon D.D. The Honorable John Pickering Esqr, Stephen Sewall Esqr, The Revd Edward Wigglesworth & the Revd Samuel Williams be a Committee to agree upon the names, number and duties of the several officers, they shall judge necessary or convenient for the Academy, and the tenure or estate they shall respectively have in their offices: Also to prepare such rules, orders and bye-laws, as they shall judge necessary or convenient for the well-ordering and good government of the Academy; also, to consider of the times, places and manner of convening the Fellows of the Academy, and the number of Fellows which shall be present to constitute a meeting of the Academy: to devise a common Seal for the Academy: to consider for what causes, fines shall be levied, & what the fines shall be, and to report their proceedings upon the premises at the adjournment of this meeting.

5. That this meeting be adjourned to the second wednesday [sic] of July next at ten o’clock in this place.

{{2d meeting}}

At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences at the University of Cambridge on adjournment July 12th 1780.

{{Statutes Committee Report}}
The Report of the Committee appointed by vote 4th of the last meeting was read; on which it was [blank] voted

[end page 35 | begin page 36]


{{Reported Statutes recommitted}}
Voted 1. That the Revd. Samuel Cooper D.D. the Revd. Phillips Payson and Ebenezer Storer Esqr. be a Committee to reconsider the same and to make report at the next meeting.

{{Officers continued.}}
2. That the several Officers appointed at the last meeting be continued ‘till the next meeting.

{{Thanks to Dr. Dexter}}
3. That the thanks of the Academy be presented to Aaron Dexter of Boston Physician for his valuable and very acceptable present of a volume of tables for correcting the apparent distance of the moon and a star from the effects of refraction and parallax, received at this meeting by Mr. Gannett.

{{Thanks to Ebenr Hazard Esqr}}
4. That the thanks of the Academy be presented to Ebenezer Hazard Esqr. for his obliging letter, accompanied with curious specimens of Asbestos and pyrites - communicated at this meeting by the Honorable James Bowdoin Esqr.

5. That this meeting be adjourned to the last wednesday [sic] in August next at ten o’clock A. M. in this place.

{{3d meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences at the University of Cambridge on adjournment August 30th. 1780.

{{Second Statutes Committee report.}}
The Committee appointed by the first vote of the last meeting reported a code of Statutes for the Academy; which being read, the following votes were passed.

{{A particular Statute recommitted}}
1. That the Honorable Thomas Cushing Esqr. The Honorable Henry Gardner Esqr. and John Sprague Esqr. be a Committee to reconsider the first article of the seventh chapter and to make report at three o’clock P. M.

{{A Statute referred}}
2. That the second article of the eighth chapter be referred for further consideration at the next meeting of the Academy.

3. That this meeting be adjourned to three o’clock P. M.

{{Committee for a particular Statute report}}
At three o’clock P. M. the Academy met on adjournment and the Committee appointed by the first vote of this meeting to reconsider the first article in the seventh chapter of a code of Statutes, reported — Whereupon it was,

{{Report accepted}}
Voted 4 That their report be accepted.

{{Statutes Enacted}}
5. That the Statutes of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences reported at this meeting (the second article in the eighth chapter excepted) be and they hereby are in their present form accepted and established.

N. B. The Code of Statutes here accepted and established are recorded from page 5th to page 22d in this book.

6. That the Fellows present will immediately proceed to the choice of the Officers presented in the Statutes.

7. That the Honorable Henry Gardner Esqr. John Sprague Esqr. and

[end page 36 | begin page 37]


Ebenezer Storer Esqr be Scrutineers for the ensuing Election.

Written Votes being brought in severally for the following Officers, it appeared:

{{Officers Elected}}
That the Honorable James Bowdoin Esqr was elected President.

That the Recd Samuel Cooper D.D. was elected Vice-President.

That the Hon. Thomas Cushing Esqr, The Hon. Henry Gardner Esqr The Hon. John Hancock Esqr The Revd. Samuel Langdon D.D. John Lowell Esqr, The Hon. Robert Treat Paine Esqr., The Revd Phillips Payson, The Hon. James Warren Esqr, The Revd. Edward Wigglesworth Hollisian Professor of Mathematics and Philosophy were elected Councillors.

That Mr. Caleb Gannett was elected recording Secretary, & The Revd. Joseph Willard corresponding Secretary.

That Ebenezer Storer Esqr was elected Treasurer.

That Stephen Sewall Esqr. Hancock Professor was elected Vice Treasurer

That James Winthrop Esqr was elected Cabinet Keeper.

{{Committee to provide a room for ye next meetg}}
8. That the Revd John Clark, the Honorable Thomas Cushing Esqr. and Ebenezer Storer Esqr be a Committee to provide a convenient room for the next meeting of the Academy, in case the President shall desire it to be holden in Boston.

{{Committee respecting a Solar Eclipse}}
9. That the Hon. Thomas Cushing Esqr. the Hon. Henry Gardner Esqr. and Cotton Tufts Esqr. be a Committee to confer with the Reverend and Honorable Corporation of the University of Cambridge upon pursuing measure to procure an accurate observation of the Solar eclipse in October next, in the eastern part of this State; and in case, it should be judged expedient, to join with the Corporation aforesaid in an application to the Great and General Court for such assistance as may in the best manner effect the design.

10. That the Hon. Thomas Cushing Esqr. be authorised to administer the Oath, prescribed in the Statutes, to the President.

11. That this meeting be dissolved.

It accordingly was dissolved.

{{4th meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences in the County Court-house, in Boston November 8th 1780.

The Transactions of the last meeting were read.

{{A Statute referred}}
Vote 1. That the second article in the eighth chapter of Statutes be further postponed for consideration at the next meeting of the Academy.

{{Provision for administering the oath}}
Whereas the Honorable Thomas Cushing Esqr., who was authorised by the tenth vote of the last meeting to administer the oath, prescribed in the Statutes, to the President, is absent_ Thereupon

Vote 2. That His Excellency, the Governor be desired to

[end page 37 | begin page 38]


administer the said Oath.

His Excellency accordingly administered the Oath.

{{President’s Oration}}
At one o’clock, the Fellows present proceeded to the Revd Doctor Cooper’s meeting house, where a learned and elegant oration, adapted to the nature of the Institution was delivered by the Honorable, the President, to the members of the Academy and a numerous and respectable auditory. After which the members, in compliance with an invitation previously given, proceeded to the President’s house, where they were entertained with an elegant dinner.

{{Oaths administered}}
P.M. The President administered the Oath prescribed in the Statutes to the several officers present, viz.

To the Revd. Samuel Cooper D.D. Vice President

His Excellency the Governor
The Honorable Henry Gardner Esqr.
The Revd Phillips Payson
The Honorable James Warren

Mr. Caleb Gannett — Recording Secretary
The Revd. Joseph Willard Corresponding Secretary
Ebenezer Storer Esqr — Treasurer.

{{Thanks to the President}}
Vote 3. That the Thanks of the Academy be presented to the Honorable James Bowdoin Esqr. the President, for his learned and elegant oration delivered to the Academy this day, and for his generous exertions for the encouragement and promotion of the important ends of its institution; and that he be desired to favor this Academy with a copy of the oration to be deposited with the recording Secretary, in order for its publication.

{{Nomination of Candidates.}}
A nomination list of divers Gentlemen, or candidates for admission as Fellows, signed by several members of the Academy was presented and read, viz.

Signed [REDACTED].

Signed [REDACTED].

Signed [REDACTED].

[end page 38 | begin page 39]

Signed [REDACTED].

Signed [REDACTED].

Signed [REDACTED]:

Signed [REDACTED].

Signed [REDACTED].

{{Act of Incorporation to be sent to Europe.}}
Vote 4. That the Corresponding Secretary communicate copies of the Act incorporating this Academy to the several Philosophical Institutions in Europe.

{{Committee to collection Subscriptions}}
Vote 5. That Mr. Caleb Gannett, The Honorable Henry Gardner Esqr., The Honorable Samuel Phillips Esqr. Ebenezer Storer Esqr, and the Honorable James Warren Esqr. be a Committee to collect such subscriptions as may be necessary for defraying the expences [sic] that have already arisen and may arise in promoting the ends of the institution, and for establishing a fund, that shall be appropriated for premiums, instruments and such other purposes, as may be necessary to render the Academy in the most extensive manner useful to the Public: Also to pursue such measures, as they may judge proper to procure the printing of the inaugural oration, delivered this day by the Honorable the President.{{– to print the oration.}}

{{Letters from Hon. Benja. Lincoln Esqr. & Essay on the Growth of Vegetables.}}
At this Meeting a Letter from The Honorable Benjamin Lincoln Esqr. to the Honorable James Warren Esqr. inclosing an essay upon the growth of vegetables by Tim. Matlock Esqr. of Philadelphia was communicated and read by the Honorable James Warren Esqr.

{{Revd. Dr. Mather}}
A Letter from the Revd. Samuel Mather D.D. to the Honorable James Bowdoin Esqr. with certain proposals for the regulation of the Academy was communicated by the President and read by the Vice-President.

{{Hon. Joseph Palmer Esqr.}}
A Letter from The Honorable Joseph Palmer Esqr. to the Honorable James Bowdoin Esqr. with an essay upon converting iron into steel and rendering cast-iron malleable was communicated by the President.

{{Presid’t Stiles}}
Observations of a Solar Eclipse on Octr. 27. 1780 at New-Haven By Revd. Ezra Stiles D.D.

Description of Kelsey Grist-mill By _ Do_ Do._

[end page 39 | begin page 40]


{{5th Meeting}}
At a meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in the County Courthouse in Boston January 31st 1781.

A motion was made by the Revd. Samuel Cooper D.D. that an alteration should be made in the first statute of the eighth chapter respecting admission of members into the Academy. Whereupon, it was

{{Committee to alter a Statute}}
Voted 1. That The Revd. Samuel Cooper D.D. and The Honorable Samuel Phillips Esqr. be a Committee to make an alteration in said Statute, and to report the same.

Mr. Gannett, having been directed by the Council at their meeting Jany. 3. 1781 to prepare a Statute determining the manner in which the meetings of the Council shall be summoned, and to present it to the Academy, reported the following,

{{An addition of statute reported}}
“All meetings of the Council shall be notified to the several members by billets from the President, or one of the Secretaries under direction of the President, or in his absence of the Vice President or presiding member of the Council, seven days, at lest [sic], before the time stated or proposed for a meeting; on which it was,”

Voted 2. That the reported Statute be enacted and incorporated in the seventh chapter of the code of Statutes.

The Revd. Samuel Williams, having been directed by the Council at their meeting on the 3[strikethrough]r[end strikethrough]d instant to prepare an invitation to the Public, to communicate to the Academy any experiments, observations and productions of nature or art, adapted to the ends of the institution; and to lay the same before ^the Academy at their next meeting, for their approbation, in order to its publication; reported as follows,

{{Address to the Public}}
The Academy have the pleasure to inform the public, that they have received the following communications, viz.

A Letter from Ebenezer Hazard Esqr. accompanied with curious specimens of Asbestos] and pyrites, communicated by The Hon. James Bowdoin Esqr.

A Letter from the Hon. Benjamin Lincoln Esqr. accompanied with an essay upon the growth of vegetables, by a gentleman in Philadelphia, communicated by The Hon. James Warren Esqr.

A Letter from the Hon. Joseph Palmer Esqr. with an essay upon converting iron into steel and rendering cast iron malleable, communicated by The Hon. James Bowdoin Esqr.

A Letter from The Revd. Ezra Stiles D.D. President of Yale College, accompanied with an essay on the invention of making sand-iron by the late Revd. Jared Eliot of Killingworth, presented by Benjamin Gale Esqr. and communicated by the Hon. James Bowdoin Esqr. An Account of the proceedings of the Company sent by the General Court of Massachusetts to observe the solar Eclipse at Penobscot on the 27th of October 1780, by James Winthrop Esqr.

Astronomical, Meteorological and magnetical observations made

[end page 40 | begin page 41]


{{Williams S.}}
[in pencil] made on the east side of Long-Island in Penobscot Bay in October 1780; with observations of a Lunar eclipse at Cambridge on November 11. 1780, by the Revd. Samuel Williams, Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Philosophy in the University of Cambridge.

{{Gannet, C}}
[in pencil] Observations of a Solar Eclipse on October 27, 1780, made at Cambridge by Mr. Caleb Gannett.

An Essay entitled, a Method of deducing the difference of Meridians, from observations of solar eclipses – also,

{{Willard, J}}
[in pencil] Observations of the Solar Eclipse on Octr. 27, 1780 made at Beverly; accompanied with an appendix; in which the difference of meridians between several places, where observations were made, is determined by parallactic calculations, and deductions made, by which the errors in Mayer’s tables at the time of this eclipse are discovered; which appear to be so small, as to afford an additional proof of the many that have before been given of their great correctness and excellency, by the Revd. Joseph Willard.

{{Wigglesworth, E}}
[in pencil] Meteorological observations from the 20[underline]th[end underline] of May 1780 to the end of the year, made at Cambridge by the revd. Edward Wigglesworth, Hollis Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge.

{{Greenleaf, J}}
[in pencil] A Letter from Joseph Greenleaf Esqr. of Boston, respecting copperas ore in Brookfield.

{{Lovell, J}}
[in pencil] A Letter from the Hon. James Lovell Esqr. upon the revival of the ancient method of making cement.

{{Dexter, A}}
[in pencil] A volume of tables for correcting the apparent distance of the moon and a Star from the effects of refraction and parallax, published by order of the Commissioners of Longitude and presented by Aaron Dexter Physician in Boston.

Also a variety of Articles, adapted to illustrate the natural History of the Country.

As the Society wish to pursue the important design of their Institution for promoting the cause of useful knowledge, they request the assistance of the ingenious in every profession. Observations in Astronomy and Geography will be of great use. Meteorological observations and experiments are much wanted. The Society are very desirous to ascertain the variations of the magnetic needle in as many places as may be. This subject deserves particular attention, as it appears from some late observations that the variation is very different in some parts of the State, from what has been generally supposed. As a particular account of the uncommon darkness on the 19[underline]th[end underline] of May last is preparing, the Society wish to collect all the observations that were made on that uncommon phænomenon_ and in general, any observations, experiments, or essays in mechanics, Mathematics, Phisics [sic] or medical subjects; on agriculture, Archichecture [sic] or manufactures; on the natural history, antiquities or productions of the Country, or any specimens of what is curious or useful in Fossils, vegetable or animal substances will be esteemed valuable favors. Any Communications will be gratefully received by the Academy through the

[end page 41 | begin page 42]


the hands of the President or either of the Secretaries.

The foregoing report being read, it was

Voted 3. That the said report be accepted; and that Ebenezer Storer Esqr. request the Printers in the United States to insert it in their news papers in hopes it may excite the ingenious through the Continent to favor the Society with their Communications.

The Nomination list, prepared at the last meeting, being read, a ballot was opened for the several Candidates; on which it appeared that the following gentlemen were elected Fellows.

{{Fellows Elected}}
Richard Cranch Esqr. of Braintree
The Revd. Manasseh Cutler of Ipswich Hamlet.
The Hon. Timothy Danielson Esqr. of Brimfield.
The Hon. Timothy Edwards Esqr. of Stockbridge
The Hon. Benjamin Franklin Esqr. Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States, at the Court of France.
The Hon. Elbridge Gerry Esqr. of Marblehead.
Ebenezer Hazard Esqr. Surveyor General of the Post Offices and roads in the Eastern district.
The Hon. Benjamin Lincoln Esqr. of Hingham.
The Chevalier de la Luzerne, Minister Plenipotentiary from his most Christian Majesty at Congress.
Monsieur de Marbois, Councillor [sic] of Parliament in France.
The Hon. Samuel Osgood Esqr. of Andover.
Theophilus Parsons Esqr – of Newbury Port.
Mr. Eliphalet Pearson, Preceptor of Phillips’ Academy in Andover.
The Revd. Ezra Stiles D.D. President of Yale College.
His Excellency George Washington Esqr. Commander in chief of the American Forces.
Benjamin West Esqr. of Providence.

{{Names to be arranged alphabetically}}
Vote 4. That the names of all the members belonging at any time to the Academy shall ever be arranged in an alphabetical manner.

{{A Statute repealed and Another reported and }}
The Committee appointed by the first vote of this meeting to alter the first statute in the eighth chapter, reported that the said statute be repealed, and that the following be enacted in its stead, viz
“No person shall be elected a Fellow of the Academy, unless proposed and recommended by one or more of the members, nor nominated unto the Academy, untill he has first been proposed to the Council, and they have consented to such nomination: and the name, place of abode and addition of the person recommended shall be delivered in, signed by the proposer, and read by one of the Secretaries. A fair copy of such paper with the date, when delivered, shall be hung up in the room, where the Academy shall from time to time meet. On which

[end page 42 | begin page 43]


the Candidate may be balloted for at the next or some succeeding meeting. And if three fourths of the Fellows then present shall ballot in his favor, he shall be a “member.” The forgoing report being read, it was

Voted 5. That it be accepted and the reported statute be and hereby is enacted.

{{Blank Books}}
Vote 6. That the Secretaries be empowered to procure such blank books, as may be necessary to their respective offices, at the expence [sic] of the Academy.

{{Order of procuring Subscriptions}}
Vote 7. That the [underline] Committee [end underline], appointed by the fifth vote of the last meeting to procure subscriptions, first apply to the Fellows of the Academy for that purpose.

Vote 8. That John Lowell Esqr. by added to the above Committee.

{{Communications By James Winthrop Esqr.}}
At this meeting were presented and read:

An Account of the proceedings of the company, send by the general Court of Massachusetts, to observe the Solar eclipse at Penobscot on ye 27th of October 1780 by James Winthrop Esqr.

{{Revd. Professor Williams}}
Astronomical, Meteorological and magnetical [sic] observations made on the east side of Long Island in Penobscot bay in October 1780; with observations of a Lunar eclipse at Cambridge on Novr. 11. 1780, by The Revd. Samuel Williams A.M. Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Philosophy in the University of Cambridge.

{{Mr. Gannett}}
Observations of a solar eclipse on October 27. 1780 at Cambridge, by Mr. Caleb Gannett.

{{Revd. Joseph Willard}}
An Essay entitled “a method of deducing the difference of meridians from observations of solar eclipses: Also, observations of the Solar eclipse on Oct. 17. 1780 made at Beverly, accompanied by an appendix; in which the difference of Meridians between several places, where observations were made, is determined by parallactic calculations, and deductions made, by which the errors in Mayer’s tables at the time of this eclipse are discovered; which appear to be so small, as to afford an additional proof to the many, that have before been given of their great correctness and excellency – By the Revd. Joseph Willard.

{{Revd. Professor Wigglesworth}}
Meteorological observations from the 20th of May 1780 to the end of the year, made at Cambridge: By the Revd. Edward Wigglesworth Hollis Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge.

{{Letters from Hon. James Lovell Esqr.}}
A Letter from the Honorable James Lovell Esqr. upon the revival of the ancient method of making cement.

{{Joseph Greenleaf Esqr.}}
A Letter from Joseph Greenleaf Esqr. of Boston respecting copperas ore in Brookfield, with an offer of the property to the Academy.

{{Presidt. Stiles}}
A Letter from Revd. Ezra Stiles D.D. respecting Sand-iron_

{{David Watson}}
Description of a curious Stone by David Watson – Communicated by Revd. Mr. Little

[end page 43 | begin page 44]


{{6th Meeting}}
As a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in the County Court-house in Boston May 29. 1781

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read.

The Council having at their meeting on May 2d appointed a Committee to arrange the several subjects, which in their opinion, should principally engage the attention of the Academy in such manner, as that they may be prosecuted to the best advantage by different classes; and a report having been made to the Council at their adjournment this day, and ordered by them to be laid before the Academy, it was read as follows, the tenth and eleventh articles and that part of the first article relating to insects, excepted, which were added at this meeting.

{{Report of a Committee respecting the Arrangement of Subjects, to be prosecuted by Classes.}}
The Committee appointed to arrange the several subjects, which, in their opinion should principally engage the attention of the Academy in such manner, as that they may be prosecuted to the best advantage by different classes, beg leave to report,

1. That one class examine the various soils of the Country, what are their respective qualities; which are the most prevalent, the substances best adapted to improve them, what are their natural growths; also what have been and are the various methods of culture: which have been found on experiment to have the preference; how far rules for European husbandry are applicable to America; in what respects they agree & wherein they differ. Experiments particularly to be made and varied on the Siberian wheat. Also That this class endeavour to ascertain the origin, progress and periods of the various insects, which infest fruit and other trees and vegetables and the best methods of guarding against the evils hitherto consequent upon their appearance.

2. That a second class examine the growth of vegetables and remark the various phænomena observable in them through the Seasons; that they collect and preserve the seed, leaf and flower of the various vegetables in the country, determine their proper names and give a particular description of them, especially of those peculiar to America.

3. That a third class collect samples of the various minerals and fossils in the Country and describe their situations and the quality of their respective soils.

4. That a fourth class make a chemical analysis of vegetables, minerals and fossils and ascertain their medicinal and other properties.

5. That a fifth class examine the various diseases of the Country, what are most prevalent, the causes of disorders peculiar to the country, the longevity of the inhabitants, the ratio between births and deaths, the difference of this ratio in Sea-port towns and the country, in old and new settled parts of the country, the degrees of emigration from different parts of the country to other parts: the Emigrants, however

[end page 44 | begin page 45]

are not to be taken into the estimate for determining the ratio between the births and deaths in any particular district.

6. That a sixth class attend to mathematical disquisitions and astronomical observations, that they particularly make accurate observations of the eclipses of Jupiter’s Satellites and determine the latitude of different places; also, that they ascertain the variation of the magnetic needle in different parts of the country.

7. That a seventh class make meteorology their special object, observe the azemuth, meridional [sic] height, vertical direction and various phænomena of the aurora borealis, register the heighth [sic] of the fluid in the barometer and thermometer, the affections of the hygrometer with the weather and winds, noting from time to time the disorders that may appear among the inhabitants of places in which such observations shall be made; that they determine the quantity of fluid, which shall fall in one year on a given surface, and the quantity of evaporation from a similar surface.

8. That an eighth class examine into the progress of the mechanic arts in America, their present state, and make the improvement of them their special object.

9. That the object of a ninth class be the rationale of Language, particularly the rationale, genius and idioms of the English language.

10. That it be the business of a tenth class to attend to the subject of the Commerce of America, to enquire into the principles on which it [strikethrough] is founded [end strikethrough] has been heretofore conducted and the effect of those principles as to the balance of trade, to investigate the most advantageous sources of future trade both in a commercial and political view and particularly to consider the subject of money on a medium of trade.

11. That the Antiquities of the Country and the several subjects included in that general term, particularly the origin, customs, laws of the original inhabitants of the Country & peculiarities of their language as well as the antiquities of the first european [sic] settlers, be subjects of special enquiry by the eleventh class.

Signed E. Wigglesworth
Samuel Williams
Caleb Gannett

The above report being read, the tenth & eleventh articles and the latter part of the first excepted, The Revd. Phillips Payson made a motion, that certain additional subjects should be made to those already proposed, whereupon it was

{{Additional members to ye Committee}}
Voted 1. That John Lowell Esqr. and the Revd. Phillips Payson be a Committee to form any additional articles they may think proper, and report the same. This Committee reporting the aforementioned articles, it was

[end page 45 | begin page 46]


{{Report accepted & order for publication}}
Voted 2. That the several articles contained in the first report with the additional ones be published in the news-papers & that the members of this Academy respectively be desired to give information by letter to one of the Secretaries, which of those articles [strikethrough] each will make the subject of his particular enquiry [end strikethrough] will engage his particular attention. While no one will esteem himself confined in his enquiries to the subject he may particularize, he will be considered at liberty to change it at pleasure.

{{Thanks to J. Greenleaf Esqr.}}
Vote 3. That the thanks of this Academy be presented to Joseph Greenleaf Esqr. of Boston for his repeated communications to them.

The following List of candidates for election as Fellows, which had been previously presented to and received the consent of the Council was read and offered to the Academy.

{{Nomination List of Candidates}}







Signed [REDACTED].




{{in the State of Connecticut}}




[end page 46 | begin page 47]


At 3 o’Clock, the time prescribed in the Statutes to begin the election of Officers,
Voted 4. That The Revd. John Clark, Richard Cranch Esqr. and The Hon. John Pickering Esqr. be Scrutineers for the ensuing elections.

Written votes were brought in, when it appeared that

{{Officers elected}}
The Honorable James Bowdoin Esqr. was elected President
The Reverend Samuel Cooper D.D. was elected Vice President

{{were elected Councillors [sic]}}
The Honorable Samuel Adams Esqr.
His Honor Thomas Cushing Esqr.
The Honorable Henry Gardner Esqr.
His Excellency John Hancock Esqr.
John Lowell Esqr.
The Honorable Robert T. Paine Esqr.
The Revd. Phillips Payson
The Honorable James Warren Esqr.
The Revd. Edward Wigglesworth
The Revd. Samuel Williams

Mr. Caleb Gannett – recording Secretary
The Revd. Joseph Willard – corresponding Secretary
Ebenezer Storer Esqr. – Treasurer
Stephen Sewall Esqr. – Vice Treasurer
James Winthrop Esqr. – Keeper of the Cabinet.

{{Committee to publish ye arrangement of Subjects}}
Vote 5. That the two Secretaries be a Committee to procure the publication of the articles directed by the Second vote of this meeting to be published, with an address to the members of this Academy correspondent to ^the nature and design of those articles and the aforesaid vote.

At this meeting were communicated

{{Letters from E. Hazard Esqr.}}
Two Letters from Ebenezer Hazard Esqr. dated Augst. 10th 1780 and Feby. 23. 1781 accompanied with a specimen of Zinck [sic] found in Exeter in New Hampshire – By the Hon. James Bowdoin Esqr.

{{Communications by Mercator}}
A method of reducing dollars a 6/ into pounds and vice versa. Manner of determining the Sum to be remitted by a factor to his employer in close of his account with his employer and reserving the factor’s provision for remittance.

Several ways of determining what sum is to be insured on an adventure, that the whole interest may be covered.
Signed Mercator – communicated by Hon. J. Bowdoin Esqr.

The new concise method of computing interest at 6 per cent per annum exhibited, as deduced from a larger operation by the double rule of Three, and improved.
Signed Philomath – communicated by The Revd. Joseph Willard

[end page 47 | begin page 48]


{{J. Greenleaf Esqr.}}
A Letter from Joseph Greenleaf Esqr. of Boston containing experiments on pyrites found in Brookfield – Hon. James Bowdoin Esqr.

{{A poor Countryman}}
A Letter respecting the aurora borealis. Signed a poor Countryman An account of the Darkness on the 19th of May 1780 Signed a poor countryman
Communicated by Hon. James Bowdoin Esqr.

{{Dr. Beardsly}}
A medical Memoir showing the advantage of a free air in putrid disorders by Dr. Beardsly of New-Haven, inclosed [sic] in a Letter from The Revd. President Stiles 29th March 1781.
Communicated by Mr. Gannett

{{Benja. West}}
A new method of extracting roots by Benja. West Esqr. of Providence
Communicated by Mr. Gannett

{{C. Gannett}}
An account of a singular appearance of the aurora borealis on the 27th of March 1781 – By Caleb Gannett.

{{Revd. Manasseh Cutler}}
The general state of the weather and course of the winds A.M. and P.M. from July 1st 1780 to May 28th 1781 in Ipswich the height of Farenheits [sic] thermometer observed three times each day; the highest, lowest, and mean station for each month; the height of the Barometer from May 13th at the same times of observing the thermometer; also the diseases most frequent each month in Ipswich, Beverly and Salem. By the Revd. Manasseh Cutler.

{{Dr. Spafford}}
A specimen of sheet-lint manufactured by Dr. Isaac Spafford of Beverly with a machine of his own invention & construction.
Communicated by The Revd. Mr. Cutler

{{7th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, in the University of Cambridge August 22. 1781

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read.

{{Election of Fellows}}
A ballot being opened for a number of candidates, nominated at the last meeting, it appeared that the following Gentlemen were elected Fellows, viz

Monsieur D’Alembert, Member of the royal Academy of Sciences and perpetual Secretary of the French Academy at Paris
Mr. Joseph Brown_ of Providence.
Chevalier de Chattelux [sic], a general Officer in the French Army at Rhode Island.
Benjamin Gale, Physician at Killingworth in Connecticut
Monsieur Court de Gebelin, of the City of Paris, and member of several Academies in Europe and a Benefactor to the University of Cambridge

[end page 48 | begin page 49]


The Revd. Simeon Howard of Boston
Monsieur De la Lande Member of the Academy of Sciences and of several other Societies in Europe
Mr Peter Wargentin, Secretary of the royal Academy at Stockholm.
John Warren Physician in Boston.

Vote 2. That the names of Gentlemen nominated to be elected Fellows shall not be entered on record.

Vote 3. That no Fellow shall in future nominate more than one candidate for election at any particular meeting.

{{Alteration of 1st. Statute in Chap. 7th.)
Vote 4. Whereas by the first Article in the seventh Chapter of Statutes, one of the ordinary meetings of the Council is enacted to be holden on the second wednesday [sic] in September at Cambridge, it shall [strikethrough] for the [end strikethrough] [^]in future be holden on the third wednesday [sic] in October at the place aforesd.

{{Vote upon Proposals by Revd. Edward Wigglesworth respecting population & Longevity}}
The Revd. Professor Wigglesworth having presented proposals to collect the requisite [underline] Data [end underline] for making calculations on the population and longevity for the Inhabitants of the New-England States,

Voted 5. As Calculations on the rapid population of the united American States and the Longevity of their Inhabitants will probably greatly serve the interest of those States, and as calculations of this kind properly fall within the province of this Society, Voted, That the Secretaries of Massachusetts, New-hampshire, Rhode-Island and the Territory called Vermont be requested to furnish The Revd Edward Wigglesworth Hollis Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge, or either of the Secretaries of this Academy with copies of such returns on their several files as Mr. Wigglesworth may judge necessary for making such calculations.

At this meeting were presented and read,

{{Hon. Arthur Lee Esqr.}}
A Letter from The Hon. Arthur Lee Esqr. containing an account of the effects of Lightning in Philadelphia, particularly on Dr. Shippen’s house, on June 26, & July 8th. 1781, with drawings of the house.

{{Revd. Samuel Deane}}
A Description of the Nortonian pigment and the method of manufacturing it. by Revd. Samuel Deane.

{{Joseph Brown}}
A Letter respecting observations of the solar Eclipse in October 1780 at Providence_ By Mr Joseph Brown.

[end page 49 | begin page 50]


{{Revd Jeremy Belknap}}
An account of a vitriolic and sulprhureous [sic] Stone, with a specimen of the Stone. by The Revd Jeremy Belknap

{{George Sparhawk}}
A Letter from George Sparhawk, accompanied with several fossil substances.

{{Revd. Manasseh Cutler}}
Meteorological Observations compleated from July 1780 to July 1781 By the Revd Manasseh Cutler.

Revd. William Gordon D.D. Observations respecting Siberian Wheat. By The Revd Wm. Gordon D.D.

{{8th. Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Science at the University of Cambridge November 14. 1781.

The Transactions of the last meeting were read.

At this Meeting were communicated,

{{Professor Williams.}}
An account of a very uncommon Darkness in New-England May 19. 1780. By The Revd. Samuel Williams H.P. [M&P.]

{{Revd. Joseph Willard.}}
Magnetical Observations made at Beverly.
By the Revd Joseph Willard.

{{Revd. Manasseh Cutler.}}
An Enquiry, whether the same Subject not being liable to take the small-pox a second time, may not be owing to a change produced in the nervous System.
By the Revd. Manasseh Cutler

{{Mr. Benja. Dearborn}}
A Letter from Mr. Benjamin Dearborn to the Honble James Bowdoin Esqr. containing a description of a Pump Engine.

{{Hon. Benja. Lincoln Esqr.}}
An Account of an Aurora Borealis on August 8. 1781
By the Honble Benjamin Lincoln Esqr.

{{Revd. Daniel Little}}
A Letter from The Revd. Daniel Little to Caleb Gannett containing an Account of the time and manner in which the Siberian wheat was first imported into America.

{{Mr. Joseph Brown}}
A Letter from Mr Joseph Brown to Caleb Gannett containing an Account of the Solar Eclipse on the 27th of October 1780. at Providence.

{{Revd. Samuel Deane}}
Observations of the same Eclipse at Saccarappa [^]Cane Bay
By the Revd. Samuel Deane

{{Mr. Benja. West}}
An Account of the Observations made in Providence in the State of Rhode-Island, of the Eclipse of the Sun on the 23d of April 1781. by Mr. Benjamin West.

{{Hon. William Ellery Esqr.}}
An Account of a Still of a new construction in Philadelphia_ By The Honble. William Ellery Esqr. & Communicated by The Revd. Ezra Stiles D.D.

{{Revd. Wm Gordon D.D.}}
A Letter from The Revd. William Gordon D.D. to the Honble James Bowdoin Esqr. describing the [underline] Orchilla Weed [end underline].

[end page 50 | begin page 51]


{{Ebenezer Hazard Esqr}}
Two Letters dated Novr. 20th 1781 to the Honble. James Bowdoin Esqr containing a Summary of the return of Inhabitants of New-Hampshire in 1776; also an account of the number of Inhabitants in Rhode-Island at different periods viz in 1730, 1748, 1755 & 1774. By Ebenezer Hazard Esqr

{{9. Meeting}}

At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences at the County Court-house in Boston January 30. 1782.

The Transactions of the last meeting were read.

{{Mr. Winthrop’s Resignation as Cabinet Keeper}}
James Winthrop Esqr. having by a Letter dated October 17. 1781 resigned his Office of Keeper of the Cabinet

Vote 1. That the resignation be accepted.

{{Mr. Sewall Elected Cabinet Keeper}}
Vote 2. Written votes being brought in, it appeared that Stephen Sewall Esqr. was elected Keeper of the Cabinet till the Meeting of the Academy in May next.

{{Fellows Elected}}
A Ballot being opened for a number of candidates nominated on the 22d of August last, it appeared that the following Gentlemen were elected Fellows, viz

Loammi Baldwin Esqr of Woburn
Hon. Owen Biddle Esqr of Philadelphia
M. la Comte Buffon ~ a Member of the royal Academy of Sciences and of the French Academy.
Mr. __ Euler, a Member of the imperial Academy at Peter’sburgh [sic]
Hon. Arthur Lee Esqr. of Virginia
His Excellency William Livingston ^Esqr, Governor of New-Jersey
Richard Price D.D. & F.R.S. London.
Joseph Priestley LL.D.^& F.R.S. of Calne in Great Britain.
David Rittenhouse Esqr. of Philadelphia.
His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull Esqr. Governor of Connecticut.
Hon. Meshech Weare Esqr. of New-Hampshire.

On a Motion made by the Honble the President,

{{Recommendation to the Council}}
Voted 3. That it be recommended to the Council to devise at their next meeting a mode of admitting & inducting Members when elected, and of notifying such members of their election; and that the digest be presented at the next Meeting of the Academy.

At this Meeting were presented and read,

{{Revd. Professor Wigglesworth}}
A Letter from the Revd. Edward Wigglesworth dated Jany. 28. 1782 to The Hon. James Bowdoin Esqr. containing a general comparison between the Longevity of the Inhabitants of Breslaw & the Inhabitants of Ipswich Hamlet & Hingham.

[end page 51 | begin page 52]


{{Revd Professor Wigglesworth}}
Meteorological Observations for the year 1781 made at Cambridge_ By Edward Wigglesworth S.T.P. Hollis.

{{Hon. Benja Lincoln Esqr.}}
Observations on the Land between James River & York river in Virginia._ By The Hon. Benja. Lincoln Esqr.

{{Dr. Fisher}}
An Account of a remarkable Schirrus in the abdomen.
By Joshua Fisher, Physician.

{{Revd. Saml. West}}
Hints respecting the making of Porcelane [sic], in a Letter dated Septr. 3. 1781 by The Revd Samuel West.

{{Solar Eclipse Octr. 1780 at St. John’s Island}}
Observations of the Solar Eclipse on ye 27th of October 1780 at Charlotte Town on the Island of St John in the Gulph [sic] of St Lawrence made by Messrs Wright and Clarke and communicated to C. Gannett by Mr Joseph Peters of Halifax.

{{Do at Newport}}
Observations of the Solar eclipse of the 27th of October 1780, made at Newport, Rhode-Island with Illustration of the Observations, by Mons de Grandchain_ Translated from the French & communicated by The Revd. Joseph Willard.

Meteorological Journal of the Weather from ye 1st of July 1781 to the end of the year_ By the Revd. Manasseh Cutler.

{{C. Gannett}}
Suggestions concerning a general cause of putrid diseases.
By C. Gannett.

{{Painting &c by Mr. Furnass}}
Specimens of painting and engraving by Mr John M. Furnass of Boston having been exhibited at this Meeting.

Voted 4. That the Academy have viewed with pleasure these specimens of ingenuity and good taste in so young an artist as Mr. Furnass, and cannot but esteem him as deserving the kind notice and encouragement of those, who love the fine arts, and are disposed to promote the cultivation of a promising Genius, hitherto favoured with but very small advantages for improvement.

{{10th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences at the County Court-house in Boston May 28.th 1782.

The Transactions of the last meeting were read.

The following Letters were communicated by the Revd. President Willard, Corresponding Secretary, in answer to Letters from him announcing to Gentlemen their election as Fellows of ye Academy.

viz From The Recd. Ezra Stiles D.D. President of Yale College, His Excellency William Livingston Esqr. Governor of New-Jersey, Monsr. Court de Gebelin, Mr. Benjamin West, Honble. Elbridge Gerry Esqr, Honble Benjamin Lincoln Esqr., Chevalier de la Luzerne,

[end page 52 | begin page 53]


Monsr. de Marbois, His Excellency George Washington Esqr, Honble Arthur Lee Esqr, Doctor John Warren, Chevalier de Chastellux, Revd Simeon Howard. Also

{{Revd Dr Price}}
A Letter from The Revd Richard Price D.D. containing an account of the discovery of a new Planet, and of the cause of vegetation.

{{Stephen Sewall Esqr.}}
Magnetical Observations made at Cambridge were communicated
by Mr Professor Sewall.

{{Revd Manasseh Cutler}}
Observations of an eclipse of the Moon, March 29th 1782 and of an eclipse of the Sun on the 12th. of April following made at Ipswich, By ye Revd. Manasseh Cutler

{{Wm Phips}}
An Ode on the Academy, with a Letter to Stephen Sewall Esqr.
By William Phips.

{{Mr Joseph Peirce}}
A Volume entitled, An essay towards establishing the melody and measure of Speech to be expressed and perpetuated by peculiar symbols, by Joshua Steele, presented to the Academy
from Mr Joseph Peirce of Boston.

{{Thanks to Mr Peirce}}
Vote 1. That Mr. Caleb Gannett return the thanks of the Academy to Mr Joseph Peirce for his present of Steele’s Essay towards establishing the melody and measure of Speech to be expressed and perpetuated by peculiar symbols.

{{Loan of Steele’s essay to Robert T. Paine Esqr}}
Vote 2. That the Honble Robert T. Paine have the loan of Steele’s Essay. Returned May 27. 1783

{{Committee of ways and means}}
Vote 3. That The Revd Professor William, Revd President Willard, Mr Caleb Gannett, James Winthrop Esqr. & Mr. Professor Sewall be a Committee to consider of ways and means to promote the ends of the institution of this Academy, and report as soon as may be.

{{Thos. Brand Hollis Esqr.}}
4. By written votes it appeared, that Thomas Brand Hollis Esqr. of London was elected a Fellow of this Academy.

5. That The Revd. John Clarke, Ebenezer Storer Esqr. & Dr. John Warren be Scrutineers for the ensuing election.

{{Officers Elected}}
Written votes being brought in, it appeared that the following Gentlemen were elected officers of the Academy for the year ensuing, viz

The Honble James Bowdoin Esqr._ President
The Revd Samuel Cooper D.D._ Vice President

The Honble Samuel Adams Esqr
His Honor Thomas Cushing Esqr
The Honble Henry Gardner Esqr
His Excellency John Hancock Esqr
The Honble John Lowell Esqr
The Honble Robert T. Paine Esqr
The Revd Phillips Payson
The Honble James Warren Esqr
The Revd President Willard
The Revd Professor Williams

[end page 53 | begin page 54]


{{Officers Elected}}
Mr. Caleb Gannett_ Recording Secretary
The Revd President Willard_ Corresponding Secretary
Ebenezer Storer Esqr_ Treasurer
Stephen Sewall Esqr_ Vice Treasurer & Keeper of ye Cabinet.

{{Monsr. Court de Gebelin}}
Vote 6. That the corresponding Secretary be directed to return an answer to the polite and obliging letter of Monsr. Court de Gebelin, and to inform him, that the Members of this Academy esteem themselves honored by the invitation given to them to establish an intimate confederation and correspondence with the Museum of Paris, of which he is President and will most cheerfully do every thing on their part as far as their opportunities and abilities will allow to promote the purposes of such a friendly Intercourse.

Memo. August 22d. 1782

A Meeting of the Academy failed, a sufficient number of Fellows not being present to constitute a Quorum.

{{11th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences at the University of Cambridge November 13th 1782

The Transactions of the last meeting were read.

{{Report of ways and means referred to the Council}}
The Report of a Committee appointed at the last meeting to consider of ways and means to promote the ends of the institution of this Academy was read_ whereupon

Voted 1. That the Report be referred to the Council at their next meeting, and that the result of their deliberation upon it be laid before the Academy at their succeeding Meeting as the first article for consideration.

{{Committee to procure a room in Boston}}
Vote 2. That The Honble Cotton Tufts Esqr., Ebenezer Storer Esqr. and The Revd. Mr. Howard be a Committee to join with a Committee, in case one should be appointed for the purpose by the Medical Society at their next Meeting, in procuring a convenient room in the Town of Boston, in which both Societies may hold their respective Meetings.

{{Monsr. de Grandchain elected}}
3. By written Votes it appeared, that Monsr. de Grandchain a member of the Marine Academy established at Brest, was elected a Fellow of this Academy.

[end page 54 | begin page 55]


At this Meeting were communicated.

Letters from Monsr D’Alembert, Mr. Euler, Dr. Benjamin Gale, Monsr. de la Lande in answer to letters from the corresponding Secretary to those Gentlemen, announcing their election as Fellows.

{{Spring in Virginia &c}}
An account of a number of remarkable Springs in Virginia and on the Ohio and Mississippi.
By The Honble Benjamin Lincoln Esqr.

{{Disease among Cattle in Virginia}}
An Account of an extraordinary disease prevalent in the lower parts of Virginia and fatal to all cattle brought thither from other parts of the Continent.
By Ditto.

{{Chirurgical Cases}}
A Letter from The Honble Benjamin Lincoln Esqr. inclosing two chirurgical cases in the Hospital of Philadelphia,
By Dr. Binney.

{{Horn Distemper}}
An Account of and observations upon a disorder affecting neat-cattle, called the [underline] Horn-distemper [end underline].
By The Hon Cotton Tufts Esqr

{{Firing Shells}}
A new Method of firing shells, with a description of the Apparatus, accompanied with Drawings.
By Mr. William Hickling

{{Remarkable Apple-tree}}
An Account of an Apple-tree in Petersham, singular in respect to its fruit.
By The Revd. Peter Whitney.

An Account of an artificial chalk, accompanied with a Specimen.
By Mr George Sparhawk.

A Description of a number of Parhelia, observed at New-London Jany 31. 1782.
By The Revd. Noble Everett.

{{Magnetical Observations}}
Magnetical Observations continued from May 17. to Augt. 20. 1782.
By Mr Professor Sewall.

{{Books presented}}
Two Volumes 4to entituled [sic] “Traite General du Commerce” & one volume 8vo entituled [sic] “Tableau des Droits & usages de Commerce relatifs au Passage du Sund,” presented to this Academy, by their Author Mr. Thomas Antoine de Marien of Amsterdam & received from his Excellency John Adams Esqr. by Mr Benjamin Guild, & communicated by The Honble James Bowdoin Esqr.

{{Thanks to Mr. Thomas Antoine de Marien}}
Vote 4. That the Thanks of this Academy be transmitted to Mr. Thomas Antoine de Marien of Amsterdam for his valuable and very acceptable present of two volume 8vo entitled “Tableau des Drois et Usages de Commerce relatifs au Passage du Sund,” which have been reserved from his Excellency John Adams Esqr the American Minister at the Hague.

[end page 55 | begin page 56]


{{12th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in Concert-Hall, Boston, January 29. 1783

The Transactions of the past Meeting were read.

The Report of the Council respecting “ways and means to promote the ends of the institution of the Academy” being read,

{{Ways & Means to promote the Ends of the Institution of ye Academy}}
Voted 1. That the reputation and usefulness of the Society render it proper to pursue the business and design of their institution in a certain and regular manner; and to effect this purpose, it is necessary that the business should be arranged under different heads, so that some of the members of the Society be responsible for some annual productions in each: and it not being practicable, amidst the distresses and calamities of the war (however desirable it might be) to carry on a regular course of annual Transactions in all the various branches of Science, that for the present a general division of the Subjects to be annually pursued, be made under three Heads, viz

I [underline] Mathematical [end underline], including astronomical & geographical Observations and Disquisitions.

II. [underline] Physical [end underline], comprehending whatever may belong to any of the various branches of natural Philosophy, natural history or Agriculture.

III. [underline] Medical [end underline], containing whatever may relate to Medicine, Anatomy or Chemistry.

Voted, That a Number of the Fellows, not exceeding Five be chosen for each of those Departments to hold their places for the space of two years from the time of Election.
Voted, That each Member chosen for these departments lay before the Academy some observation, experiment, essay or production of his own, once at least in the course of one year.

Voted, That the Members so chosen have the inspection and examination of all papers presented to the Society, out of which they shall select materials for a volume as soon and as often as the collections of the Society will permit and lay them before the Academy for their determination thereon.

[end page 56 | begin page 57]


Voted, That when any Member, who is chosen for any particular department, shall be prevented from attending to the business assigned to him by the Society, it is expected, that he will resign his appointment, that some other person may be appointed in his place.

Voted, That nothing in the above regulations is to be understood as designed ^absolutely to limit the attention of any of the Members chosen to pursue the above branches to any particular subject, or to absolve the Members at large from their obligations to furnish the Academy with any useful productions; it being only intended to have certain Members more particularly responsible for some annual productions, that the Materials for publication may be less subject to uncertainty. And as the assignment of the business in the foregoing manner will prove to the Gentlemen, who shall be appointed to annual labors, an arduous undertaking, every Member of the Society is requested to afford them all the assistance in this power, that they may be able to prepare a volume for publication agreeable to the foregoing resolutions.

By written votes, it appeared

{{Committee for the Mathematical Department.}}
That The Revd. President Willard, The Revd. Professor Williams and Mr. Caleb Gannett were chosen for the Mathematical Department.

{{D[underline]o[end underline] for the Physical}}
That The Revd. Manasseh Cutler, Theophilus Parsons Esqr. and The Hon[underline]ble[end underline] Benjamin Lincoln Esqr. were elected for the Physical Department.

{{D[underline]o[end underline] for the Medical}}
That Edward Augustus Holyoke Esqr., Dr. John Warren, and The Hon[underline]ble[end underline] Cotton Tufts Esqr. were chosen for the Medical Department.

{{Monsr. Jeaurat elected a Fellow}}
That Monsieur Jeaurat, senior professor of the Mathematics and pensioner of the royal military School in Paris, was elected a Fellow.

{{Reports not to be recorded til _}}
Voted 2. That no reports of Committees be recorded until or otherwise, that as they shall be accepted by the Academy.

At this Meeting the following communications were made

[end page 57 | begin page 58]


Subterraneous passage _ current of water
curious spring in Pennsylvania}}
A Letter from the Hon[underline]ble[end underline] Benjamin Lincoln Esqr. to the Revd. President Willard, with a Description of a subterraneous passage into a rock at Carlisle in Pennsylvania, a surprizing [sic] temporary current of water from a mountain near Carlisle, also of a remarkable Spring ^of water in the vicinity of Reading.

{{Seal for the Academy
Inoculation for ye Small Pox}}
A Letter from the Revd. Samuel Mather D.D. to the Hon[underline]ble[end underline] James Bowdoin Esqr., with a form of a Seal for the Academy, also an account of the origin of inoculation for the Small-pox in Boston, and of the consequent success of that practice.

{{13th meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, in the County Courthouse and by adjournment in the Manufactory house in Boston May 27th 1783.

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read.

{{Committee for repairing a room in ye Manufactury house}}
Whereas the General Court did by a Resolve dated [strikethrough] Jun [end strikethrough] grant to the American Academy and the Medical Society the use of a room in the Manufactury-house in Boston, in which to hold their respective Meetings, during the pleasure of the Court; and whereas certain Repairs are necessary in sd. room, Voted 1. That The Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr. Ebenezer Storer Esqr. and The Rev^d Simeon Howard be a Committee to join a Committee of the Medical Society in making such repairs as they may judge necessary ^at the expence of the two Societies equally; and in framing such regulations respecting the room as they may think proper; & report at the next meeting.

{{Dr. Orne elected one of ye Physical Committee.}}
Voted 2. That Dr. Joseph Orne be one of the Committee for inspecting and examining such papers as pertain to the Physical department.

{{Monsr. Mary’s Petition}}
A Petition of Monsr. John Mary, requesting liberty to teach the French Language in the room granted to this Academy and the Medical Society by the General Court, was read, whereupon_

{{Committee to consider sd. Petition}}
Voted 3. That Ebenezer Storer Esqr. The Revd Dr Cooper, and The Honble Robert T. Paine Esqr be a Committee to join a Committee of the Medical Society (in case one should be appointed) in considering & determining on said Petition_ Their doings to be [valid] ‘til the further Order of the Academy. They to make Report.

[end page 58 | begin page 59]


Voted 4. That The Hon. Robert T. Paine, The Hon. George Partridge and The Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr be Scrutineers for the ensuing Election.

{{Officers elected}}
Written votes being brought in it appeared that the following Gentlemen were elected Officers of the Academy for the year ensuing_ viz
The Honble James Bowdoin Esqr. President
The Revd. Samuel Cooper D.D. Vice-President

The Hon. Samuel Adams Esqr.
His Honor. Thomas Cushing Esqr.
His Excellency John Hancock Esqr.
The Hon. John Lowell Esqr.
The Hon Robert T. Paine Esqr
The Revd. Phillips Payson
The Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr.
The Hon James Warren Esqr.
The Revd President Willard
The Revd Professor Williams

Mr Caleb Gannet Recording Secretary
The Revd President Willard Corresponding Secretary.
Ebenezer Storer Esqr. Treasurer
Mr Professor Sewall Vice Treasurer
Mr Caleb Gannett Keeper of the Cabinet


{{Hon. James Bowdoin Esqr}}
Observations on light, and the waste of matter in the Sun and fixt Stars, occasioned by the constant efflux of light from them : with a conjecture (proposed by way of query) suggesting a Mean, by which their several systems might be preserved from the disorder and final ruin, to which they seem liable by that waste of matter, and by the law of Gravitation. By The Honble James Bowdoin Esqr.

A Letter proposing Improvements in the Pump-Engine
By Do

{{Dr Dearborn}}
A Letter to the Honble. James Bowdoin Esqr. from Mr Benja. Dearborn, containing a description of a Fire-engine constructed on the same principles with his Pump-engine

[end page 59 | begin page 60]


{{Joseph Greenleaf Esqr.}}
A Letter – on the Culture of Indian Corn.
From Joseph Greenleaf Esqr

{{Revd M[a] Cutler}}
A Letter – on Population and terms of human life, with two tables. From Revd Manasseh Cutler.

{{Genl. Aboville}}
A Memoir – respecting Bird-grass.
From General Aboville

{{Dr. Waterhouse}}
Observations on Epidemic Diseases, shewing the expediency of collecting the history of all the Epidemics of our Country.
By Benjn. Waterhouse M.D.

It was agreed, That, in case Dr. Waterhouse should desire to publish the fore mentioned Observations, he have liberty to do so, advertising the Public, that it has been read before the Academy. The original still to continue the property of the Academy.

{{Jona. Balch}}
A Letter, accompanied with a Model of a Pump-Engine, presented by Mr Jonathan Balch.

{{Thanks to Mr. Balch}}
Voted. That The Thanks of this Academy be presented to Mr Jonathan Balch for his Model of a pump Engine.

Voted. That The Honble James Bowodin Esqr, Richard Cranch Esqr. and The Hon. James Warren Esqr. be a Committee to examine the pump-engine presented from Mr Jonathan Balch, and consider whether any improvements can be made upon it, and make report.

A French translation of Vitruvius on Architecture, was presented_ by Richard Cranch Esqr.

{{Thanks for Vitruvius}}
Voted That The Thanks of this Academy be presented to Richard Cranch Esqr. for a French translation of Vitruvius

{{Thanks to Monsr. Jeaurat}}
Voted That the Corresponding Secretary transmit the Thanks of this Academy to Monsr. Jeaurat, Senior Professor of the Mathematics, and Pensioner of the royal military School in Paris, for his very acceptable present of a copy of his “Memoire sur les Lunettes Diplantidiennes.”

[end page 60 | begin page 61]


{{14th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences at the University in Cambridge August 20th. 1783

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read.

The following Memorial (excepting the words included within brackets) ordered by the Academy-Council to be presented at this Meeting was read, viz

{{Memorial to Genl Court}}
The Memorial of [the President and Council of the Academy of Arts and Sciences in the name and behalf of said Academy1] humbly sheweth, That by a Resolve of the General Court of July 6th 1781 the President, Vice-President and Council of the Academy of Arts and Sciences, were empowered to receive [out] of the Treasury of this Commonwealth a Sum not exceeding three hundred pounds of the new emission for the purpose of employing Benjamin Dudley in mechanical arts &c

Your Memorialists in consequence of said Resolve, after making enquiries into the abilities of said Benjamin, and having apprehended him capable of making some new improvements in casting of iron shot, and in the finishing work of cannon when cast (which, at that time were conceived to be of essential benefit to this State); did accordingly employ him in that business, and under their direction, he proceeded to the State-Furnace and other Furnaces in this State for the purpose of making such communications as might best answer the end proposed. But the said Benjamin was soon after called to Philadelphia on continental business and has not since returned, nor is it known that he will return to this State again. No opportunity has presented of further employing him in making those experiments, which, by said Resolve, were intended, nor is it likely that any opportunity will soon present. The expence [sic] incurred in employing said Benjamin amounted to Twenty seven pounds seven shillings and two pence in specie; and there remains of the three hundred pounds

[end page 61 | begin page 62]


not as yet expended, the sum of one hundred, thirty two pounds twelve shillings and two pence in Specie.

Your Memorialists beg leave to represent to your Honors, that the Academy is possessed of various specimens of ores and other productions of the earth, collected from various parts of this State. Their use and value cannot be ascertained but by proper experiments, which cannot be made without an expence [sic], for which the Academy has not at present any fund. Some of those, upon trial, may probably be found to open a source of wealth to the community or to individuals: others will have relation to the natural history of the Country, and some of them may probably be found to possess medicinal virtues.

Your Memorialists would therefore humbly request your Honors, that the unexpended remainder of the Three hundred pounds, which they were empowered to receive for the purpose of employing Benjamin Dudley in mechanical arts, may be applied to their employing some suitable person or persons in said business other than the said Benjamin, and also for such other purposes in the experimental way, as shall be judged of the greatest utility to the Public, and that they may be empowered to receive and employ the same for said uses.

The interest of that Commonwealth, which gave Being to the Academy will ever be its first object; to be useful is its wish; and whatever services, within the design of its Institution, the General Court shall be pleased at any time to direct, the Academy will esteem it a happiness to execute.

{{Vote respecting a Memorial to the General Court_}}
Voted 1. That the said Memorial is approved by the Academy and that it be presented to the General Court as the Memorial of [underline] the President and Council of the Academy of Arts and Sciences in the name and behalf of said Academy. [end underline]

{{Comittee [sic] for a regulation, respecting unacknowledged Members}}
Vote 2. That the Hon. John Lowell Esqr. Hon. Robert T. Paine Esqr. and Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr. be a Committee to prepare a regulation respecting such members of the Academy, whether inserted in the charter or since elected, as have not attended any meeting of the Academy, or in any other manner acknowledged themselves members of and to report at the next meeting of the Academy

[end page 62 | begin page 63]


{{Comittee [sic] respecting a fund for premiums, & 2d articles in 8th Chapter of Statutes.}}
Vote 3. That the Hon. John Lowell Esqr., Loammi Baldwin Esqr and the Revd President Willard be a Committee to consider whether it be expedient to devise any method for procuring a fund to be appropriated in premiums to such persons as shall make discoveries of public utility; and in case they judge it expedient, to report, what, in their opinion, is the best method, the special purposes, for which money, thus procured, shall be applied, and the mode of expenditure._ Also, to take the second Article in the eighth chapter of the Statutes, under consideration, and report a sun to compleat said Article.

At this Meeting were communicated and read

{{Dr. Warren}}
An essay, entitled The Psoas or lumbar abscess.
By Dr. John Warren.

{{Dr Beardsley}}
A Letter from Dr. Ebenezer Beardsley, accompanied with a case of a Hydracephalus internus.

{{Loammi Baldwin Esqr.}}
A Letter to Revd. President Willard containing an Account of the effects of a pointed kite elevated in a Thunder Storm.
By Loammi Baldwin Esqr.

{{Revd Eli Forbes}}
A Letter to Revd. Manasseh Cutler, describing the Effects of Lightning on a rock at Cape-Ann.
from Revd. Eli Forbes.

{{Revd Saml Webster}}
A Letter to Mr. Caleb Gannett accompanied with Samples of marble, salt, mineral & cloth.
from Revd. Samuel Webster

{{Revd John Payson}}
A Letter to Revd Manasseh Cutler accompanied with specimens of stones.
from Revd John Payson.

{{Revd Daniel Fuller}}
A Letter to Revd. Manasseh Cutler, accompanied with Indian utensils.
from the Revd. Daniel Fuller.

{{Dr Holyoke}}
A Letter to Mr Caleb Gannett, containing a Bill of Mortality and era for Salem.
from Edward A. Holyoke Esqr.

{{Mr Caleb Alexander}}
A Letter to Mr Caleb Gannett, respecting a Volcano in West-river mountain.
from Mr. Caleb Alexander

[end page 63 | begin page 64]


{{A. L.}}
A letter to Hon. James Bowdoin Esqr. respecting raising potatoes.
from A. L.

{{Mr. C. Gannett.}}
An historical Register of the Aurora borealis.
By Mr Caleb Gannett.

{{15th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences at the University of Cambridge November 12. 1783.

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read.

The following Communications were then made viz

{{Revd Professor Wigglesworth}}
Observations on the Revd. Mr Gay’s Register of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, in the first Parish in Hingham for fifty-four years; from 1726 to 1779 inclusive; with Deductions.
By Edward Wigglesworth S.T.P. Hollis.

{{Revd. Professor Williams.}}
Meteorological Observations made at Bradford, from 1771 to 1777.
By Revd. Professor Williams.

{{D[underline]o[end underline]}}
Observations and Conjectures on the Earthquakes of New-England.
By Revd. Professor Williams.

{{Dr Benja Gale.}}
A Letter from Dr. Benjamin Gale to the Honble. James Bowdoin Esqr. on the Culture of Smyrna Wheat.

{{Revd. Saml. Deane.}}
A Letter from the Revd. Samuel Deane to the Revd President Willard on the culture of Indian-corn.

{{Revd. Mr. Cutler}}
Observations of the Transit of Mercury Novr. 12th. 1782.
By the ^Revd Manasseh Cutler

A Letter from the Revd. Manasseh Cutler to the Revd. Edward Wigglesworth, containing the number of Inhabitants in various cities in Europe; also the Baptisms & Deaths in Wenham from 1750 to 1782.

{{Mr. Benja. West}}
A Letter from Mr. Benjamin West to Mr Caleb Gannett inclosing the number of Inhabitants in the State of Rhode Island in 1730 and 1774

{{Mr John Sparhawk}}
A Letter from Mr John Sparhawk to the Revd Edward Wigglesworth, inclosing the number of Inhabitants in the State of New-Hampshire in 1775

[end page 64 | begin page 65]


{{Revd Daniel Little}}
A Letter from the Revd. Daniel Little to Mr. Professor Sewall, inclosing an Account of the effect of a clay-poultice in a cancerous case.

{{Messrs Wargentin & Hollis}}
Letters from Messrs Peter Wargentin and Thomas Brand Hollis to The Revd President Willard, in answer to his Letters announcing their Election as Fellows.

{{Mr Caleb Gannett.}}
A Meteorological Register kept at Cambridge from October 1782 to November 1783. Also on Observation of a Lunar Eclipse on Septr. 10. 1783 at Cambridge.
By Mr Caleb Gannett

{{Richard Price D.D.}}
A Letter from the Revd. Richard Price D.D. to the Revd President Willard, accompanied with his Observations on reversionary payments in two volumes 8[underline]vo[end underline] as a present to the Academy.

{{Dr Feron}}
A Letter from Dr Feron a French Gentleman, now resident in Boston, accompanied with the following Articles, which he presents to the Academy, with his desire that the piece of Anatomy may be lent to the University in Cambridge, if wanted.

{{Injected Subject}}
1. An injected Subject, inclosed in an elegant case.
2. Twenty three volumes on various Subjects. viz_

Duhamel’s Husbandry 4[underline]to[end underline]
The compleat Farmer 4[underline]to[end underline]
The abridgement of the Gardener’s Dictionary by Philip Miller 4[underline]to[end underline]
Rowland’s Mona antiqua restaurata 4[underline]to[end underline]
Moore’s view of Society & Manners in France Switzerland and German 2 Vols 8[underline]vo[end underline]
Moore’s view of Society & Manners in Italy 2 Vols 8[underline]vo[end underline]
Rose’s Elements of Botany 8[underline]vo[end underline]
Henckel’s History of the Pyrites 8[underline]vo[end underline]
Select Essays on Commerce, Agriculture, Mines Fisheries &c 8[underline]vo[end underline]
Ellis’s husbandry abridged & methodized 2 Vols. 8[underline]vo[end underline]
Weston’s Tracts on practical Agriculture and Gardening 8[underline]vo[end underline]
Robertson’s History of America. 3 Vols. 8[underline]vo[end underline]

[end page 65 | begin page 66]


{{Books continued}}
Martyn’s Phylosophical [sic] History and Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Pairs 5 Vols 8[underline]vo[end underline]
Young’s six weeks Tour through the Southern Counties of England and Wales. 8[underline]vo[end underline]

{{Thanks to Dr Feron}}
Voted 1. That Dr. Warren present the grateful ^acknowledgments of this Academy to Dr. Feron for his elegant and generous donation of a ^ curiously injected Subject, and of a very valuable collection of Books consisting of twenty three volumes, received this day by Dr Warren: And that Dr. Feron be assured, that the Academy will most cheerfully comply with his benevolent bequest, “that the piece of Anatomy should be lent to the University, if wanted”.

{{Thanks to Dr. Price}}
Vote 2. That The Revd. President Willard transmit the Thanks of this Academy to The Revd Richard Price D.D. for his elegant and valuable present of his observations on reversionary payments.

{{Book lent to Mr Cutler}}
Vote 3. That Rose’s Elements of Botany be lent to the Revd Manasseh Cutler. Returned [lighter, later hand]

{{Books lent to Presdt Willard & Wigglesworth}}
Vote 4. That Dr. Price’s Observations on reversionary payments be lent to The Revd President Willard, and The Revd Professor Wigglesworth. Returned [lighter, later hand]

{{Books lent to Mr Bowdoin}}
Vote 5. That the compleat Farmer be lent to The Hon[underline]ble[end underline] James Bowdoin Esqr. Returned [lighter, later hand]

{{Book lent to Colo. Baldwin}}
Vote 6. That the Abridgement of the Gardener’s Dictionary by Philip Miller, be lent to Loammi Baldwin Esqr.
Returned [lighter, later hand]

{{Committee of Regulations for Books &C.}}
Vote 7. That a Committee be appointed to prepare such regulations, as they may judge proper respecting the loan of books belonging to the Academy; also to provide a proper place, in which the injected Subject presented by Dr. Feron and any other Articles of a similar nature may be deposited, and make report of their doings at the next meeting.

Vote 8. That this Committee consist of Three.

Vote 9. That The Revd President Willard, Mr Professor Wigglesworth and Mr Professor Williams be the Committee.

{{Injected Subject where to be kept –}}
Vote 10. That the Keeper of the Museum of the University be desired to rece^ive the aforesd. injected Subject into the Museum, ‘til another place shall be provided for it.

[end page 66 | begin page 67]


{{Mr Wigglesworth & Payson elected into the Mathematical Committee}}
Vote 11. That Mr. Professor Wigglesworth and the Revd. Phillips Payson be of the Committee for inspecting and examining such papers as pertain to the Mathematical Department.

{{Hon. Andrew Oliver of the Physical Committee}}
Vote 12. That the Honble Andrew Oliver Esqr. be one of the Committee for inspecting and examining such papers as pertain to the Physical Department.

{{Committee respecting the printing a Volume of Transactions.}}
Vote 13. That a Committee be appointed to enquire of different Printers, the Terms on which they would print a volume of Transactions, to devise the best method for procuring Subscriptions and for providing the paper that may be wanted, to make an Estimate of the expence [sic] for printing a given number of copies of certain sizes, and in general to consult upon what ever may be necessary to and shall effect a publication in the best and most æconomical manner; and make report of their doings at the next Meeting.

Vote 14. That this Committee consist of Five.

Vote 15. That Loammi Baldwin Esqr., Ebenezer Storer Esqr., Mr. Benjamin Guild, The Revd. Manasseh Cutler, and Edward A. Holyoke ^Esqr. be the Committee.

{{Report of a Committee on Premiums.}}
A Report of a Committee appointed on ye 20th Aug[underline]st[end underline] 1783 to consider of the expediency of providing a fund to be appropriated in premiums &c was read.

Voted 16. That the consideration of sd Report be postponed [strikethrough] ‘til [end strikethrough]

{{Meeting adjourned.}}
Voted 17. That this Meeting be adjourned to wednesday [sic] the 31st of December, then to be holden in the Hall of the Manufactory-house in Boston at 10 oClock A.M.

{{Meeting on Adjournment.}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts Sciences [sic] in the Hall of the Manufactory-house in Boston on adjournment, December 31. 1783

The Transactions at the last Meeting were read.

The following Communications were then made, viz.

{{Revd. Dr. Price}}
A Letter from The Revd. Richard Price D. D. to the Revd President Willard in answer to an annunciation of his Election as a Fellow, and to enquiries respecting Herschel’s planet.

[end page 67 | begin page 68]


{{Revd. Pres[underline]dt[end underline] Willard.}}
A Method to regulate the bobs of pendulums to make clocks keep mean on equal time.
By The Revd President Willard.

{{Revd. Pres[underline]dt[end underline] Willard.}}
Observations of a Lunar eclipse March 29. 1782; of a Solar eclipse April 12th and of the transit of Mercury november [sic] 12th following, made at the President’s house in Cambridge.
Communicated by the Revd. President Willard

{{Professor Williams}}
A Memoir on the Latitude of the University of Cambridge: with observations of the variation and dip of the magnetic needle.
By Professor Williams

{{Professor Williams}}
Astronomical observations made in the State of Massachusetts.
By Professor Williams

{{James Winthrop Esqr.}}
An Account of the Transit of Mercury observed at Cambridge Novr. 12. 1782.
By James Winthrop Esqr.

{{Honble James Bowdoin Esqr.}}
Observations upon a new hypothesis concerning light with incidental observations tending to show the heterogeneousness of light and the electric fluid by their intermixture, or union with each other.
By the Hon[underline]ble[end underline] James Bowdoin Esqr

{{Honble James Bowdoin Esqr.}}
Observations tending to prove by Phenomena and Scripture, the existence of an orb, which surrounds the whole visible material System; and which may be necessary to preserve it from the ruin, to which, without such a counterbalance, it seems liable by that universal principle in matter – Gravitation.
By the Hon[underline]ble[end underline] James Bowdoin Esqr.

A Committee having been appointed the 12th of November last to enquire of the Printers the terms, on which they would print a volume of Transactions &c.

{{Subscription Papers.}}
Voted – That it be an instruction to the said Committee to prepare a subscription-paper as soon as may be and get the same printed, and they are requested to distribute copies thereof in such manner, as they judge proper in order to obtain subscriptions for printing the said volume, and to use their best endeavours for that purpose without delay.

[end page 68 | begin page 69]


{{16th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in the Hall of the Manufactory house in Boston January 20. 1784

The Transactions of the last meeting were read.

{{Benjamin Dearborn Pump & fire Engines}}
A Letter from Mr. Benjamin Dearborn to Mr Caleb Gannett with descriptions and drawings of his Pump & fire-Engines.
Communicated by Mr Caleb Gannett

{{Revd John Prince Air Pump}}
A Letter from The Revd. John Prince to the Revd. President Willard with a description & drawings of an air-pump made by him on a new construction.
Communicated by Mr Gannett

{{Revd Mr Mansfield Moon Dial}}
A Letter from the Revd. Isaac Mansfield to The Revd. President Willard with a description of a Moon-dial and Methods of pointing out the Stars and Planets.
Communicated by Mr Gannett

{{B. Wheeler News-paper}}
A Letter from Mr. B. Wheeler [Printer at Providence] to Mr Caleb Gannett, offering the use of his paper to the use of the Academy.
Communicated by Mr. Gannett.

{{Hon Saml Dexter [House?] Swallows}}
A Letter from The Hon[underline]ble[end underline] Samuel Dexter to The Hon[underline]ble[end underline] James Bowdoin Esqr. respecting the Migration of House-Swallows.
Communicated by The Hon[underline]ble[end underline] James Bowdoin Esqr.

{{Dr. Feron Boston Waters}}
An Essay on the Nature of the Waters of Boston, with a Letter from Dr. Feron.
Communicated by Dr. John Warren.

{{Revd Mr. Payson Astronomical Observations}}
Some Select Astronomical Observations made at Chelsea, and communicated by The Revd. Phillips Payson.

{{Proceedings on Report of Committee respecting Books & Cabinet}}
The Report of a Committee appointed ye 12th November last to prepare regulations respecting the loan of books, and a place for the Cabinet, was read,

Voted I. That such part of the Report as respects the cabinet be postponed

Voted 2. That the other part of the Report respecting the loan of books be accepted for the present, and continue regulations ‘til the Statute Meeting of the Academy in August next.

{{3d Articles in 7th Chap. Statutes altered}}

On a Recommendation from the Council, that the third Article in the seventh Chapter of Statutes be altered;

Voted 3. That in future Meetings of the Academy, seven be a quorum for receiving Communications and for adjourning.

{{meeting adjourned}}
Voted 4. That this Meeting be adjourned to the first thursday [sic] in April next, to be holden a ten oClock A.M. at the Hall of the manufactory-house in Boston.

[end page 69 | begin page 70]


{{Meeting on adjournment}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences at the Manufactory house in Boston on adjournment, April 1. 1784

The Transactions of the last meeting were read.

The following Communications were then made

{{Mr. Wm. Croswell}}
A Letter from Mr. William Croswell to Mr. Caleb Gannett, with a Rule for measuring Frustrums of Pyramids, whose bases are long squares, without extracting the square root of the product of the Areas.
Communicated by Mr. Gannett

{{Daniel Jones Esqr}}
A Letter from Daniel Jones Esqr. to The Revd President Willard respecting a volcano in West river mountain.
Communicated by The Revd President Willard

{{James Winthrop Esqr}}
Remarks on the Parallax of the fixed Stars, occasioned by Mr. Herschel’s observations on that subject by James Winthrop Esqr.
Comunicated [sic] by The Revd President Willard.

{{Revd. Daniel Little}}
Observations upon the Art of making Steel, by the Revd. Daniel Little, with a specimen of Steel of his own manufacture.
Comunicated [sic] by Mr Caleb Gannett

{{Revd. Manasseh Cutler}}
An Account of some of the vegetable productions, naturally growing in this part of America, botanically arranged
By The Revd. Manasseh Cutler

{{Dr. Feron}}
A Continuation of an essay on the nature of the Waters of Boston by Dr. Feron.
Communicated by Dr John Warren.

The following books were presented from Thomas Brand Hollis Esqr. to the Academy by the Revd President Willard viz

Memoirs of Thomas Hollis Esqr. F.R. and A.S.S.
2 vols. 4to.

Remarks on Johnson’s life of Milton 12[underline]mo[end underline]

Humane Society A pamphlet

Reports of the Humane Society – a pamphlet.

{{Thanks to Thomas Brand Hollis Esqr.}}
Vote 1. That the Thanks of this Academy be transmitted to Thomas Brand Hollis Esqr. for his valuable donation of several elegant volumes, received at this meeting by The Revd. President Willard.

[end page 70 | begin page 71]


{{Books & Coins}}
Georgii Agricolæ de re metallica Libri XII. Folio also Four pieces of ancient coins presented by Richard Cranch Esqr.

{{Thanks to Richd Cranch Esqr}}
Vote 2. That the Thanks of this Academy be returned to Richard Cranch Esqr. for his donation of an ancient folio volume and several pieces of old coin.

One piece of Queen Elizabeth’s coin… presented by the Honble James Bowdoin Esqr.

Eighteen Samples of different species of Grain, imported from Europe
Presented by Mr Benjamin Guild.

{{Thanks to Mr. Benja Guild}}
Voted 3. That the Thanks of the Academy be returned to Mr. Benjamin Guild for his present of divers samples of European Grain, by which he has given a pleasing testimony of his attention to the interest of American Agriculture.

{{Grain to Mr Cutler}}
Vote 4. That the several kinds of Grain received from Mr Guild at this meeting be committed to The Revd Manasseh Cutler, that their respective merit may be proved by experiment.

{{Thanks to Mr. B. Wheeler}}
Vote 5. That the Thanks of the Academy for presented to Mr. B. Wheeler, Printer in Providence for his benevolent Offer of the use of his Paper to the Academy, received in a Letter to Mr. Caleb Gannett.

{{Fellows elected}}
By written votes it appeared, that –
Thomas Dawes Esqr. of Boston
Dr. Joshua Fisher of Beverly
were elected Fellows of the Academy.

{{Place for ye Cabinet}}
Vote 6. That The President and Fellows of the University of of [sic] Cambridge be requested to permit the Cabinet pertaining to this Academy to be deposited, for the present, with the injected Subject in the Museum of the University; and under circumstances comporting with the Statutes of the Academy, so far as may be consistent with ^the regulations of the Museum

Whereas repeated applications have been made to this Academy from Inventors of new machines for their opinion and approbation of such machines, in order to facilitate the aquirement [sic] of Patents from Legislatures in favor of such Inventors – Therefore

{{Committee to examine & approbate Machines.}}
Voted 7. That a Committee be appointed to receive such applications as may in future be made; and after

[end page 71 | begin page 72]


examination had of any piece of mechanism, which they shall judge of public utility and worthy a Patent, they are hereby authorized to give such testimonials in behalf of the Academy, as they may think most expedient.

Vote 8. That this Committee consist of five.

By written votes Richard Cranch Esqr., Loammi Baldwin Esqr. The Revd. Professor Williams, The Revd. President ^Willard and Mr Caleb Gannett were elected the Committee.

Whereas by a report of the Committee for inspecting and selecting papers for a volume of Transactions, made at this meeting, it appears, that there are materials sufficient for such a volume; and whereas by the return of several Subscription-papers, it appears that nearly the whole number of copies proposed, is already engaged;

{{Committee to prepare & commit a volume of Transactions to the Press}}
Voted 9. That a Committee be appointed to prepare a Preface; an Index and such other articles, as may be expedient to be inserted in the first volume of Transactions, to do whatever be necessary to the papers, previous to their publication, and ^to commit them to the press as soon as may be.

Vote 10. That the Committees appointed to inspect, examine and select the Papers belonging to the Academy be this Committee.

{{Committee to contract with a Printer & Engraver}}
Vote 11. That a Committee be appointed to contract with a Printer to print a volume of such a size, and with an Engraver to prepare such copper-plates as shall be directed by the last mentioned Committee; and to do whatever may be necessary to ^the execution of the work.

Vote 12. That Loammi Baldwin Esqr., Ebenezer Storer Esqr, Mr. Benjamin Guild, The Revd. Manasseh Cutler, and Edward A. Holyoke Esqr. be the Committee.

{{17th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences at the County Court house in Boston May 25. 1784.

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read.

The following communications were then made –

{{Dr. Holyoke}}
A Bill of Mortality &c for Salem for the year 1783. Also An uncommon case of Emphysema. by Edwd. A Holyoke M.D
Communicated by Mr. Caleb Gannett

[end page 72 | begin page 73]


{{Hon Joseph Brown Esqr.}}
A Letter from The Hon. Joseph Brown Esqr. ^to Ebenezer Storer Esqr containing an account of a steam-engine, with an Essay on the construction of Chimnies [sic].
Communicated by Ebenezer Storer Esqr.

{{Jonathan Williams Esqr.}}
A Letter from Jonathan Williams Esqr. to the Academy, containing an account of the principles and method of constructing of a no static machines, with extracts from Paris papers.
Communicated by Hon. James Bowdoin Esqr.

{{Dr. Hamilton}}
A pamphlet entitled “a new System of Philosophy or the Newtonian Hypothesis examined by an American” with sundry papers written by Dr. Joseph Hamilton & Philosophos also several affidavits respecting the use of Mercury.
Communicated by The Hon James Bowdoin Esqr

{{Officers Elected}}
The following Elections were made by ballot.

The Hon[underline]ble[end underline] James Bowdoin Esqr. President
The Revd. Joseph Willard Vice President
The Hon. Samuel Adams Esqr.
His Honor Thomas Cushing Esqr.
His Excellency John Hancock Esqr.
The Hon. John Lowell Esqr
The Hon. Robert T. Paine Esqr.
The Revd. Phillips Payson
The Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr.
The Hon. James Warren Esqr
Dr. John Warren
The Revd. Samuel Williams

Mr Caleb Gannett Recording Secretary
The Revd. President Willard – Corresponding Secretary
Ebenezer Storer Esqr Treasurer
Mr. Benjamin Guild Vice Treasurer
Mr. Caleb Gannett Keeper of the Cabinet & Librarian.

{{Committee for ye Cabinet}}
Voted 1. That a Committee be appointed to procure suitable accomodations [sic] for the Cabinet.

Voted 2. That the Committee consist of three.

Voted 3. That Mr Caleb Gannett, The Revd. President Willard and James Winthrop Esqr. be the Committee.

By written votes the following Gentlemen were elected Fellows. viz

[end page 73 | begin page 74]


{{Fellows Elected}}
William Erving Esqr. of Boston
Samuel Hale Esqr of Portsmouth_ New-Hampshire.
Mr. Samuel Gustavus Hermelin of Sweden_ member of the royal Academy of Sciences at Stockholm.
John Sparhawk Esqr. of Portsmouth_ New Hampshire.

{{18th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences at the University of Cambridge August 25th 1784.

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read.

The following communications were then made viz

{{Noah Webster Junr. Esqr}}
A Letter from Noah Webster jnr. Esqr to The Hon. James Bowdoin Esqr. with six copies of the second part of his grammatical Institute of the English language, presented to the Academy.
by The Hon. James Bowdoin Esqr.

{{Revd. Mr. Fobes}}
A Letter from the Revd. Perez Fobes to Mr Caleb Gannett with a description of a new Orrery.
by Mr Caleb Gannett.

{{Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr}}
A Letter from the Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr. with a translation of a memoire written in France concerning the cultivation and produce of a kind of Grain called Colzat.

{{Thanks to Mr. Webster}}
Vote 1. That the Thanks of the Academy be transmitted to Noah Webster jnr. Esqr. for his present of six copies of the second part of his Grammatical Institute of the English language.

{{Committee to inspect the Press}}
Vote 2. That a Committee be appointed to inspect & correct the press while the first volume of Transactions shall be in publication.

Vote 3. That the Committee consist of nine

Vote 4. That The Hon. James Bowdoin Esqr. The Revd Simeon Howard, Dr. John Warren, Dr. Aaron Dexter, The Revd. President Willard, The Revd. Professor Williams, Mr. Caleb Gannett, The Revd. John Clarke and the Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr. be the Committee.

{{Report respecting Premiums recomitted [sic]}}
Vote 5. That the Committee appointed August 20th 1783 to consider the expediency of providing a fund to be appropriated in premiums take their report made Novr. 12th 1784

[end page 74 | begin page 75]

under their further consideration ‘til the next meeting of the Academy.

{{Dr. Dexter Elected a Fellow}}
By written Votes Dr. Aaron Dexter of Boston was elected a Fellow.

{{Regulations for loaning Books.}}
Vote 6. That the following regulations respecting the loan of books belonging to the Academy be observed ‘til the further order of the Academy.

1. That no [erased] books be not lent to any person, who is not a Fellow of the Academy.

2. That not more than two volumes be lent to a person at the same time.

3. That all books borrowed be returned on or before the stated meeting of the Academy next after they are borrowed.

4. That the Keeper of the Cabinet enter in a Book, to be kept for that Purpose, the name of the person borrowing and the time of doing it, the size and state of the books; which account shall be signed by the Borrower, and countersigned by the Keeper of the Cabinet, when the books are returned.

5. That if any person detain a book after the time limited for its return, he shall pay to the Keeper of the Cabinet for the use of the Academy, the sum of six pence a week for an octavo, one shilling for a quarto and two shillings for a Folio for each week of its detention; unless the President and Council judge the reason assigned for its not being returned in proper time, be satisfactory. No person thus detaining books shall be permitted to borrow again, ‘til he has complied with this regulation.

6. That if any book be damaged, while lent, the Borrower shall replace the book; or if the damaged book be one of a Sett [sic], he shall replace the whole Sett [sic], or pay to the Keeper of the Cabinet for the use of the Academy, a sum equal to double the damages; which damages shall be estimated by a standing annual Committee appointed for that service; and that a person, who has damaged or lost a book borrowed by him, shall not be permitted to borrow again, ‘til he has complied with this regulation: And that whenever books are replaced, it be done with others of equal elegance, in which case the damaged book or books shall become the property of the Replacer.

[end page 75 | begin page 76]


{{19th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, at the University of Cambridge November 10. 1784

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read

The following Papers were communicated viz

{{Dr. Tenny mineral Springs}}
A Letter from Dr. Samuel Tenny to Dr Joshua Fisher, containing a description of several mineral springs near Saratoga, experiments on their waters, and their medicinal virtues.
by Dr Joshua Fisher

{{Revd Mr Belknap’s Bill of mortality for Dover.}}
A Bill of mortality in Dover for fourteen years from 1766 to 1781 by The Revd Jeremy Belknap.
by The Revd. Professor Wigglesworth.

{{Benjn. Hanks’ Pneumatic Clock_}}
A Letter from the Revd. President Stiles to The Revd. President Willard, inclosing the Author’s description of a pneumatic clock constructed by Mr. Benjamin Hanks, accompanied with two drawings.
The Revd. Presdt Willard.

{{Come. Men to prepare a device for Seal_}}
Voted – That the Fellows residing Cambridge prepare a a [sic] device for a Seal of the Academy, and present it at the next meeting.

{{20th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, in the Hall of the Massachusetts-Bank January 26. 1785_

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read.

{{Devices for a Seal}}
A device for a Seal of the Academy with an Explanation, was presented, agreeably to the vote at the last Meeting: Two devices with an explanatory letter were received from Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse.

{{Committed for Engraving}}
Voted That the several devices be committed to the Fellows in Cambridge, who are authorized to perfect a device, and to employ some proper person to engrave the same, and compleat a Seal equal in size, at lest [sic] to a dollar.

{{Committee to assist the Printers_}}
Voted. That Mr Benjamin Guild, Ebenezer Storer Esqr. and Dr. John Warren be a Committee to assert, in such manner, as they may judge proper, the Printers of the Memoirs of the Academy, on such stipulations as the Committee shall think expedient, in procuring a sum of money, not exceeding two hundred pounds

[end page 76 | begin page 77]


to enable the Printers to compleat the volume.

{{Committee to estimate damages done to Books.}}
Voted 3 That a Committee be appointed to estimate such damages as may be suffered by the books belonging to the Library of the Academy, agreeably to the 6th article of regulations for loaning books. (page 75)

Voted 4 That The Committee consist of three.

Voted 5 That Mr Caleb Gannett, James Winthrop Esqr. & The Hon. Francis Dana Esqr be the Committee.

{{Letters to be written to ascertain who are Fellows.}}
{{Repealed May 24 1785}}
Voted 6. That the corresponding Secretary write to each Member of the Academy and inform him that it is found necessary to ascertain what Gentlemen, who are named in the Charter, or have been since elected, consider themselves as continuing members of the Academy, and that they be, each of them desired to express in writing their intentions either of continuing or ceasing to be Members, and that if no answer shall be returned within four months, after such Letter shall be received, that they will be considered as having resigned their place as Members of the Academy. And that he is directed to make the like application to each person, who was named in the Charter, or has been since elected, who live within the State, whether he has heretofore attended the Meetings of the Academy or not; Those who shall call on the recording Secretary within the time and subscribe the Agreement in his book, need not trouble themselves to give any other answer.
{{Repealed May 24 1785}}

{{Fellows Elected}}
By written votes the Following Gentlemen were elected Fellows.

The Revd Jeremy Belknap of Dover New-Hampshire
The Revd John Prince of Salem.
Mr. Peter Jonas Bergius, Fellow of the Royal Academy at Stockholm.
Marquis de la Fayette of Paris.

The following communications were made –

{{Revd Edwd Wigglesworth}}
The Results of Meteorologi^cal Observations in 1784.
By the Revd. Edward Wigglesworth.

{{Dr John Warren.}}
An uncommon case of Hair found in the Cavity of the Abdomen.
By Dr. John Warren.

[end page 77 | begin page 78]


{{21st Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in the Hall of the Massachusetts-Bank May 24. 1785.

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read.

{{Letters to be written to ascertain who are Fellows}}
Whereas, for reasons approved of by the Academy, the corresponding Secretary has delayed to communicate the contents of the sixth vote passed at the last Meeting:

Voted 1. That the sixth vote passed at the last Meeting be repealed.

Vote 2. That the corresponding Secretary write to each member of the Academy, who is an Inhabitant of the Commonwealth, either named in the Charter, or since elected, whether he has heretofore attended the meetings of the Academy or not, and inform him, that it is found necessary to ascertain what Gentlemen consider themselves as continuing members of the Academy, and that they be each of them desired to express in writing their intention, either of continuing or ceasing to be members; and that, if no answer shall be returned before the Statute meeting of the Academy in January next, that they will be considered as having resigned their place, as members of the Academy. They, who shall call upon the recording Secretary within the time, and subscribe the agreement in his book, need not trouble themselves to give any other answer.

{{Officers Elected}}
The following Gentlemen were by ballot elected Officers for the ensuing year.

The Hon[underline]ble[end underline] James Bowdoin LLD President
The Revd Joseph Willard Vice President
The Hon[underline]ble[end underline] Samuel Adams Esqr.
Loammi Baldwin Esqr.
The Honor. Thomas Cushing Esqr
The Hon[underline]ble[end underline] Benjamin Lincoln Esqr
The Hon[underline]ble[end underline] John Lowell Esqr. } Councillors
The Hon[underline]ble[end underline] Robert T. Paine Esqr.
The Hon[underline]ble[end underline] Cotton Tufts Esqr.
The Hon[underline]ble[end underline] James Warren Esqr.
Doctor John Warren
The Revd. Samuel Williams

[end page 78 | begin page 79]


Mr. Caleb Gannett Recording Secretary
The Revd. Joseph Willard Corresponding Secretary
Ebenezer Storer Esqr. Treasurer
Mr. Benjamin Guild Vice Treasurer
Mr. Caleb Gannett Keeper of the Cabinet & Librarian

{{A new map presented}}
A new Map of the four New-England States was presented from Messrs John Norman and John Coles by
The Hon[underline]ble[end underline] James Bowdoin LLD.

{{Thanks to Messrs Norman & Coles}}
Voted 3. That the Thanks of the Academy be returned to Messrs Norman and Coles for their new map of the four New-England States.

{{Committee to examine the new map}}
Voted 4. That The Hon[underline]ble[end underline] Benjamin Lincoln Esqr, Loammi Baldwin Esqr. The Revd. Samuel Williams, The Revd. President Willard and James Winthrop Esqr. be a Committee to examine the aforesaid map & determine its accuracy, particularly in respect to the divisional line between this Commonwealth and the Province of Nova Scotia.

{{Revd Mr Belknap’s history}}
The History of New-Hampshire_ volume 1st by the Revd Jeremy Belknap was presented to the Academy from the Author ,
by The Revd Joseph Willard.

{{Thanks to Mr Belknap}}
Vote 5. That the Thanks of the Academy be returned to The Revd. Jeremy Belknap for his History of New-Hampshire.

At this Meeting were also communicated

{{Revd. Nehemiah Williams}}
A Bill of Mortality &c for the Town of Brimfield from Jany 1. 1775 to Jany 1. 1785 by The Revd. Nehemiah Williams.
Communicated by the Honble James Bowdoin LLD

{{Revd Edward Wigglesworth}}
A Table, shewing the Probabilities of the duration, the decrement and the expectation of human life at Dover in New-Hampshire.
By The Revd. Edwd Wigglesworth

{{Revd Isaac Mansfield}}
A Bill of Mortality for Exeter in New-Hampshire from 1775 to 1785 – By The Revd. Isaac Mansfield.
Communicated by The Revd Joseph Willard.

{{Richd Cranch Esqr White Hills}}
Extract from on old manuscript history of the first planting of the Massachusetts (belonging to the Library of the old south church in Boston) respecting the White Hills in the year 1642.
By Richard Cranch Esqr.

[end page 79 | begin page 80]


{{Samuel Webber A.B.}}
Sundry Problems and Solutions in Fluxions; also algebraical Solutions of Several Problems by Saml Webber A.B.
Communicated by the Revd. Samuel Williams.

Voted 6. That Mr. Webber have liberty, agreeably to his proposal, to withdraw the abovementioned calculations, in order to his rendering them more general in their nature & application.

{{Caleb Gannett}}
The Result of Meteorological Observations made at Cambridge from Octr. 1783. to Novr. 1784 by Mr Caleb Gannett.

A Specimen of Mr. Isaiah Thomas’s printing types –
by Mr Benjamin Guild_

{{Treasurer to loan money in case.}}
Vote 7. That the Treasurer be authorised to loan upon personal security a sum not exceeding two hundred pounds to such person, as shall be recommended and approved by the Committee for assisting the Printers of the Memoirs of the Academy.

{{Committee to assist the Printers of the memoirs &c –}}
Whereas Mr. Benjamin Guild, Ebenezer Storer Esqr. and Doctor John Warren, at a meeting of the Academy on the 26th of January last were appointed a Committee to assist, in such manner, as they might judge proper, the Printers of the Memoirs of the Academy, on such stipulations, as the Committee should think expedient, in procuring a sum of money, not exceeding two hundred pounds, to enable the Printers to compleat the volume; and whereas, notwithstanding the exertions of said Committee, the execution of the volume is still delayed,

Voted 8. That the said Committee be continued and that The Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr. and Doctor Aaron Dexter be added to it.

Vote 9. That, in case the Printer, already engaged to print the volume shall not immediately proceed in the execution of the work, agreably [sic] to their contract, the aforesaid Committee be and hereby is authorized to agree with another Printer to compleat the volume also on and upon the best terms possible.

{{Committees for Departments continued}}
Vote 10. That the Committees for the Mathematical, Physical and Medical Departments, elected January 29. 1783, be be [sic] continued til the next meeting of the Academy.

[end page 80 | begin page 81]


{{22 Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences at the University in Cambridge August 24, 1785.

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read –

The following communications were made

{{Dr. Holyoke}}
A Bill of Mortality &c for Salem for the year 1784 –
From Edward A. Holyoke M.D.

{{Revd. Mr. Fobes}}
A Proposal for consummating the Independence of America by the formation of an American language.
By the Revd. Perez Fobes

{{Mr. Guild}}
A Letter from Mr. Benjamin Guild to the President respecting the importance of Agriculture and the expediency that the Academy should devise a plan for promoting the same.

{{Committee for promoting Agriculture}}
Vote 1. That a Committee be appointed to prepare a plan for exciting an attention to the several branches of husbandry and for encouraging experiments and making improvements therein and to lay the same before the Academy.

Vote 2. That the Letter from Mr. Guild to the President be committed to the Committee.

Vote 3. That Mr. Benjamin Guild, Loammi Baldwin Esqr., Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr. Hon. Francis Dana Esqr. Revd. Manasseh Cutler, Dr. Joshua Fisher and Dr. Aaron Dexter be the Committee.

{{Committee to devise a Bill or Mortality}}
Vote 4. That a Committee be appointed to devise a plan for a Bill of mortality, to be dispersed through the several towns in this Commonwealth, to be reported at the next Meeting.

Vote 5. That the Revd. Manasseh Cutler, Hon. Francis Dana Esqr. Revd. Edward Wigglesworth, Mr. Benjamin Guild and Dr Joshua Fisher be the Committee.

{{Seal of the Academy}}
Whereas a Seal for the Academy has been executed by Mr. Joseph Callender of Boston, pursuant to an agreement with a Committee appointed for that purpose; for which he charges nine pounds,

Voted 6. That upon said Callender’s presenting his account to the President of the Academy, the President be and is hereby authorized and desired to give an order upon the Treasurer for the payment of the same.

{{Dr. Moyse elected a Fellow}}
By written votes, Henry Moyse of London, Physician was elected a Fellow_

[end page 81 | begin page 82]


{{23d Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences at the University in Cambridge November 9th 1785.

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read, and the following communications made, viz

{{1st Vol. Transactions of ye Society for encouraging Arts &c.}}
The first volume of the Transactions of the Society instituted at London for the encouragement of Arts, manufactures and Commerce, presented to the Academy from the Society by a letter from Mr. Samuel More their Secretary directed to and communicated by
The Revd. President Willard

{{Thanks Retd to ye Society}}
Vote 1 That the Thanks of the Academy be returned to the aforesd. Society for their donation.

{{Dr. Priestley}}
A Letter from the Revd Joseph Priestly L.LD to the Revd. President Willard in answer to one from him announcing his election as a Fellow.

{{Benjn. Dudley}}
A Letter from Mr. Benjamin Dudley soliciting the Patronage of the Academy in his endeavours to make improvements in the manufacture of iron, directed to & communicated by
Caleb Gannett

{{Comittee [sic] to correspond with Mr Dudley}}
Vote 2. That Loammi Baldwin Esqr. Hon. Richard Cranch Esqr. Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr. Mr Benjamin Guild & Dr. Aaron Dexter be a Committee to correspond with Mr. Benjamin Dudley, to ascertain themselves of the degree of knowledge he has in the several matters proposed in his letter, what improvements he is capable of making, the terms on which he would engage in the business, and report at the next meeting.

{{Saml Blodget Diving tongs}}
A pair of diving tongs presented to the Academy from Mr Samuel Blodget, with a letter directed to & communicated by
Caleb Gannett

{{Thanks retd. to Mr Blodget}}
Vote 3. That the Thanks of the Academy be given to Mr. Blodget.

{{Comittee [sic] to examine ye diving Tongs}}
Vote 4. That The Hon. Richard Cranch Esqr. Loammi Baldwin Esqr. and The Revd John Prince be a Committee to examine the diving tongs, and to report at the next meeting any improvements they can make in them.

{{A Poem}}
A Poem inscribed to the Academy.
Communicated by The Revd Presdt Willard

N.B. The Author anonymous

[end page 82 | begin page 83]


The Committee, appointed at the last Meeting to prepare a plan for exciting an attention to the several branches of husbandry &C. declaring it as their opinion, that to effect the end desired it would be necessary, that a Society be instituted for the express purpose of encouraging and promoting agriculture in all its branches & appendages, and, whereas it may require a considerable time to institute such a society, and the Academy desirous to do whatever is within their power to advance in the speediest manner so important a design, therefore,

{{Committee on Husbandry}}
Voted 5. That a Committee be appointed, whose special business it shall be to attend to the several branches of husbandry, to make experiments and to endeavour improvements therein, to pursue such methods, as they may judge proper to engage others in promoting the same design, to connect any Gentlemen whether Fellows, or not, with themselves, in prosecuting & perfecting the end of their appointment, to publish from time to time such observations, as they may determine to be beneficial to the community at large, and from time to time to report their proceedings.

Vote 6. That the Committee consist of Five.

Vote 7. That William Erving Esqr. Revd. Manasseh Cutler, Revd. Simeon ^Howard D.D. Loammi Baldwin Esqr. and Dr. Aaron Dexter be the Committee.

{{Report of a plan of a bill of Mortality}}
The Committee appointed at the last Meeting to devise a plan of a Bill of Mortality reported the following formula – which was accepted and thereupon it was

{{Formula of a Bill of Mortality to be printed}}
Voted 8. That the aforesaid Committee procure a number of copies of the Formula, according to their discretion, to be printed, and disperse them in such manner as they may judge proper.

See the Formula, Explanations and the Committee’s letter in the three succeeding pages.

[end page 83 | begin page 84]

[Table for Bill of Mortality (no data), reflecting the various means of death and age ranges of males and females]

[end page 84 | begin page 85]


In forming the annexed catalogues of diseases, particular pains have been taken to render it intelligible. To obviate every possible misapprehension, notes are added to most of the disorders, containing an explanation of the term used, or the distinguishing symptoms in Italics: — the usual technical term of authors, in a parenthesis; — or the principal species or varieties of disorders, proposed to be comprehended under the general head. Notwithstanding the confined limits of the table, it is presumed, that disorders, not included in it, seldom prove fatal in this Commonwealth: such cases, however, will sometimes happen: and it is desired, that when it is found necessary, in the return, to make use of a term not contained in the list, that one may be used whose meaning is well ascertained, or the disorder do far described as to prevent any mistake.

[List of diseases]

Boston Nov. 10th 1785


The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, apprehending that important and useful information may be obtained, by collecting regular and uniform Bills of mortality from the several towns within this Commonwealth, have directed, that a form for such Bills be transmitted to the towns and parishes within the samel and that the several Ministers and Physicians ve solicited to attend to this subject, and favour the Academy with annual returns. For by a regular return of such Bills for the course of a few years, the rate of our population may be determined; the present value of estates, holden for life, or in reversion, ascertained; and a natural history of the diseases incident to our climate, compiled. The Committee appointed for this purpose, beg leave to transmit [strikethrough] this formula [end strikethrough] the annexed [underline] formula [end underline] to you, and request the favour of a return, as soon as may be, after the expiration of the year 1786, [underline] and annually at the close of the succeeding years [end underline], to either of the Secretaries of the Academy, or to any one of the Committee. The Academy desire the number of males and females resident in your town or parish, and their

[end page 85 | begin page 86]


respective ages within periods of five years,— the number of married persons,—families,— and houses, as they shall stand in the month of July. If it be found impracticable to ascertain all those particulars, it is requested, that as many of them be collected as possible.— Likewise the number of immigrants & Emigrants births, male and female.— marriages — and deaths, specifying the ages & disorder of the deceased according to the [underline] Formula [end underline].— Also, that the number which dead of the respective diseases in each month, be noted in the table of months. A concise topographical description of your town or parish is likewise desired, containing an account of its situation,— whether the land be, in general, high or low, dry or moist,— what proportion consists of low meadows, swamps & ponds of water the quality of wells and springs of water,— the principal occupations of the inhabitants, together with such other remarks as you may please to make. The Committee request you would retain the [underline] Formula [end underline] for your future direction in making annual returns in [underline] writing [end underline]; and they would inform you, that it will be unnecessary, after the first return, to give the numbers of the [underline] living, married persons, families or houses [end underline], till the fifth return A.D. 1791; for the plan, which the Academy promise themselves will eventually prove very beneficial to our country, may be executed without them.

Manasseh Cutler
Francis Dana
Edward Wigglesworth } Committee
Benjamin Guild
Joshua Fisher

{{24th Meeting}}

At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in the Hall of the Massachusetts-Bank Jany. 25th. 1786.

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read

The following communications were made, viz

{{Revd Saml. West}}
Two Letters from the Revd. Samuel West to His Excellency James Bowdoin L.L.D – The first concerning minerals at Gay-head on Martha’s-vineyard; the other respecting the extraction of fresh water from salt.

{{Committee to examine minerals &c at Gay-head}}
{{Extraction of Fresh from Salt water}}
Vote 1. That the Revd. Samuel West be a Committee to procure samples of the minerals and fossils at Gay-head, to analyze them and report the effects of his processes: Also, that he be desired to communicate such further information respecting the extraction of fresh water from salt, as he may judge consistent with the design expressed in his letter, at the next meeting of the Academy, with a specimen of the water extracted.

[end page 86 | begin page 87]


{{Old Coins}}
Sundry pieces of old English coin, one piece of Portuguese, and a rupee of Bengal. Presented by The Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr.

{{J. Winthrop Esqr.}}
A Rule for trisecting angles geometrically.
By James Winthrop Esqr

{{Messrs Allen & Cushing’s News-paper}}
A Letter from Messrs Allen and Cushing, Printers in Charles town to Mr Caleb Gannett, with the offer of their weekly Paper to the Academy.

{{Thanks to Do}}
Vote 2. That the Thanks of the Academy be presented to Messrs Allen and Cushing for their benevolent offer of their weekly papers to the Academy.

{{Mr. Jon[underline]a[end underline] Williams jur. Books}}
A Letter from Mr Jonathan Williams jur. to His Excellency James Bowdoin LLD. with two volumes 8[underline]vo[end underline] in French containing a description of all the aerostatic experiments, that had been made in Europe at the time of their publication.

{{Thanks to Do.}}
Vote 3. That the Thanks of the Academy be presented to Mr. Williams for his very acceptable donation.

{{David Smead Esqr Ores}}
Sundry specimens of Ores found in the County of Hampshire, communicated by The Hon. Richard Cranch Esqr.
See page 118 from David Smead Esqr

{{Revd. Professor Wigglesworth}}
A Letter from The Revd. Professor Wigglesworth to His Excellency James Bowdoin LLD. informing that a Sett of Meteorological instruments had been presented to the University in Cambridge from a Society in Manhaem, that observations would be regularly made with them, and proposing that a copy of those observations should be [strikethrough] [desired] [end strikethrough] requested for the Academy.

{{Meteorological Observations to be made a Cambridge}}
Voted 4 That the Gentleman possessed of the instruments mentioned in Mr. Wigglesworth’s Letter, be desired to communicate annually ^to the Academy a copy of his [strikethrough] of his [end strikethrough] observations made with those instruments, to be inserted in their future publications.

{{Hon. W[underline]m[end underline] Heath Esqr}}
An Account of an extraordinary darkness in Canada in October last.
By The Hon. Wm Heath Esqr.

{{Dr. J. Jeffries aerial voyages}}
A Letter from The Hon Elbridge Gerry Esqr to His Excellency James Bowdoin LLD., inclosing Dr. Jeffries’ Account of his two aerial voyages with the Sieur Blanchard.

[end page 87 | begin page 88]


{{Saml. Hall’s Account}}
An Account from Samuel Hall for paper & printing five hundred formula’s for the purpose of collecting an account of deaths &c throughout the State [a /4] £ 8. 6. 8

{{Payment of D[underline]o[end underline]}}
Vote 5. That the President be authorized and desired to draw upon the Treasurer for the payment of the aforesd account.

{{Revd. Dr. Priestly Books}}
Five volumes 8[underline]vo[end underline] of Experiments and observations in different kinds of Air, by ^The Revd Joseph Priestly L.L.D. F.R.S. presented by the Author and communicated by The Revd. President Willard.

{{Thanks for D[underline]o[end underline]}}
Vote 6. That the Thanks of the Academy be presented to The Revd. Joseph Priestly L.L.D. F.R.S. for his valuable donation of five volumes 8[underline]vo[end underline] containing experiments and observations on different kinds of Air.

Vote 7. That this meeting be adjourned to 10 oClock A.M. to morrow [sic], then to be holden at this Place.

January 26. Met on adjournment.

{{Hon Jon[underline]a[end underline] Jackson Books}}
Mr Gannett communicated a note from the Hon. Jonathan Jackson Esqr. accompanying Capt. Cooke’s last voyage in three volumes 4[underline]to[end underline] presented to the Academy.

{{Thanks for Do.}}
Vote 8 That the Thanks of the Academy be presented to the Hon. Jonathan Jackson Esqr. for his generous donation of Captain Cooke’s last voyage in three volumes 4[underline]to[end underline] received at this meeting.

{{Time allowed for Fellows to subscribe extended}}
Vote 9. That the time allowed by the 2d. vote at the Meeting in May last, for the Fellows to express their intention of continuing Members of the Academy be extended to the ^statute Meeting in May next.

{{Committee correspond with Mr. Dudley Report}}
The Committee appointed by the 2d. vote at the last meeting, to correspond with Mr. Benjamin Dudley made a report, and communicated two letters which has passed between them and Mr Dudley.

{{Report recomitted [sic]}}
Vote 10 That the Report be recommitted to the same Committee, in order to their making further enquiry respecting sd. Dudley’s skill in the manufacture of iron &c.

[end page 88 | begin page 89]


{{Addition to the Committee on Husbandry}}
Vote 11. That an Addition be made to the Committee appointed by the 5th vote at the last meeting, to attend to the several branches of Husbandry.

{{N[underline]o[end underline] of Do.}}
Vote 12. That the Addition consist of twenty six Fellows belonging to this Commonwealth.

Vote 12. That the Fellows following constitute the number added. viz.

{{Fellows added}}

Hon John Bacon Esqr.  ||  Hon Samuel Osgood Esqr
David Cobb Esqr.  ||  Hon. Robert T. Paine Esqr.
Hon. Richard Cranch Esqr.  ||  Hon. George Partridge Esqr
Hon. Francis Dana Esqr.  ||  Revd Phillips Payson
Hon Timothy Danielson Esqr.  ||  Hon. Samuel Phillips jur. Esqr
Revd. Samuel Dean  ||  Hon Oliver Prescott Esqr.
Hon. Timothy Edwards Esqr.  ||  Hon. Theodore Sedgwick Esqr.
Dr Joshua Fisher  ||  Hon William Sever Esqr.
Dr. Ebenezer Hunt  ||  Hon. David Sewall Esqr.
Hon Jonathan Jackson Esqr  ||  Hon. John Sprague Esqr.
Hon Benjamin Lincoln Esqr  ||  Hon. Nathaniel Tracy Esqr.
Hon. Levi Lincoln Esqr  ||  Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr.
Revd Daniel Little  ||  Hon. James Warren Esqr.
[end table]

N.B. The original members of the Committee, are

{{Original members}}

William Erving Esqr.  ||  Loammi Baldwin Esqr.
Revd. Manasseh Cutler  ||   
Revd Simeon Howard D.D.  ||  Dr Aaron Dexter
[end table]

{{Quorum of ye Committee}}
Vote 14. That Five shall constitute a quorum of the Committee, one of the original members being present at the meeting.

{{Committee to hold stated meetings}}
Vote 15. That it be recommended to the aforesaid Committee to hold stated meetings as often as once in three months, and oftener if they find it expedient.

{{to procure Subscriptions}}
Vote 16. That it be recommended to the Committee to endeavour to procure money by subscription, to enable them to prosecute the ends of their appointment in the most effectual manner.

[end page 89 | begin page 90]


{{25th Meeting}}
At a meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, in the Hall of the Massachusetts-Bank, May 30th 1786.

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read and the following communications made.

{{Revd Samuel West}}
A Letter from the Revd. Samuel West to His Excellency, the President, respecting the extraction of fresh water from salt water.

{{Revd Robert [Arnan]}}
A Letter from the Revd. Robert [Arnan] to His Excellency the President, containing an Account of the skeleton of a large animal, found near Hudson’s river.

{{Revd. Daniel Little}}
Minutes of the progressive growth and maturity of the most useful vegetables at Penobscot &c. in 1785: with occasional observations, by The Revd. Daniel Little.
Communicated by His Excellency the President.

{{Hon William Heath Esqr.}}
A Letter from The Hon. William Heath Esqr. to His Excellency The President containing remarks on the darkness in Canada in October 1785.

{{Samuel Freeman Esqr}}
A Letter from Samuel Freeman Esqr. to His Excellency The President, respecting an unusual appearance in the Heavens on the 22d of March last.

{{Mr John Metcalf}}
Observations on the variation of the magnetic needle, by Mr. John Metcalf.
Communicated by His Excellency the President.

{{Samuel Williams LLD}}
An Attempt to explain the State, motion and operations of Heat in the terraqueous globe: and to show that all the phenomena of the Aurora borealis are derived from that cause.
By the Revd Samuel Williams LLD

{{Stephen Sewall Esqr}}
A Series of magnetic Observations from August 1782 to the end of the year By Stephen Sewall Esqr
Communicated by The Revd President Willard

{{Samuel Hale Esqr}}
Conjectures of the natural causes of the North-west winds being colder and more frequent in the winter in New-England than in the same degrees of Latitude in Europe. Also A Dissertation upon Potatoes by Samuel Hale Esqr
Communicated by The Revd President Willard

[end page 90 | begin page 91]


{{Revd Isaac Mansfield}}
A Bill of Mortality in East Kingston in New-Hampshire from 1739 to 1772. Also

A Bill of Mortality in Exeter in New Hampshire ^for 1785. From the Revd Isaac Mansfield.
Communicated by The Revd President Willard

{{Revd Zephaniah Willis}}
A Letter from the Revd Zephaniah Willis to The Revd President Willard containing an account of the salutary effects experienced from the application of the oil of tobacco to a rose-cancer.

{{Benjamin Franklin LLD}}
Thoughts on a Universal Fluid.

On the Theory of the Earth.

Meteorological Imaginations & Conjectures.

The Result of twelve experiments, made with seven wires of the same size, but of different metals, to determine what is the difference of the power of conducting heat in the different metals.

A Description of an instrument for taking books from high shelves.

N.B. The Five last, written by His Excellency Benjamin Franklin L.L.D. and communicated by His Excellency the President, though not as the property of the Academy, were immediately withdrawn.

{{John Jones Spooner Esqr Books}}
A Letter from John Jones Spooner Esqr. to His Excellency the President, presenting to the Academy four volumes 8[underline]vo[end underline] entitled “A six months Tour through the north of England,” containing an account of the State of the Agriculture and manufactures of the northern parts of England.

{{Thanks to Major Spooner}}
Vote 1. That the Thanks of the Academy be returned to John James Spooner Esqr. for his very acceptable donation.

{{Mr Charles Storer}}
A Letter from Mr Charles Storer to The Recording Secretary, presenting to the Academy, from himself and Mr William Smith six stones taken from the Giant’s causeway in Ireland, and a print of the Causeway.

{{Thanks to Mr. Storer}}
Vote 2. That the Thanks of the Academy be returned to Messrs Storer and Smith for their curious and agreeable present.

{{John Coles & Co.}}
A Letter from Mr. John Coles & Co. to His Excellency the President, with a specimen of their engraving the Surveys of the American coast, soliciting a recommendation ^of the performance from the Academy to the Marine Society.

[end page 91 | begin page 92]

Upon the Letters of John Cole & Co. respecting the publication of certain Charts of the Sea-coast of America, said to be taken by Col. Holland and others.

{{Vote respecting Jno. Coles & Co. Charts}}
Voted 3. That it is the opinion of the Academy, that in this case, the Marine Society are to be presumed from their personal experience to be good judges of the Merits of such a performance, and therefore, that it is not best for the Academy, at present, to recommend the proposed work to their inspection, as is desired of the Academy.

{{Dr Jeffries’ acct. of his aerial voyages returned}}
On a representation, from His Excellency the President, that Dr Franklin has sent for Dr. Jefferies [sic] account of his aerial voyages, not designing they should be the property of the Academy.

Vote 4. That The Recording Secretary deliver said paper from the files of the Academy, to His Excellency, the President, that it may be returned to Dr. Franklin.

N.B. It was immediately delivered with Mr Gerry’s letter, inclosing it.

{{Mr Samuel Blodget Diving tongs improved}}
Mr. Samuel Blodget under direction from the Committee appointed by Vote 4th at the Meeting in November last, waited upon the Academy with several pair of diving tongs in miniature, the result of the improvements proposed by the Academy at the aforesaid Meeting.

{{Capt. Cooks’ [sic] charts to be pasted & framed}}
Vote 5. That the large charts in Capt. Cook’s last voyage be by the Librarian taken out of the volumes, pasted on linen, and framed at the ends.

{{Committee to audit ye Treasrs accounts}}
Vote 6. That The Hon. Richard Cranch Esqr., The Hon. Jonathan Jackson Esqr. and The Hon. James Warren Esqr. be a Committee to audit the Treasurer’s Accounts.

{{Report of Committee on Treasrs Accts}}
The Committee having attended to that Service, Reported, That they found the Treasurer’s Accounts right cast & well vouched, and that there is a balance in his favor of seven pounds 5/3 That there is belonging to the Academy in the hands of the Treasurer a State note of sixty six pounds 16/4 dated April 1783, The interest paid to Jany. 1. 1785: also a bond of eighty pounds by John Green, Thos. Adams and John Nourse dated June 18. 1785.

{{Report accepted}}
Vote 7. That the foregoing Report be accepted.

Vote 8. That Loammi Baldwin Esqr. Ebenezer Storer Esqr. Mr Benjamin Guild, The Revd Manasseh Cutler and

[end page 92 | begin page 93]


{{Committee to distribute ye Memoirs of the Academy}}
Edward A. Holyoke Esqr. a Committee appointed April 1 1784 to contract with Printers for publishing the memoirs of the Academy, be desired and authorized to direct a distribution of the volumes in such manner as may best accommodate the Subscribers, and most speedily procure the money for them.

{{Mr. Bemis’ acct. referred}}
Vote 9. That an account of then pounds 16/ presented by Mr David Bemis for paper, be referred to the last mentioned Committee for settlement.

{{Committee to consider of future publications.}}
Vote 10. That the Revd Simeon Howard DD. The Hon. John Lowell Esqr. The Revd. Manasseh Cutler, Loammi Baldwin Esqr. and The Hon. James Sullivan Esqr. be a Committee to devise the best method of publishing in future the Memoirs of the Academy, and report at the next meeting.

Vote 11. That The Revd. John Prince & Dr. Aaron Dexter be Scrutineers.

The following Gentlemen were, by ballot elected Officers for the ensuing year viz.

His Excellency James Bowdoin L.L.D. President
The Revd Joseph Willard D.D. Vice-President.

Hon. Samuel Adams Esqr
Loammi Baldwin Esqr
His Honor Thomas Cushing Esqr
Hon. Benjamin Lincoln Esqr.
Hon. John Lowell Esqr
Hon. Robert T. Paine Esqr.
Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr.
Hon. James Warren Esqr
Dr. John Warren
Revd. Samuel Williams LLD.

Mr. Caleb Gannett Recording Secretary
The Revd Joseph Willard D.D. Corresponding Secretary
Ebenezer Storer Esqr. Treasurer
Mr. Benjamin Guild Vice Treasurer
Mr. Caleb Gannett Keeper of the Cabinet & Librarian.

On a Report made by the Secretary of the Committee on Agriculture of their proceedings

{{Recommendation to subscribe for agricultural purposes.}}
Voted 12. That it be recommended to the Fellows of the Academy more effectually to carry into execution the design of the design of the appointment of the said Committee.

[end page 93 | begin page 94]


{{Addition to Committee on Agriculture}}
Vote 13. That the following Gentlemen be added to the Committee on Agriculture viz.
Hon. Tristram Dalton Esqr.
Hon. Elbridge Gerry Esqr.
Mr. Benjamin Guild
Hon John Lowell Esqr.
Hon. Nathaniel P. Sargeant Esqr.

{{Books on Agriculture to be in ye hands of the Secretary of the Committee on Agriculture}}
Vote 14. That the Secretary of the Committee on Agriculture have the custody of the books relating to husbandry which belong to the Academy, for the term of one year, he giving a receipt to the Librarian for them and engaging that they shall be returned at the end of the year. That those books be loaned by the Secretary agreably [sic] to the regulations respecting the loan of books, passed August 25th 1784.

{{Count de Castiglioni elected a Fellow}}
Le Comte de Castiglioni, Chevalier de ordera militaire de St. Etienne en Toscana was elected a Fellow.

{{26th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences August 23. 1786

The proceedings of the last meeting were read.

The following Communications were made viz –

{{Dr. Jeffries’ Narrative}}
A Letter from Dr. John Jeffries to His Excellency, the President, with a Narrative of his two aerial voyages with Mons. Blanchard, with meteorological observations and remarks.

{{Thanks to Dr. Jeffries}}
Vote 1. That the Thanks of the Academy be presented to Dr. John Jeffries for a copy of his aerostatic experiments received by His Excellency the President.

{{Dr Lorens Crell chemical annals.}}
Chemical Annals in the German language in four pamphlets, presented from the Author ^Dr. Lorens Crell, by Mr Samuel Vaughan junr.

{{Thanks to Dr Crell}}
Vote 2. That the Thanks of the Academy be returned to Dr. Lorens Crell for his chemical annals.

{{Dr Waterhouse Synopsis}}
A Synopsis of a Course of Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Medicine from Benjamin Waterhouse M.D.

{{Thanks to Dr Waterhouse}}
Vote 3. That the Thanks of the Academy be presented to Dr Waterhouse for his Synopsis.

[end page 94 | begin page 95]


{{Dr Priestley’s Experiments &C}}
A Volume, entitled, Experiments and Observations relating to various branches in Natural Philosophy presented from the author, Joseph Priestley L.L.D. F.R.S.
Communicated by Hon Cotton Tufts Esqr.

{{Thanks to Dr Priestley}}
Vote 4. That the Thanks of the Academy be returned to Dr. Priestley for the repeated instance of his generosity.

{{S. Sewall Esqr. Nocte cogitate}}
A Pamphlet, entitled “Nocte cogitate” presented by Stephen Sewall Esqr.

{{Thanks to S. Sewall Esqr}}
Vote 5. That Thanks be returned to Stephen Sewall Esqr. for his Donation.

{{Mr Wm Heikling Asiatic coin}}
A piece of Asiatic coin, presented by Mr Wm Heikling.

{{Thanks to Do.}}
Vote 6. That Thanks be returned to Mr. Heikling.

{{Hon. Saml H. Parson – curiosities on Ohio river}}
A Letter from the Hon. Samuel H. Parsons to the Revd President Stiles describing several natural curiosities; also a draft of an ancient fortification discovered in the country bordering on the ^river Ohio.
Communicated by Rev’d Presdt Stiles.

{{Method of taking ye height of an object}}
A Letter to the Revd. President Willard, inclosing a mechanical method of taking the height of an object.
Communicated by Revd President Willard

{{Rev. J. Lathrop Bill of Mortality &C_}}
A Letter from the Revd Joseph Lathrop to The Revd President Willard containing a bill of mortality for for West-Springfield from 1770 to 1786; also a curious account of the Efficacy of plantain as an antidote against poison.
Communicated by the Revd President Willard

{{Revd Saml Dean’s Thoughts respecting smoky houses}}
Thoughts respecting the causes of smoky houses, and the methods of guarding against or removing them.
By The Revd Samuel Dean.

{{J. Winthrop Esqr Barometrical observations &C}}
Barometrical observations and remarks made during a tour to Lake Champlain.
By James Winthrop Esqr

{{Mr Wm Fisk Indian utensils}}
A Letter from Mr. William Fisk to James Winthrop Esqr presenting to the Academy a Collection [Eleven in number] of Indian utensils.

Vote 7. That Thanks be returned to Mr. Fisk for his Present.

{{New England Farmer – recommended to Committee on Agriculture}}
Whereas a manuscript treatise entitled “The New-England Farmer &C [sic] by a Fellow of the Academy has been offered at this meeting and the general design thereof read,

Voted 8. That it be recommended to the Committee on agri-

[end page 95 | begin page 96]


Agriculture to take the said treatise under their perusal and, if approved of by them, that they afford the author such encouragement, as they may judge proper to effect a speedy publication.

{{Fellows Elected.}}
The following Gentlemen were by ballot elected Fellows.

James Bowdoin Esqr. of Dorchester
John Feron Physician of Paris
John J. Spooner Esqr. of Roxbury
Samuel Vaughan Esqr. of Philadelphia
Hon. Nathaniel Wells Esqr. of Wells.

{{27th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the Academy of Arts and Sciences November 8th 1786 in the University of Cambridge.

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read.

The following Communications were then made.

{{Red. Noah Atwater on Comets.}}
Am Attempt to account for the Tails of Comets and for the Aurora borealis by the different velocities of light, by The Revd. Noah Atwater.
Communicated by Revd. Saml Williams L.L.D.

{{Dr Hubbard on a Gangrene of the Scrotum}}
A Description of the case of a person affected with a Gangrene of the Scrotum, by Dr. Leverett Hubbard.
Communicated by Do.

{{Genl. Parsons Discoveries in the Western Country}}
A Letter from The Hon. Samuel H. Parson to The Revd Joseph Willard D.D. containing an account of his discoveries in the Country bordering on the Ohio & other rivers.
Communicated by Revd Joseph Willard D.D.

The following Letters directed to and communicated by His Excellency The President, viz

{{Revd Daniel Little respecting Penobscot Indians}}
A Letter from The Revd Daniel Little containing his observations, while among the Penobscot-Indians, with a specimen of their Language.

{{Saml Freeman Esqr. Aurora_}}
A Letter from Samuel Freeman Esqr. giving an account of a remarkable Aurora borealis, seen March 22. 1786.

{{Revd Saml. West & Dr. Baylies Gay-head.}}
Two Letters from The Revd. Samuel West and Dr. William Baylies containing an account of their observations & discoveries at Gay-head on Martha’s vineyard.

{{John Gardner Esqr. Ferry-boat & Granary}}
A Letter from John Gardner Esqr. with a Drawing of a ferry-boat representing an easy method of crossing a river by means of the current only; also an account of a Grainery
cont –

[end page 96 | begin page 97]


contrived by him for preserving Grain from Vermin and keeping it constantly ventilated and dry.

{{Joseph Callender’s account & memorial}}
An account of Eighty pounds 8 [s] for engraving plates for the Memoirs of the Academy ^&C, with a Memorial from Mr. Joseph Callender, were presented by the Treasurer, requesting payment.

{{Committee for distributing Memoirs of ye Academy & collecting money}}
Vote 1. That John J. Spooner Esqr. Aaron Dexter M.D. and The Revd. Simeon Howard D.D. be added to the Committee appointed the 30th of May last to direct a distribution of the Memoirs of the Academy. That said Committee thus enlarged cause such ^a distribution to be made, that, (including the number for which payment hath already been received) at lest six hundred copies originally subscribed ^for shall be actually delivered to the Subscribers before the last wednesday [sic] in January next and the money collected. That they use their best discretion in effecting the distribution and collecting the money so as fully to answer the end of their appointment. That they cause Mr Joseph Callender’s account of Eighty pounds 8 [s] for engraving the plates in sd. Memoirs &C. to be paid in equal proportion with what the Printers have received or may receive for their expence [sic] in publishing said volumes, til the whole shall be discharged.

{{Committee for selecting Papers for Publication.}}
Vote 2. That a Committee of nine be appointed to inspect and examine the communications in the custody of the Recording Secretary, & to select such as they shall think proper for future publication.

That The Revd. Joseph Willard D.D. The Revd Edward Wigglesworth D.D. and The Revd Samuel Williams L.L.D. select & examine the Mathematical and Astronomical Papers.

That Mr Caleb Gannett, Mr. Eliphalet Pearson & Aaron Dexter M.D. ^take the Physical papers – and

That John Warren M.D. Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr. and Edward A. Holyoke M.D. take the Medical papers.

Donations –

{{Genl Parson’s Large Tooth}}
A tooth of a remarkably large Animal, now unknown, found in the Western-Country. Presented from The Hon. Saml W Parsons by The Revd Presdt. Willard

[end page 97 | begin page 98]


{{Thos. B. Hollis Esqr.}}
A Treatise on Minerals, Mines and mining by Wm Pryce, Presented from Thomas Brand Hollis Esqr. by His Excellency John Adams Esqr. & communicated by His Excellency the President.

{{Thanks to Mr Hollis}}
Vote 3. That the thanks of the Academy be returned to Thomas B. Hollis Esqr. for the aforesd. Treatise.

{{Books by Thos. Brand Hollis Esqr}}
Monsr. De La [Condamine’s] Journal of a Voyage to the Equator. 4to

A Natural history, in Italian, old Folio.

Descriptions of the Useful Machines and Models contained in the Repository of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts Manufactures and Commerce, in London. 4to. Stitched in blue paper. Duplicates.

Drawings of the forementioned Machines & Models. Folio Stitched in blue paper. Duplicates.

Premiums offered by the aforesd. Society & Lists in 3 Vols. 8vo.

Do. Do. Do. in 3 Pamphlets. 8vo

A Register of the Premiums & Bounties given by the Society. a Pamphlet Folio.

Lists of the Society. in 4 Pamphlets 8vo

Rules and Orders of the Society a Pamphlet 8o

Observations on the Structure and Draught of wheel-Carriages. by Joseph Jacob. Stitched in blue paper. 4to

Animadversions on the Use of Broad wheels and the Preservation of the public Roads by Joseph Jacob. a Pamphlet 4to

A compleat Treatise on Perspective in three volumes. Folio. stitched in blue paper. by Thomas [Malton].

A Sermon preached before the Humane Society. a Pamphlet by The Revd. Thomas Jackson D.D.

Instances of Navigators, who have reached high Northern Latitudes. A Pamphlet. 4to

The foregoing books an [sic] Pamphlets given by Thomas B. Hollis Esqr and communicated by The Revd. President Willard.

{{Thanks to Mr Hollis}}
Vote 4. That the Thanks of the Academy be presented to Thomas Brand Hollis Esqr. for his generous and useful donation of a number of books, received by the Revd President Willard:

[end page 98 | begin page 99]


{{28th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, at the Massachusetts Bank, Jany 31. 1787

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read.

The following Communications were the made, viz.

{{Letters from His Excy Jno Adams, Dr. Dryander & Mr Copley}}
Two Letters from His Excellency John Adams L.L.D. to His Excellency James Bowdoin L.L.D: one inclosing a Letter from Dr Jon. Dryander Librarian of the Royal Society: The other inclosing a Letter from Mr John Singleton Copley, with an Example of perspective drawing. Communicated by His Excellency the President

{{Winthrop Sargent Esqr.}}
A descriptive List of the Forest and other Trees N.W of the River Ohio to the Latitude of 38°. by Winthrop Sargent Esqr
Communicated by His Excellency the President

{{Dr. Abijah Cheever}}
An account of several preternatural hydropic cysts found by dissection in the body of a person, who had labored under an ascites, by Dr. Abijah Cheever.
Communicated by Dr. John Warren

{{Mr. Alexr. Shepard jur.}}
A Letter from Mr. Alexander Shepard jur. to The Revd. Joseph Willard D.D. respecting the raising of Buch-wheat.
Communicated by Revd. Presdt. Willard

{{Rev Jno. Cushing}}
A Letter from The Revd John Cushing to Mr Benjamin Guild containing a Bill of mortality &c. from 1769 to 1787.
Communicated by Mr Guild.

{{Dr. Solomon Drown}}
A Letter from Dr. Solomon Drown to The Revd Samuel Williams L.L.D. containing an account of a phosphoric substance, discovered at Schaghticook on [Hoosuch] river, with a Specimen of the Phosphorus.
Communicated by Dr. Williams.

{{Letters from John Gardner Esq & Mr. N. Garrison}}
A Letter from John Gardner Esqr. to His Excellency the President, inclosing a Letter to Mr Gardner from Mr N. Garrison, describing the Moravian ferry boat at Bethlehem, with an account of the principles and manner of its motion across the Ferry.
Communicated by His Excellency the President

{{Stephen Sewall Esqr.}}
The variation of the magnetic needle observed at Cambridge from Novr. 1786 to Jany. 1787 by Stephen Sewall Esqr
Communicated by The Revd Saml Williams LLD

At this Meeting were presented from the Royal Society of London by His Excellency John Adams L.L.D & communicated by His Excellency the President.

{{Observations at Greenwich}}
Astronomical Observations made at the Royal observatory at Greenwich from 1775 to 1782 inclusive by The Revd. Nevil Maskelyne D.D. Astronomer royal. also –

[end page 99 | begin page 100]


{{Philosophical Transactions}}
The first part of the Philosophical Transactions of the aforesd Society for the year 1786.

{{Committee to report Societies to which Memoirs shall be &C}}
Vote 1 That The Revd. Samuel Williams L.L.D. The Revd Manasseh Cutler and The Revd John Prince be a Comittee to draught a vote expressive of the thanks, of the Academy, and of their determination to send copies of their Memoirs, as they shall be published, to the Royal Society of London; to report a method in which application shall be made to said Society for their Transactions, agreably to their polite and generous offer; to consider of and report such Societies in Europe, to which, it may be expedient for this Academy to prevent their Memoirs.

{{Meeting adjourned}}
Vote 2. That this Meeting be adjourned to the fourteenth day of March next at 10 oClock A.M. then to be holden in the Hall of the Massachusetts Bank.

{{29th meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in the Hall of the Massachusetts Bank on the 14th of March 1787 on adjournment.

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read

The following communications were then made.

{{revd. Jno Mellen Bill of mortality &c}}
A Bill of mortality &c for the last precinct in Barnstable for 1786 by The Revd. John Mellen.
Communicated by Mr Caleb Gannett

{{Revd Peter Whitney Bill of mortality &c}}
A Bill of Mortality &c for Northborough from 1780 to 1787 by The Revd. Peter Whitney.
Communicated by Mr Caleb Gannett.

{{Philomath area of Circles}}
A Table of the Area of Circles of one inch thickness and of any number of inches and tenths diameter from one to forty inches, in wine Gallons, by Philomath.
Communicated by The Revd. President Willard

{{Dr. Wm. Gammage Human Fætus in the sixth month was presented by Dr William Gammage of Cambridge.

Vote 1. That, notwithstanding any votes heretofore passed relative to the distribution of the Memoirs of the

[end page 100 | begin page 101]


{{Mr Guild to settle all accounts respecting Memoirs}}
Academy to the Subscribers, Mr. Benjamin Guild be fully authorized and empowered to receive from the Printers of those Memoirs all the copies of said Memoirs, for which the Academy has engaged payment, and for which payment has not been received by the Printers; to dispose of them to Subscribers or others, according to his best judgment and discretion; also to purchase such other number of copies as he may judge for the interest of the Academy, and to procure so many of them to be bound, as he may find expedient; to negotiate and conclude any other matters pending between the Academy and the Printers aforesaid; and from the money collected to discharge all the expences [sic] insecured by the Academy for the publication of their Memoirs, and to pay the balance, if any, to the Treasurer of the Academy. That for the aforesaid Service, he shall have a reasonable compensation from the Academy, and shall be indemnified from any injury he may sustain in the execution of this Trust.

{{Assessment of Members 12/}}
Vote 2. That the sum of two dollars be paid annually to the Treasurer by each member of the Academy ^within this Commonwealth for the use of the Academy, to be appropriated in such manner, as the Academy shall, from time to time direct; that the first payment of the aforesaid sum be made at the Statutes-meeting in may [sic] next; and from year to year afterwards, the Members shall be at liberty to make payments, quarterly, semi-annually or annually, so that the aforesaid sum of two dollars be completed at the time of the Statute meeting in May each.

{{Loans on Subscription £200_}}
Vote 3. That the Sum of Two hundred pounds be raised by Subscription for the purpose of discharging the debts of the Academy; the same to be repaid with interest, from the assessment of two dollars voted to be paid annually by each Member, and from the Balance of monies, that may arise from the sale of the copies of the Memoirs of the Academy.

{{Negotiated by Mr Guild}}
Vote 4. That Mr Benjamin Guild be desired and authorized to negotiate the aforesaid Subscription, to receive the money, and apply it to the purpose specified in the last cote, and to account to the Academy for his proceedings.

[end page 101 | begin page 102]


{{30th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in the Hall of the Massachusetts Bank May 29. 1787.

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read.

The following Communications were then made. viz.

{{Winthrop Sargent Esqr [Rivers] [?] Ohio}}
A Letter to His Excellency the President with a Plan of an antient Town or fortified camp near the confluence of the Ohio & Muskingum rivers by Winthrop Sargent Esqr.
Communicated by His Excellency the President

{{Stephen Sewall Esqr variation of Needle}}
Observations of the variation [strikethrough] of the variation [end strikethrough] of the magnetic Needle at Cambridge from Jany. 6th to May 16th 1787 By Stephen Sewall Esqr.
Communicated by Revd. Samuel Williams L.L.D.

{{Revd Daniel Little farinaceous Soap}}
A Process for making a farinaceous Soap. by Revd Daniel Little.
Communicated by His Excellency the President

{{Revd Jacob Cushing meteorological observations}}
Meteorological Observations &c. from 1773 to 1787 made at Waltham: by the Revd Jacob Cushing.
Communicated by Revd Saml. Williams L.L.D.

{{Bills of mortality &c at Northampton}}
A topographical description of and Bill of Mortality for Northampton by Dr. John Hunt.
Communicated by Revd. Edwd Wigglesworth D.D.

Ditto. for Westhampton, by the Revd. Enoch Hale
Communicated by Revd. Edwd Wigglesworth D.D.

Ditto. for the third Parish in Brookfield. by The Revd Nathan Fiske
Communicated by Revd Edwd Wigglesworth D.D.

Ditto. for Wenham. by The Revd Joseph Swain
Communicated by Revd Manasseh Cutler

Ditto for the second Parish in Newbury, by Revd William Hale.
Communicated by Revd Manasseh Cutler

Ditto for Monatgue by The Revd Judah Nash.
Communicated by Revd Manasseh Cutler

Ditto for Exeter in New-Hampshire, by Revd Isaac Mansfield.
Communicated by Revd. Manasseh Cutler

{{Ipswich Hamlet}}
Ditto for Ipswich Hamlet. by The Revd. Manasseh Cutler
Communicated by Ditto

Ditto for Brimfield. by the Revd. Nehemiah Williams.
Communicated by Mr Benja Guild

Ditto for Fryeburg by The Revd William Fessenden.
Communicated by Mr. Benja Guild

{{WD Cheever Books}}
A Letter from Mr. W.D. Cheever of Boston to The Revd. Simeon Howard D.D. offering for the acceptance of the Academy eight volumes of the Memoirs of Literature.

[end page 102 | begin page 103]


{{Dr Howard to receive Books & thank Mr Cheever}}
Vote 1. That The Offer of Mr Cheever be accepted, and that The Revd Dr Howard be desired and authorized to receive the Books, and present the Thanks of the Academy to Mr Cheever for his generous donation.

{{Report of Committee}}
The Committee appointed Jany. 31. 1787 to draught a vote expressive of the Thanks of the Academy, and of their determination to send copies of their Memoirs, as they shall be published, to the Royal Society of London &c. made the following Report.

{{Thanks to the Royal Society of London}}
That the Thanks of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences be presented to the Royal Society of London for their very valuable donation of Philosophical Transactions and the Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich; also for their generous intentions signified by their vote to continue the present of their volumes annually. The Academy request, that they may be delivered to Edward Bridgen Esqr. F.R.S & F.A.S. London

{{Memoirs to be sent to Literary Societies}}
That the future publications of the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences be presented to the Royal Society of London.

That a volume of the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences be presented to the following Academies and Societies. viz
Royal Academy at Paris
Academy of Inscription & Belle Lettres
Imperial Academy in Russia
Royal Academy at Stockholm
__ Academy at Madrid
Royal Academy at Berlin
Royal Academy at Copenhagen
Electoral Academy at Manheim
Electral Academy at Gottingen
Academy of Arts & Commerce in London
Philosophical Society at Philadelphia
Academy at Boulogne
French Academy
Antiquarian Society
Haerlem Society
Massachusetts Medical Society
Connecticut Philosophical Society

Vote 2. That the foregoing Report be accepted.

[end page 103 | begin page 104]


{{Regulations recommended by ye Council}}
Vote 3 That the following Regulations, recommended by the Council of the Academy, be accepted & established.

{{Succession of Volumes to be printed}}
1. That a Succession of volumes shall be published by the Academy, as the papers upon file may, from time to time, allow.

{{Each member to take a copy}}
2. That whenever a Volume of the Memoirs shall be printed, each Member of the Academy, belonging to the Commonwealth, shall be obliged to take one copy, for which he shall immediately pay to the Treasurer, according to the Sum, at which the volumes shall be rated by the Academy.

{{Members elected to pay 30/}}
3. That every one who sall hereafter be elected a Member, if belonging to the State of Massachusetts, shall, upon his acceptance, pay the sum of five dollars, for which the Treasurer shall give him his receipt; nd no one shall be considered a Member, ‘til he has made ^such payment, unless the Academy should think proper for special reasons to remit it: And that the same exception apply to the payment of the annual assessment and the purchase of the volume.

{{Manner of announcing Elections}}
4. That the Election of Members be, in future, announced to them by a printed certificate, in such form as the Council of the Academy shall determine.

{{Treasurer to send to delinquent Members.}}
Vote 4. That a Copy of the vote passed March 14. 1787 for assessing the Member living within the Commonwealth, be sent by the Treasurer to such Members, as have not paid their respective assessments; also their particular account and request a speedy payment.

{{17 copies of Memoirs to be procured}}
Vote 5. That Mr. Benjamin Guild procure and deliver to the Corresponding Secretary or his Order seventeen copies of the Memoirs of the Academy, stitched in blue paper, to be sent by said Secretary, in the name of the Academy, to the several literary Societies, agreably [sic] to a report made at this Meeting, and accepted by the second vote.

{{Treasurer to pay Mr. Guild assessments}}
Vote 6th. That the Treasurer be authorized and directed to pay to Mr. Benjamin Guild or his Order such sums as he has receive or may from time to teim received in virtue of assessments on the Members of the Academy, to be by said Guild applied solely for the purposes of discharging the trust committed to him by the first vote at the Meeting on the 14th of March last.

[end page 104 | begin page 105]


The following Gentlemen were elected Officers, by ballot, for the ensuing year.

His Excellency James Bowdoin LLD President
The Revd Joseph Willard D.D. Vice-President

Hon. Samuel Adams Esqr.
Loammi Baldwin Esqr.
Hon. Richard Cranch Esqr.
Hon. Benjamin Lincoln Esqr
Hon. John Lowell Esqr.
Hon. Robert T. Paine Esqr
Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr.
John Warren M.D.
Revd Edward Wigglesworth D.D
Revd. Samuel Williams LLD.

Mr Caleb Gannett Recording Secretary
Revd Joseph Willard D.D Corresponding Secretary
Ebenezer Storer Esqr Treasurer
Mr Benjamin Guild Vice-Treasurer
Mr Caleb Gannett Keeper of the Cabinet & Librarian

{{His Excellency Thos Jefferson Esqr Elected}}
His Excellency Thomas Jefferson Esqr. of Virginia was elected a Fellow.

{{Treasurer’s Account}}
The Treasurer presented his Account current with the Academy, by which it appeared, that a balance of eight pounds 3/3 was due to him_ That he has property belonging to the Academy, as follows, viz

John Green & others Bond June 18th 1785 £80_
State note. Interest pd to Jany. 1st 1787 66.16.4
Order on Excise 4.[0].3
Do on Tax 4_

{{Order of Govr & Council for 132.12.2}}
An Order from the Governor and Council to the Treasurer of the Commonwealth to pay to the President and Council of the Academy one hundred thirty two pounds 12/2 L.M. was received, and committed to the Vice President.

[end page 105 | begin page 106]


{{31st meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, at the University in Cambridge August 22d. 1787.

The Transactions of the last meeting were read.

The following communications were then made viz.

{{James Winthrop Esqr}}
A Method of doubling a cube geometrically by James Winthrop Esqr.
Communicated by the Author

{{Revd. Noah Atwater}}
Meteorological Observations in 1781 & 1786 by the Revd. Noah Atwater.
Communicated by the Revd. President Willard

{{Revd. Bezaleal Shaw}}
A topographical description of & a Bill of Mortality &c. for Nantucket by the Revd. Bezaleal Shaw, with observations on the waters of that Island, by John Bartlett M.D.
Communicated by Mr Caleb Gannett

{{Revd Joseph Thaxter}}
Ditto for Edgartown on Martha’s vineyard [sic] by the Revd Joseph Thaxter
Communicated by Mr Gannett

{{Revd Joseph Sumner}}
Ditto for Shrewsbury by the Revd Joseph Sumner
Communicated by Mr Gannett

{{Revd Chandler Robbins}}
A Bill of mortality for Plymouth from 1760 to 1787 by Revd Chandler Robbins.
Communicated by Hon. Robert T. Paine Esqr.

{{Revd John Foster}}
Ditto for the third Parish in Cambridge by Revd John Foster.
Communicated by Revd. Edwd Wigglesworth D.D.

{{Samuel Freeman Esqr}}
A description of a Watch almanack [sic], with drawings by Samuel Freeman Esqr.
Communicated by Mr Caleb Gannett

{{Stephen Sewall Esqr}}
Observations of the variation of the magnetic needle from May 18th to August 1st 1787 by Stephen Sewall Esqr
Communicated by the Revd Edwd Wigglesworth D.D.

{{Mr Joseph Pope}}
A description by Mr Joseph Pope of an Orrery constructed and improved by him.
Communicated by the Honble. The President.

{{Hugh Maxwell Esqr}}
Observations and Suggestions respecting a difference in different species of Trees as conductors of Lightning by Hugh Maxwell Esqr.
Communicated by The Honble the President.

{{Committee to examine Mr Pope’s Orrery}}
Vote 1. That the Committee [appointed April 1. 1784] for examining machines be directed to inspect Mr Joseph Pope’s Orrery, agreably [sic] to his desire, and report the result of their examination.

[end page 106 | begin page 107]


{{Committee to make electrical experiments on different kinds of wood}}
Vote 2. That Edward A Holyoke MD. The Revd John Prince and Dr Joshua Fisher be a Committee to take under consideration the observations &c of Hugh Maxwell Esqr. communicated at this meeting respecting Trees as conductors of Lightning, and to make electrical experiments upon the several kinds of wood mentioned in his letter, and upon any other species of wood they may think proper, both in a green and dry state, in order to determine their difference as conductors of the electric fluid, and report the result of their experiments.

{{Committees on Departments continued for 2 years}}
Vote 3. That the Fellows appointed Jany. 29. 1783 Committees on the Mathematical, Physical & Medical departments with such others as have been since added to them be continued for two years.

N.B. The Committee on the Mathematical department.
Revd. President Willard Jany. 29. 1783
Revd Samuel Williams Do—
Mr Caleb Gannett Do—
Revd. Edward Wigglesworth DD. Novr 12. 1783
Revd Phillips Payson D[underline]o[end underline]

Physical department
Revd Manasseh Cutler Jany. 29. 1783
Theophilus Parsons Esqr. D[underline]o[end underline]
Hon Benjamin Lincoln Esqr D[underline]o[end underline]
Hon. Andrew Oliver Esqr. Novr. 12. 1783

Medical department
Edward A. Holyoke M.D. Jany. 29. 1783
John Warren M.D. Do
Hon Cotton Tufts Esqr Do.
* Dr. Joseph Orne May 27. 1783

{{Memoirs to be sent to literary Societies}}
Vote 4. That a copy of the Memoirs of this Academy be presented to the following literary Societies in the same manner as to those mentioned under the first vote at the Meeting on the 29th of May last. viz
The Royal Society in Edinburg [sic]
The Royal Society at Manchester
The Batavian Society at Rotterdam
The Academy of Sciences at Turin

[end page 107 | begin page 108]


{{Mr Guild to negotiate a loan}}
Vote 5. That Mr. Benjamin Guild be empowered to negotiate a loan of a sum equal to the balance due from the Academy to the Printer of their Memoirs, and therewith discharge the balance.

{{Treasurer to deliver Messrs Adams & Nourse’s bond to Mr Guild}}
Vote 6. That the Treasurer be authorized & directed to deliver to Mr Benjamin Guild the bong in his possession from Messrs Adam [sic] & Nourse for eighty pounds: and that Mr. Guild place it to the Account of the Academy in a settlement with the Printer of their Memoirs: And it is to be understood, that the balance then remaining is the sum which sd. Guild is empowered by the preceeding [sic] vote to loan.

{{Mr Guild to send Memoirs to England}}
Vote 7. That Mr. Benjamin Guild send, at the risk of the Academy, three hundred copies of the Memoirs of the Academy unbound to England for Sale in such manner and on such terms as he may judge most for the interest of the Academy.

{{Committee to procure a copper plate for certificates}}
Vote 8. That Ebenezer Storer Esqr. Aaron Dexter M.D. and Mr Benjamin Guild be a Committee to procure a copper plate for engraving the certificates directed by the Council to be sent to such persons as shall be elected Fellows.

{{Thanks to His Excellency John Adams Esqr}}
Vote 10. That the Thanks of the Academy be presented to his Excellency John Adams LL.D. for the donation of his defence [sic] of the constitutions of Gover^nment of the United States of America. 8[underline]vo[end underline]

{{Thanks to Mr Wm D Cheever}}
Vote 11. That the Thanks of the Academy be presented to Mr. William D. Cheever for his generous donation of the Memoirs of Literature received at this Meeting consisting of eight volumes 8[underline]vo[end underline]

[end page 108 | begin page 109]


{{32nd Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Novr. 14. 1787 at the University in Cambridge.

The Transactions of the last meeting were read.

The following communications were then made, viz

{{Mr Joseph Pope}}
Remarks upon the causes of the libration of the Earth’s axis, procession of the Equinoxes and the Antecedentia of the Poles. by Mr Joseph Pope.
Communicated by The Honble the President.

{{Theophilus Parsons Esqr.}}
A Solution of the following astronomical Problem – “Having the times, when a circum-polar star passed the thread of a telecsop above and below the Pole, to determine the azymuth [sic] of the telescope and the times when the Star passed the Meridian,” by Theophilus Parsons Esqr.
Communicated by Revd. President Willard

{{Revd. Simeon Williams}}
A topographical description of an Bill of mortality for the Second parish in Weymouth, by Revd. Simeon Williams.
Communicated by Revd President Willard

{{Books presented by Dr Lettsom}}
The following books were presented to the Academy by Dr. Amos Windship of Boston from John Coakley Lettsom M.D. of London. Parkinson’s journal of a voyage to the South Seas 4to The works of John Fothergill M.D. with some account of his life by Dr. Lettsom 4to Memoirs of John Fotherfill M.D. by Dr. Lettsom 8vo Memoirs of the Medical Society of London instituted in the year 1773 The 1st vol. 8vo

{{Dr. Haygarth}}
An Inquiry how to precent the Small-Pox 8vo by John Haygarth M.B. F.R.S. presented from the Author by Benjamin Waterhouse M.D.

{{Mr Henry Pelham A Plan & Print}}
A Plan &c of the County of Clare in Ireland in twelve sheets and a Print of “[underline] The finding of Moses [end underline]” presented by Mrs Pelham from her Son Mr. Henry Pelham.

{{Stephen Sewall Esqr}}
Observations of the variation of the magnetic needle continued from the 1st of August to the 1st of November 1787 by Stephen Sewall Esqr.
Communicated by Revd. Saml Williams L.L.D.

{{Thanks to Dr Lettsom}}
Vote 1. that the Thanks of the Academy be returned to Dr Lettsom for his donation.

[end page 109 | begin page 110]


{{Thanks to Dr Haygarth.}}
Vote 2. That the Thanks of the Academy be returned to Dr. Haygarth.

{{Thanks to Mr Pelham.}}
Vote 3. That Thanks be returned to Mr. Henry Pelham.

{{Thanks to Dr. Gammage}}
Vote 4. That Thanks be returned to Dr William Gammage for a fætus presented by him, & received at the Meeting in March last.

{{Dr. Waterhouse to peruse Dr. Mather on Inoculation}}
On application from Benjamin Waterhouse M.D. that he may have leave to peruse the late Revd Dr. Mather’s letter to the Academy respecting the Origin of Inoculation in New-England;

Voted 5. That the request be granted_ The Doctor perusing said paper and making such extracts from it as may be useful to him in presence of the Recording Secretary.

{{33d Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in the Hall of the Massachusetts Bank January 30th 1788.

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read

The following communications were then made

{{James Winthrop Esqr.}}
Geometrical Methods of finding any required series of mean proportional between given extremes.
By James Winthrop Esqr.

{{Joseph Pope}}
Remarks & Strictures on Sir Isaac Newton’s theory of tides.
Observations upon the Powers of Attraction & Impulsion.
Observations on the increase of the equatorial diameter.
These three by Mr. Joseph Pope
Communicated by The Honble the President

{{Revd. Judah Nash}}
A Bill of Mortality &c. for Montague for 1787. by Revd. Judah Nash.
Communicated by the Honble the President

{{Revd Isaac Morril [sic]}}
A Letter from The Revd Isaac Morrill to The Revd Edward Wigglesworth ^D.D with a topographical description of the town of Wilmington and Bills of Mortality &c for sd. town for the years 1786 & 1787
Communicated by The Revd Dr Wigglesworth.

{{Revd. Wm Fessenden}}
A Bill of Mortality ^&c for Fryeburg for 1787, by The Revd. William Fessenden.
Communication by Mr Benja Guild.

[end page 110 | begin page 111]


{{Dr. Jabez Holden}}
A topographical description of Sandisfield, with philosophical remarks and observations. by Dr Jabez Holden.
Communicated by Mr Benja. Guild.

{{Committee on Dr. Holden’s Communication}}
Vote 1. That John Warren M.D. The Revd John Clark & Mr Benja Guild be a Committee to take Dr. Holden’s communication under consideration; and, if, on examination, they shall judge it expedient, to pursue such measures, as, they may think proper to obtain from the Doctor, furthers information respecting the subjects of his Letter.

At this Meeting were presented.

{{Books presented from Messrs. Adams & Hutton}}
A Defence [sic] of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America 8vo. Vol.2d. by his Excellency John Adams L.L.D. from the Author. Recd. by Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr.

Tracts Mathematical and philosophical 4to by Charles Hutton L.L.D. from the Author. Recd by the Honble the President.

{{Thanks to Ditto}}
Vote 2. That Thanks be returned to his Excellency John Adams LLD.

Vote 3. That Thanks be returned to Charles Hutton L.L.D.

{{Revd. Professor Williams to apply for & receive Philosophical Transactions.}}
Whereas by a vote at the meeting on the 29th of May last, Edward Bridgen Esqr. of London was requested to receive such volumes of the Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society, as the Society should design for the Academy; and information being given at their Meeting of Mr Bridgen’s decease;

Voted 4. That The Revd. Samuel Williams L.L.D apply for and receive said transactions in behalf of the Academy from time to time, agreably [sic] to the generous intentions of the Royal Society signified by their vote.

{{Meeting adjourned}}
Vote 5. That this Meeting be adjourned to wednisday [sic] the 30th of April next at 10 oClock A.M; then to meet in the Hall of the Massachusetts Bank.

{{34th Meeting.}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in the Hall of the Massachusetts Bank April 30. 1788 on adjournment.

The Transactions of the last meeting were read.

The following Communications were then made.

{{Dr Daniel Coney}}
A topographical description of the town of Hallowell, with a register of the births & deaths therein from its first settlement by Dr. Daniel Coney.
Communicated by the Honble the President

[end page 111 | begin page 112]


{{Revd Isaac Mansfield}}
A Bill of Mortality for Exeter in New Hampshire for 1787 by The Revd Isaac Mansfield. Communicated by Revd. Presdt. Willard

{{Revd. Joseph Thaxter}}
A Bill of Mortality for Edgar-town – 1787. by Revd Joseph Thaxter.
Communicated by Mr Caleb Gannett

{{Revd. Nathan Fiske [sic]}}
A Bill of Mortality for the 3d Parish in Brookfield 1787.
By the Revd. Nathan Fisk.

{{Hon. Timo. Edwards Esqr}}
A description of an horn or bone found in the River Tyoga. By Hon. Timo. Edwards Esqr. Communicated by Revd Presdt Willard

{{Timo. Langdon Esqr}}
{{Copper coin}}
A Letter from Timothy Landon Esqr. to The Revd President Willard, with an ancient copper coin.
Communicated by Do.

{{Thanks to Mr. Langdon}}
Vote 1. That Thanks be presented to Timothy Langdon Esqr.

{{Fellows elected}}
The following Gentlemen were elected Fellows by ballot.

Sir Joseph Banks Bart. President of the Royal Society in London
Revd. Nevil Maskelyne DD. F.R.S. Astronomer Royal at Greenwich.
Revd. Thomas Hornsby D.D. F.R.S. Savilian Professor of Astronomy at Oxford.
Rt. Revd. Richard Watson D.D. F.R.S. Bishop of Landaff
William Herschel L.L.D. F.R.S.
M. le Comte de Cassini, member of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris.
Mr. James Hemmer F.P.A. Secretary of the Electoral Academy of Sciences at Manheim.
Thomas Russell Esqr. of Boston
Revd. Noah Atwater of Westfield.

In consequence of the first vote at the meeting on the 22d of August last, the following report was made, viz

{{Report respeting [sic] Mr. Joseph Pope’s Orrery}}
“The Subscribers, Members of the Committee for examining Machines; in conformity to a vote of the Academy have inspected Mr Joseph Pope’s orrery.

“Upon a careful examination, the view afforded them much satisfaction.

“The Sun placed in the center, revolves on his own axis, which is inclined. The several planets, at their relative distances from the Sun, revolve around him in eccentric orbits, performing their diurnal motions; and the several Satellites revolve around their respective Primaries – all in their proper periodic times, determined by the motion of an index.

[end page 112 | begin page 113]


The inclination of the axes of those planets, whose axes are inclined to the ecliptic is exhibited, keeping parallel to themselves, and always tending to their respective places: and the inclination of their several orbits to the plane of the Ecliptic is also shown, as is the heliocentric latitude of each planet in every part of its orbit. The motion of Saturn’s ring is likewise exhibited.

The Moon and the Earth are each half covered with a black cap, to represent the apparently dark parts. Around the earth are several circles showing the [sidereal] time, the Moon’s age, latitude and longitude and her motion on her axis, which is inclined and keeps parallel to itself around the earth; the moon still keeping but one side next to the earth. This motion being contrary to the common method of performing it, another moon is placed on the same circle, with her axis perpendicular.

In the center of this Machine is placed an index, which readily shows at any time, the latitudes and longitudes of the several planets. The diameter of the ecliptic circle is five feet and two inches.

The Machine is in the form of a dodecagon. In each square is a glass fixed to show the movements of the wheelwork, which appears as accurate, as it is curious. Each corner is ornamented with a statue of brass. On the top of the case are fixed twelve pillars, which support the great ecliptic circle, across which is fixed a segment of one of the celestial meridians. Between those pillars are twelve plates with calculations. Within the Ecliptic is fixed a broad circle representing the Zodiac, on which are delineated the twelve signs, and the fixed stars in their proper places. The face is a plane, above which all the bodies revolve, and are put in motion by turning a single winch, which may be performed with the strength of a common thread. The whole is in place on an elegant stand. While the ingenuity of the Artist, displayed in the workmanship, pleases, the Plan itself, so perfectly executed, excites admiration. In justice to Mr Pope we readily say, that it is our opinion, the improvements he has made, are great, and that the description he gave to the Academy of his orrery, is fully verified.

Cambridge 22. Feby. 1788

Richard Cranch
Samuel Williams
Joseph Willard
Caleb Gannett
Loammi Baldwin

Vote 2. That the foregoing report be accepted: and that it be published in one or more newspapers under the direction of the Secretaries.

[end page 113 | begin page 114]


{{35th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, in the Hall of the Massachusetts-Bank May 27th 1788.

The Transactions of the last meeting were read.

The following communications were made vix

{{Stephen Sewall Esqr}}
Observations of the variation of the magnetic needle from Novr 2d. 1787 to May 11th 1788 by Stephen Sewall Esqr.

{{Dr. Samuel Mather}}
A case in Surgery, occasioned by a fracture of the Skull. By Dr. Samuel Mather.
Communicated by Revd Saml Williams D.D.

{{Revd. Eli Forbes}}
A topographical description of & bill of mortality ^&c for Glocester [sic] for 1786 by The Revd Eli Forbes.

{{Dr. Wm Hale}}
A Bill of mortality &c for the second Parish in Newbury, for 1787 by Dr. William Hale

{{Revd Caleb Prentice}}
A Bill of Mortality &c for the first Parish in Reading for 1786 by The Revd. Caleb Prentice.

{{Samuel Adams}}
A topographical description of the town of Ipswich with bills of mortality &c for the first and the South parishs [sic] in that town, 1786 &[‘7] by Dr Samuel Adams.
The four last communicated by The Revd Manasseh Cutler.

{{Aaron Dexter M.D}}
Observations on the manufacture of Pot ash by Aaron Dexter M.D.

{{Committee to examine Dr Dexter’s communications}}
Vote 1. That The Hon. Benjamin Lincoln Esqr, Loammi Baldwin Esqr and The Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr. be a Committee to examine Dr. Dexter’s communication; and if in their judgment, it should appear of public utility, that it should be published, to direct the recording Secretary to publish it. given to [Sd] Committee

{{Books presented by Mr. Isaiah Thomas}}
Perry’s English dictionrary
The Worcester collection of sacred harmony
A specimen of Mr. Isaiah Thomas’s printing types – were presented from Mr. Isaiah Thomas, by The Hon. the President

{{Thanks to Mr Thomas}}
Vote 2. That the Thanks of the Academy be presented to Mr. Isaiah Thomas for the above donation.

{{Committee for collecting Subscriptions for the memoirs}}
Vote 3. That The Hon. Robert T. Paine, Francis Dana & John Lowell Esqrs be a Committee to devise the best method to collect the monies due from Subscribers for the Memoirs of the Academy.

{{Memoirs presented to London medical Society}}
Vote 4. That a copy of the Memoirs of this Academy be presented to the London medical Society.

[end page 114 | begin page 115]


The Following Gentlemen were, by ballot, elected Officers for the ensuing year.

{{Officers elected}}
The Honble James Bowdoin LLD President
The Revd Joseph Willard D.D. Vice President

Hon. Samuel Adams Esqr
Hon. John Adams LLD.
Loammi Baldwin Esqr
Hon. Richard Cranch Esqr
Hon. Benjamin Lincoln Esqr
Hon. John Lowell Esqr
Hon. Robert T. Paine Esqr
Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr.
John Warren M.D.
Revd Edward Wigglesworth D.D.

Mr Caleb Gannett Recording Secretary
The Revd. Joseph Willard D.D. Corresponding Secretary.
Ebenezer Storer Esqr Treasurer
Mr. Benjamin Guild Vice Treasurer
Mr Caleb Gannett Librarian & Keeper of the Cabinet

{{Committee to audit Treasrs Accounts}}
Vote 5 That Aaron Dexter M.D. and The Honble Cotton Tufts Esqr be a Committee to audit the Treasurer’s Accounts.

{{36th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences at the University in Cambridge August 20th 1788.

The Transactions of the last meeting were read.

The following communications were there made viz

{{Stephen Sewall Esqr}}
Observations of the variation of the magnetic needle from May 26th to August 15th 1788. by Stephen Sewall Esqr.

{{Revd President Shaw}}
A Bill of Mortality &C for Nantucket for 1787 by The Revd Bezaleal Shaw.
Communicated by Mr Caleb Gannett

{{Revd John Mellen}}
A Bill of Mortality &C for East parish in Barnstable for 1787 by The Revd John Mellen.
Communicated by C. Gannett.

{{Committee for Electric Experiments}}
Electric experiments on several kinds of wood, in order to determine their difference, as conductors of the electric fluid

[end page 115 | begin page 116]


fluid, by a Committee appointed for that purpose Augst 22d 1787
Communicated by The Revd John Prince.

{{Committee to prosecute Electric Experiments}}
Vote 1. That the aforesaid Committee be requested to prosecute their enquiry by making further experiments.

{{Hon Andrew Oliver Esqr Elected on [sic] of sd Committee}}
Vote 2. That The Hon. Andrew Oliver Esqr. be added to the aforesaid Committee.

N.B. The Committee are Edward A. Holyoke M.D.
Revd. John Prince
Dr. Joshua Fisher
Hon. Andrew Oliver Esqr


{{Philosophical transactions of ye Royal Society for 1787}}
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London for 1787 in two volumes 4to

{{An Index to Ditto}}
A general Index to the Philosophical Transactions of the aforesaid Society 4to

{{Astronomical Observations at Greenwich}}
Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich in 1785 and 1786, by The Revd. Nevil Maskelyne D.D. ^in sheets were presented from the Royal Society at this meeting by The Revd President Willard.

{{Thanks to ye Royal Society}}
Vote 3. That The corresponding Secretary return the Thanks of the Academy to The Royal Society for their repeated and valuable donation.

{{Hon Dr Adams 3d Volume of Defence}}
The third volume of The Hon. John Adams L.L.D. defence of the constitutions of government of the United States of America, 8vo was presented from the Author, by The Honorable ^The President.

{{Thanks to Dr Adams}}
Vote 4. That the thanks of the Academy be returned to The Hon. John Adams L.L.D. for this reiterated instance of his generosity.

{{Report of Committee on Treasurer’s Accounts}}
The Committee appointed at the last Meeting to audit the Treasurers [sic] Account, made the following report. That there is a balance due to the Academy of [strikethrough] twelve [end strikethrough] Twelve pounds ten shillings & four pence; and that there is in the hands of the Treasurer a consolidated note of this State No. 13161 dated April 1. 1783 for sixty six pounds sixteen shillings & four pence, the interest thereon paid to Jany 1. 1788 and several Treasurer’s orders for that interest amounting to twelve pounds & five pence; also a warrant on the State Treasurer for one

[end page 116 | begin page 117]


hundred thirty two pounds twelve shillings and two pence.

{{Report accepted}}
Vote 5. That the foregoing report be accepted.

One hundred copper-plate certificates of Elections, having been procured, and they with the Plate being produced at this Meeting by the Corresponding Secretary.

{{Certificates of Elections committed to the Recordg Secy}}
Voted 6 That the Recording Secretary take the aforesaid Plate & Certificates into his possession. That he procure a press to be made to be used in impressing the Seal of the Academy, and that he prepare for signing by the Officers authorized so to do, so many of those certificates as there are elected Members, by inserting their names and fixing the Seal of the Academy upon them.

Vote 7. That The Revd. President Willard, The Hon John Lowell Esqr & Mr Caleb Gannett be a Committee to draught a form of a letter of Thanks to be sent to Donors of the Academy.

The aforesaid Committee offered the following Form, viz

{{Form of a Letter of Thanks}}

“The American Academy of Arts & Sciences return their Thanks for [intentional blank space] which has been received by them.

They highly esteem every Friend of Science, who kindly assists them in promoting the design of their institution, and have desired me to transmit to you their grateful sense of favour.

I am, Sir, your most obedient Servant.”

(Corresponding Secretary)

{{Adopted. The corresponding Secy. to get 120 printed}}
Vote 8. That the foregoing form be in future transmitted to Donors of the Academy, and that the corresponding Secretary procure one hundred & twenty copies in letter press ^& with an impression of the Seal of the Academy to be used by him for that purpose.

{{Committee to select regulations respecting Fellows elect &C.}}
Vote 9. That Mr. Eliphalet Pearson, the Revd President Willard & Mr Caleb Gannett be a Committee to select such regulations as respect Fellows elect, and to draught a letter to be sent by the corresponding Secretary with the said regulations, to such Gentlemen.

[end page 117 | begin page 118]


{{Mr. Smead’s ores assayed}}
Sundry samples of Ores preserved from David Smead Esqr. Jany 25 1786, having been assayed by Aaron Dexter MD. & Mr Caleb Gannett, it appeared that they produced nothing but Sulphur.

Vote 10 To proceed to ballot for such candidates are are [sic] on the nomination list.

Vote 11 That The Revd John Clark & Mr Eliphalet Pearson be Scrutineers.

{{Fellows Elected}}
The following Gentlemen were elected Fellows, viz

George Cabot Esqr. of Beverly
Charles Hutton L.L.D. F.R.S. Professor of Mathematics
John Coakley Lettsom M.D. Fellow of the royal antiquarian & medical Societies of London, member of the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia & of the philosophical and literary Society of Manchester & Physician extraordinary to the city of London ^lying in hospital general & [Finsbury] dispensaries.
Nicholas Pike Esqr of Newbury-Port
Mr. Joseph Pope of Boston
Benjamin Rush M.D. of Philadelphia
Winthrop Sargent jur. Esqr.
Jonathan Stokes M.D. late President of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh, corresponding member of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Physician at Kidderminster.

{{To notify delinquents}}
Vote 12. That to the notification of the next Meeting, a request be added to delinquent Members to pay their assessments.

{{Loan of books to ye agricultural committee continued.}}
Vote 13. That such books belonging to the Academy, as are in the possession of the Committee on Agriculture, be further loaned ‘til the Statute meeting in May next.

[end page 118 | begin page 119]


{{37th meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences at the University in Cambridge the 12th of November 1788

The Transactions of the last meeting were read.

The following communications were then made, viz

{{Stephen Sewall Esqr}}
Observations of the variation of the magnetic needle continued from Augst 15th to 10th instant, by Stephen Sewall Esqr.

{{Edward A. Holyoke MD.}}
An Estimate of the excess of the Heat and the Cold of the American atmosphere beyond the European in the same parallel of latitude; to which are added some thoughts on the causes of this excess, by Edward A Holyoke.
Communicated by the Revd Presdt Willard

{{Aaron Dexter MD}}
The result of an essay of [Sal-soda] , or Kelp ashes.
By Aaron Dexter M.D.

{{James Winthrop Esqr Inscription &C}}
An easy method of drawing an ellipsis with a description of the compasses used for that purpose.
An account of an inscribed rock at Dighton accompanied with a copy of the inscriptions, by James Winthrop Esqar
Communicated by Mr Caleb Gannett.

{{Thanks to Mr. Winthrop}}
Vote 1. That Thanks be returned to James Winthrop Esqr for the copy the afores.d inscription.

The following books were presented, viz

{{Books presented by Messrs. Marat Chavannes Warville Minot}}
Nouvelles Decouvertes sur la Lumiere, 8vo by M. Le. Dr. Marat, from the Author,
by The Honble The President.

Essai sur L’Education intellectuelle par Alex. Cesar Chavannes, from the Author. ^stitched
by The Hon.ble The President.

Considerations of the relative situation of France and the United States of America, translated from the French of Etienne Claviere & J. P. Brissot de Warville, from M De. Warville ^stitched by The Revd. Presdt Willard

The History of the Insurrections in Massachusetts in 1786 and the Rebellion consequent thereon, by George R. Minot Esqr from the Author. 8vo by The Honble The President.

{{Thanks to Donors}}
Voted. 2. That Thanks be presented to Messrs. Marat, Chavannes, Warville & Minot for their Donations.

{{Bills of mortality committee}}
Vote 3. That the Recording Secretary deliver the Bills of mortality on the files of the Academy, to The Revd

[end page 119 | begin page 120]


Edward Wigglesworth, D.D. John Warren M.D. and Aaron Dexter M.D. that they may make such deductions respecting Longevity & diseases, as they Bills are capable of affording; and that they report the result.

{{Committee to peruse M. Marat & make Experiments}}
Vote 4. That The Revd. President Willard, Messrs. Gannett and Pearson be a Committee to peruse M. Marat’s volume, presented at this meeting, and make such experiments as they shall judge expedient, in order to determine whether the principles advanced in the Performance are well founded & the conclusions from them just; agreably [sic] to the Author’s request in his letter accompanying the volume: and that they report.

{{Committee for publishing 2d. vol. Memoirs}}
{{see page 97}}
Vote 5. That the Committee for selecting papers for a future publication, make enquiry, whether any Printer will undertake the publication of a second volume of the Academy, Memoirs on his own account & render to the Academy a number of copies, free of expence? In that case, that the Committee prepare and deliver such papers to such Printer, as they shall judge proper for the publication; and that they inspect and correct the press, while he is executing the work.

{{Mr J White’s Letter}}
A letter was received from James White, requesting payment of the balance due for printing the first volume of memoirs.

{{Mr Guild to procure money from Subscribers for Memoirs}}
Vote 6. That Mr Benjamin Guild as Agent for the Academy to discharge the balance due for the memoirs of the Academy, already published, be directed to apply to the Committee for devising the best method to collect the monies due from Subscribers for said Memoirs, for the result of their deliberations on that subject; and that having obtained their advice, he pursue it with vigor.

{{Mr Guild to solicit Loans to pay for memoirs}}
Vote 7. That Mr Benjamin Guild solicit subscriptions from Fellows of the Academy of such sums as will enable him to discharge his notes or obligations given to Mr James White, for a balance due for printing the Memoirs of the Academy. Mr Guild to give his note or obligation, as the Academy’s agent to Subscribers for such sums, as they shall advance, engaging payment within one year, with interest

[end page 120 | begin page 121]


for the payment of which the Academy engage to stand responsible.

{{Thanks to Printers for Newspapers}}
Vote 8. That thanks be presented to Messrs Adams & Nourse, Messrs. ^John Wincoll Allen, Benjamin Russell & Edmund Freeman, Printers in Boston, and to Mr. Bennet Wheeler Printer in Providence for their respective weekly papers sent to the recording Secretary for the Academy.

{{accounts allowed}}
Voted 9. That the following accounts be allowed, viz one of Mr Benjamin Hackell for twenty shillings; one of Messrs. Walton & Moore for twelve shilling & nine pence; and that the President draw upon the Treasurer for payment.

{{38th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in the Hall of the Massachusetts Bank Jany. 20. 1789.

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read.

the following communications were then made, viz.

{{Stephen Sewall Esqr.}}
Observations of the variation and dip of the magnetic needle continued from the 10th of Novr. 1788 to the 27th of January 1789. by Stephen Sewall Esqr.
Communicated by The Revd Presdt Willard

{{Dr. Rand}}
A Bill of births, deaths &C in the families in Cambridge, under the care of Isaac Rand Esqr. for 1786, 1787 & 1788 by Dr. Rand.
Communicated by the Red. Edwd Wigglesworth D.D.

A Bill of mortality &C for the second congregational Society in Marblehead for 1786.
Communicated by Mr. Benjamin Guild.

{{Revd. Nehemiah Williams}}
Ditto for Brimfield for 1787 by The Revd. Nehemiah Williams
Communicated by Mr Guild.

{{Mr Enoch Parley.}}
Ditto for Bridgeton for 1788 by Mr. Enoch Parley.
Communicated by Mr. Guild

{{Dr Daniel Corey}}
A Letter from Dr. Daniel Corey to The Honble. The President containing the number of births & deaths in Hallowell in 1780.

{{Revd Jacob Cushing}}
Meteorological Observations made in Waltham in 1787 and 1788. also a Bill of mortality for Waltham from the 1st of Jany. 1747 to the 1st of Jany 1789. by The Revd Jacob Cushing.

[end page 121 | begin page 122]


{{Winthrop Sargent Esqr}}
A Letter from Winthrop Sargent Esqr. to The Honble The President, with meteorological observations made at Marietta in September & October 1788

{{Edwd A Holyoke M.D.}}
A Letter from Edward A Holyoke M.D. to the Honble the President, proposing a method for obtaining an accurate map of this country.

{{Mr Samuel Blodget}}
A Letter from Mr. Samuel Blodget to The Honble The President containing a description of a new hydrometer constructed by him and shewing the manner of using it.

The hydrometer and weights were presented from Mr Blodget.

{{Thanks to Mr Blodget}}
Vote 1. That Thanks be returned to Mr. Blodget for his hydrometer.

{{Committee on hydrometer}}
Vote 2. That Aaron Dexter M.D. Loammi Baldwin Esqr and The Hon. Cotton Tufts M.D. be a Committee to examine the adoresaid hydrometer, ascertain the principles, on which it is constructed, determine by experiments whether it answers the account given of it, & in what respects it is an improvement on hydrometers of a different construction, and make report.

N.B. Mr Blodget’s letter & hydrometer given to Dr Dexter

{{Committee on Dr Holyoke’s Letter}}
Vote 3. That The Revd. President Willard Caleb Gannett and James Winthrop be a Committee to examine Dr Holyoke’s letter and devise the best method for executing the plan therein proposed, & report at the next meeting.

{{Committee on Dyes}}
Vote 4. That The Hon. Cottons Tufts MD. The Hon. John Adams L.L.D. the Hon Richard Cranch Esqr. Aaron Dexter M.D. & John Warren MD. be a Committee to consider & investigate the subject of Dyes, and make report.

{{Fellows elected}}
The following Gentlemen were elected Fellows

John Haygarth M.D. & F.R.S. living in the city of Chester in Great Britain.
George Richards Minot Esqr. of Boston.
Mr. J. P. Brissot De Warville of France

[end page 122 | begin page 123]


{{39th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences at the Massachusetts Bank May 26. 1789

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read.

The following communications were then made viz

{{Stephen Sewall Esqr}}
Observations of the variations and dip of the magnetic needle continued from the 26th of Jany to the 22d. of May 1789.
By Stephen Sewall Esqr.

{{Revd Justus Forward}}
A topographical description of [ye] Bill of mortality for the town of Belchertown for thirty three years past, with remarks on pulmonie consumptions, by The Revd. Justus Forward.
Communicated by The Revd Presdt Willard.

{{Revd Judah Nash}}
A Bill of Mortality for Montague for 1788 by The Revd. Judah Nash.

{{Revd. Nathan Fiske}}
Ditto—for Brookfield. third parish for 1788 by The Revd. Nathan Fiske.
Communicated by The Revd. Dr. Wigglesworth.

{{Revd Joseph Thaxter}}
A Bill of Mortality for Edgartown for 1788 by The Revd. Joseph Thaxter.
Communicated by Mr Caleb Gannett.

{{Revd Isaac Mansfield}}
Ditto for Exeter in New Hampshire for 1788 by The Revd. Isaac Mansfield.
Communicated by The Revd. Presdt. Willard

{{Dr. Josiah Bartlett}}
Ditto for Charlestown for 1786, 1787, 1788 by Dr. Josiah Bartlett.
Communicated by The Revd. Presdt. Willard

{{Revd. Joseph Swain.}}
Ditto for Wenham for 1787 by Revd. Joseph Swain.

{{Revd Saml. Webster}}
A topographical description of [ye] Bills of Mortality for the town of Salisbury for 1786, 1787, 1788 by The Revd Samuel Webster.

{{Revd Peter Whitney}}
A Bill of Mortality for Northborough for 1788 by The Revd Peter Whitney.

{{Revd Isaac Story.}}
Calculations showing the advantage, which the ministerial profession claims above all other callings, collectively considered, in point of longevity, by The Revd Isaac Story.
Communicated by The Hon. The President

{{Dr. Saml Perkins}}
An essay on a new method of finding longitude at sea by Dr. Samuel Perkins.
Communicated by The Hon. The President.

{{See page 27}}


{{Revd. Manasseh Cutler}}
A description of the white walnut or butter nut tree, particularising [sic] its uses in physics and [Dies],
By the Revd Manasseh Cutler [end strikethrough]

Donations received

Newspapers printed in Boston, Cambridge, Watertown & Worcester from 17[6]8 to 1789, contained in thirty volumes Folio.
Presented by Thomas Russell Esqr.

Voted. That Thanks be returned to Thomas Russell Esqr.

[end page 123 | begin page 124]


{{Bath agricultural Papers}}
The Bath Agricultural papers in 4 Vols – 8vo from the agricultural society at Bath.
Communicated by the Revd Presdt Willard

{{Thanks to Bath Society}}
Voted 1 That Thanks be returned

{{Thanks to Academy at Gottingen}}
Voted 2 That the corresponding Secretary present the Thanks of this Academy to the Academy of Sciences at Gottingen for the offer of their productions from time to time, received at this meeting from their Secretary, and their assurances be given, that this Academy would be happy in a mutual interchange of productions.

{{Massachusetts Magazine}}
The Massachusetts Magazine, from Mr. Isaiah Thomas and Comy.
Communicated by Revd Presdt Willard

{{Thanks to Thomas & Co.}}
Voted 3. Thanks to Mr. Thomas & Co.

{{American Husbandry}}
American Husbandry—a manuscript – 4to from Edward A Holyoke M.D.
Communicated by C. Gannett

{{Thanks to Dr Holyoke}}
Voted 4. Thanks to Dr. Holyoke

{{Duhamel’s husbandry.}}
Duhamel’s husbandry – 4to from a friend to the Academy anonymous.
Communicated by Mr. Benjn Guild

{{Copy of Pneumatic clock granted to Mr Reed}}
On request from Mr. Nathan Read of Salem,

Voted 5. That the Recording Secretary be permitted to let Mr. Read have a copy of the description of Mr Benja Hanks’ pneumatic clock.

{{Committed to examine Treasrs. accounts}}
Vote 6. That The Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr and the Hon Francis Dana Esqr be a Committee to examine the Treasurer’s accounts; and those of Mr Benjamin Guild as agent of the Academy.

{{Report of Do}}
The Committee reported that those accounts were right cast and well vouched and that a balance of eleven shillings & nine pence is due from the Treasurer.

Vote 7. That the report be accepted.

{{Committee to prepare petition for a Lottery}}
Vote 8. That Mr. Benjamin Guild & Aaron Dexter M.D. be joined to the Committee appointed by Council on the 6th instant, to prepare a petition to the General Court for an Act authorizing a lottery for the benefit of the Academy, to consider of proper persons as managers and to make report at the adjournment of this meeting.

The following Gentlemen were elected Officers for the year [arising].

[end page 124 | begin page 125]


{{Officers elected}}
The Hon. James Bowdoin L.L.D. President
The Revd Joseph Willard DD Vice President

Hon. Samuel Adams Esqr
Loammi Baldwins Esqr.
Hon. Richard Cranch Esqr
Hon. Francis Dana Esqr
His Honor Benjamin Lincoln Esqr
Hon. John Lowell Esqr
Hon. Robert Paine Esqr
Hon Cotton Tufts Esqr
John Warren MD
Revd Edward Wigglesworth DD

Mr Caleb Gannett Recording Secretary
Mr Eliphalet Pearson Corresponding Secretary
Ebenezer Storer Esqr. Treasurer
Mr Benjamin Guild Vice Treasurer
Mr Caleb Gannett Librarian & Keeper of the Cabinet

Vote 9. That this Meeting be adjourned to friday [sic] the 29th instant at 10 oClock A.M.

{{1789 May 29 [in pencil]}}
May 29. 1789. Met on adjournment

{{Report of Committee respecting a Lottery}}
The Committee appointed to prepare a petition to the General Court for a lottery made the following report.

To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court assembled. The petition of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences humbly sheweth,

That your Petitioners have attempted various methods to execute the design of their incorporation, and in the gratification of their own wishes, to answer the just expectations of the Public. In every attempt, they have felt their own weakness, arising from the want of funds. They find the sphere enlarging, in which they might be useful, were they possessed of adequate means. An apparatus for assaying the minerals and fossils of this country, several samples of which have been presented for that purpose; small premiums offered as

[end page 125 | begin page 126]


a stimulus to enquiries and experiments of various kinds, your Petitioners are confident would be productive of great advantages.

Impressed with those ideas, your Petitioners solicit your Honors to grant them the benefit of a Lottery, the net proceeds of which shall be six hundred pounds; from which they may be assisted in discharging their present engagements, and have a stock in connexion with their annual contributions to effect the purposes be forementioned.

At the Academy derived the establishment from the Legislature of this Commonwealth, and has since experienced its patronage; and as the public weal is the great object of the Institution and the earnest desire of the several Members, your Petitioners flatter themselves, that this application will meet with your Honors approbation, and that an Act will be speedily passed agreably [sic] to the prayer of this petition.

{{Committee to sign & present the petition for a Lottery to the Genl Court}}
Vote 10. That the Hon. Robert T. Paine, Esqr. The Hon. John Lowell Esqr. The Revd. Dr. Howard, The Revd John Clark & The Revd Jeremy Belknap be a Committee to sign the foregoing petition in behalf of the Academy, to present it to the General court and to use their endeavours to obtain an Act agreably to the prayer of the petition.

{{Report of Committee respecting a map postponed}}
The Committee on Dr. Holyoke’s proposals for obtaining an accurate map of this Commonwealth, reported

Vote 11. That the consideration of the report of the aforesd Committee be referred to the next meeting of the Academy.

{{Agricultural books loaned 1 year}}
Vote 12. That the books on agriculture, belonging to the Academy be committed to the custody of the Secretary of the Committee on Agriculture for one year, for the use of the said Committee.

{{Hon ye Presdt to apply for Transactions of ye Royal Society}}
Vote 13. That the Honble The President be desired to apply for and recive [sic] the philosophical transactions of the Royal Society in London, agreably [sic] to the generous offer received from that Society on the 29 of May 1787.

{{Revd Manasseh Cutler}}
Observations on the æconomical and medical properties of the white walnut or Oil-nut. By
the Revd Manasseh Cutler

The following Gentlemen were elected Fellows –

[end page 126 | begin page 127]


{{Fellows elected}}
Dr. Nathaniel Walker Appleton F.[M.]S. of Boston
Hon. William Baylies Esqr. F[M]S of Dighton
Revd. John Eliot of Boston
Duke de Almodavar a Nobleman – of Spain
Alexander Mary Ceresier, author of the Portrait of the history of the United Provinces – Leyden.
Marquis de Santa Cruz, a Nobleman – of Spain.
Charles William Frederick Dumas Esqr. Agent for the United States of America at the Hague
Edmund Jennings Esqr of London.
John Luzac LL.D. Professor of Greek literature in the University of Leyden
Revd. Archibald Maclaine D.D. Pastor of the English Church at the Hague
Frederick William Pestel L.L.D. & Professor in the University of Leyden
Colo. Sir Benjamin Thompson Knight of the Order of St Stanislaus, F.R.S. member of the Theodorean Academy of Sciences of Ma^nheim and of the Electoral Academy of Sciences of Bavaria & Adjutant General to his Serene Highness the Elector Palatine Duke of Bavaria.

{{Reports &c. from Genl Lincoln.}}
A variety of minerals and fossils taken from Gayhead on Martha’s vineyard, were presented by His Honor Benjamin Lincoln Esqr.

[horizontal line]

{{40th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, in the University in Cambridge August 19. 1789.

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read.

The following Communications were then made viz

{{An American on a Thermometrical Scale}}
A Proposal for adjusting a new Scale to the Mercurial Thermometer by an American.
Communicated by The Revd. Presdt Willard.

{{Stephen Sewall Esqr}}
Observations of the variation & dip of the magnetic needle continued from May 24th to Augst 19th 1789 by Stephen Sewall Esqr

{{Mr John Churchman}}
A Letter from Mr John Churchman to the Honble The President with his address relative to the Principles of the magnetic variation.
Communicated by the Presdt.

[end page 127 | begin page 128]


{{Revd. John Rogers}}
Observations on the advantages of rolling the Ground in field-husbandry. by Revd. John Rogers
Communicated by the Honble President

{{Mr. Wm Frobisher}}
A new & advantageous process for the manufacturing of Pot-ash by William Frobisher_
Communicated by The Honble the President.

{{Hon. Wm Baylies Esqr}}
Remarks on an Inscription on a rock in Dighton with a corrected copy of the Inscription by The Hon. William Baylies Esqr.
Communicated by James Winthrop Esqr.

{{Samuel Hitchcock Esqr}}
An account of curious discoveries made in the digging of a Well in Vermont. by Samuel Hitchcock Esqr
Communicated by Revd Nehemiah Williams

{{Revd Saml Haven DD.}}
A Letter from The Revd Samuel Haven DD. to The Revd Manasseh Cutler, relative to the [underline] colouring corn [end underline], with samples of its efficacy in dying.
Communicated by Mr Cutler.

{{Revd John Mellen}}
A Bill of Mortality &c for the East parish in Barnstable for 1788 by The Revd John Mellen.
Communicated by Mr Caleb Gannett.

{{Revd Bezl. Shaw–}}
A Bill of Mortality &c for Nantucket for 1788 by The Revd Bezaleal Shaw.
Communicated by Revd Jeremy Belknap

{{Revd. Nehemiah Williams}}
Ditto for Brimfield for 1788 by Revd Nehemiah Williams
Ditto for Fryeburg for 1788 by Revd Wm Fessenden.
The two last communicated by Mr Benja Guild

{{Books presented}}
The following Books were presented viz

{{Medical Memoirs}}
Memoirs of the Medical Society of London. 2 Vols 8vo from the Society
by Revd. President Willard

{{British Plants}}
A Botanical arrangement of British plants 2 Vols 8vo by William Wethering M.D. F.R.S. from Jonathan Stokes M.D.
By the Revd. Manasseh Cutler

{{Websters [sic] dissertations}}
Dissertations on the English Language 8vo by Noah Webster ^junr Esqr from the Author
by The Revd. John Clarke.

{{Mechanical machines &c}}
A folio volume containing copper plates of mechanical machines and implements of Husbandry, approved by the Society of Arts, manufactures & Commerce in London, with a particular description of each Instrument, by Mr Alexander Mabyn Barly, from Mr Isaiah Thomas, by Mr Caleb Gannett.

[end page 128 | begin page 129]


{{Persian dictionary}}
A Dictionary English, Persian and Arabic by John Richardson Esqr. M.A. F.S.A from Nicholas Pike Esqr and Mr. John Mycall by The Revd Jeremy Belknap. Folio

{{New-Haven Society}}
Cases & Observations by the Medical Society of New-Haven County in the State of Connecticut – a Pamphlet, from The Socety [sic] by the Honble the President

{{Thanks to Donors}}
Voted 1. That the Thanks of the Academy be returned to the aforementioned Donors for their respective donations.

{{Memoirs to be presented to New-Haven Medical Society}}
Voted 2 That a copy of the Memoirs of this Academy be presented to the Medical Society of New-Haven county.

{{Committee to contract for printing a 2d. Vol. of Memoirs}}
Vote 3. That Mr Benjamin Guild, Ebenezer Storer Esqr & The Hon. John Lowell Esqr be a Committee fully authorized to contract with a Printer for publishing a second volume of ^the Memoirs of this Academy, on such terms as they shall judge to be most for the interest of the Academy.

{{Committee to inspect & correct the Press}}
Vote 4. That a Committee of nine be appointed to inspect and correct the Press, while the papers to constitute a second volume of Memoirs shall be in printing, in manner following viz.

John Warren M.D. Aaron Dexter M.D and Dr. [strikethrough] John [end strikethrough] ^Nathaniel W. Appleton the Medical papers.

The Revd. John Clark, The Revd Simeon Howard DD and The Revd. President Willard the Mathematical papers.

Mr George R. Minot The Hon. Robert T. Paine Esqr. and The Revd Jeremy Belknap the other Papers.

{{Committee on Mr Frobisher’s process for making Potash}}
Vote 5. That Aaron Dexter M.D. The Hon. Richard Cranch Esqr. The Hon. Robert T. Paine Esqr, The Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr. and John Warren MD. be a Committee to examine the process for manufacturing Potash, communicated at this Meeting from Mr. William Frobisher & report their opinion of its merit at the next Meeting.

[horizontal line]

{{41 Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences in the University of Cambridge November 11th 1789.

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read.

The following communications were then made,

{{Transactions of the Society for encouragement of arts &c}}
the Transactions of the Society ^in London for Encouragement of Arts, manufactures and Commerce, 5 Vols. 8vo

[end page 129 | begin page 130]


with six pamphlets of Praemiums, presented, at the instance of Thomas, B. Hollis Esqr, from the Society

{{Thanks to the Society}}
Vote 1. That Thanks be returned to the Society.

{{Baron de Hupsch}}
A Letter from Baron de Hupsch with four copies of a pamphlet written by the Baron & containing a new discovery for recovering apparently deceased Persons.

{{Thanks to Do.}}
Vote 2. That Thanks be returned to the Baron de Hupsch.

{{Baron de Hupschs [sic] discovery committed for translation & publication}}
Vote 3. That one of the aforesaid Copies be committed to Doctors Warren & Dexter with a request that they will cause a just translation of it, and publish it in the Massachusetts Magazine.

{{Revd. Noah Atwaters [sic] Natural Curiosities}}
A Letter from The Revd. Noah Atwater containing an account of natural curiosities found in the Jenesee [sic] country. with four specimens of minerals taken from a spring.

{{Dr. Dexter to essay Do}}
Vote 4. That Dr. Dexter be requested to essay those specimens & report the result of his experiments.

{{Revd John Cushing on Blasts & Canker worms}}
A Letter from The Revd. John Cushing proposing methods for preventing blasts on English grain, and for destroying canker worms. N.B. all the foregoing communications wer [sic] made by The Revd. President Willard

{{Corresponding Secy. to write to Mr Cushing}}
Vote 5. That The Corresponding Secretary write to the Revd Mr Cushing, proposing a speedy publication of his letter in one or more periodical papers, that experiments bay be immediately made of the efficacy and utility of the methods he proposes.

{{Stephen Sewall Esqr.}}
Observations of the variation of the magnetic needle from Augst 19th to Novr 7. 1789. by Stephen Sewall Esqr

{{Mr Balcher Noyes}}
Meteorological Observations from Novr. 24. 1788 to May 31st 1789, made at Beaufort in South Carolina, with a topographical disruption of Beaufort by Mr Balcher Noyes
Communicated by Revd Presdt Willard

Vote 6. That this Meeting be adjourned to the second day of December next, then to be holden in Boston.

[end page 130 | begin page 131]


{{42d Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in the Hall of the Massachusetts Bank, on adjournment December 2d. 1789.

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read.

Vote 1. That The Revd John Clarke and Aaron Dexter M.D be Scrutineers for the following Elections.

{{Fellows elected}}
The following Gentlemen, were by ballot elected Fellows,

Charles Blagden M.D. F.RS of London
Samuel Danforth Physician of Boston
Richard Kirwan Esqr. F.R.S of London
Thomas Percival M.D of Mancheser ^in England
Samuel Webber Math et Phil. Nat. Prof. Hollis of Cambridge

{{Manner of publishing 2d. Vol of Memoirs}}
Vote 2d. That the papers to be selected for a second volume of Memoirs shall be published in six numbers; each number to consist of about one hundred pages, so that volume shall contain at lest [sic] six hundred pages; and that one number shall be published every two months.


{{Dr. Rush}}
Medical Inquiries and Observations 8vo by Benjamin Rush M.D. were presented from the Author
by The Revd Jeremy Belknap.

{{Thos. Dawes jnr. Esqr}}
A volume of Mr William Billings [sic] musick [sic] presented from Thomas Dawes jnr. Esquire
by The Revd John Clarke.

{{Thanks to Do}}
Vote 3. That Thanks be returned to Messrs Rush & Dawes for their donations.

The following Report was offered & read.

{{Report of Committee on Mr Forbishers [sic] method of making Potashes}}
“Your Committee appointed to examine Mr Wm Frobisher’s papers have attended that service & beg leave to report.

That they are of opinion that his method is generally good and well calculated to render his ashes productive and in the early stages of this branch of business would have been extremely useful; but cannot find any evidence that his process is new at the present time.

Your Committee conceive that if he has made any improvements, they are such, as might occur to any ingenious man concerned in the manufacturing Potashes [sic].

[per order] A Dexter – Chairman.

Boston Octr. 21. 1789

Vote 4. That the foregoing Report be accepted.

[end page 131 | begin page 132]

{{43d. Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences in the Hall of the Massachusetts Bank. January 27th. 1790.

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read.

The following communications were made viz

{{Dr Dexter}}
An accurate history of a locked jaw from a wounded membrane, that terminated fatally.
By Aaron Dexter M.D.

{{Revd Dr. Wigglesworth}}
An examination of the question “Whether the Minister, President & Professors are subject to the same rate of mortality which pervades the whole body of the people in any place, where regular bills of mortality have been kept. By The Revd. Edward Wigglesworth D.D. – with an extract from a letter of the Revd Richard Price D.D on the ^same subject.
Communicated by The Revd Presdt Willard

{{Revd Presdt Willard}}
Observations of The Transit of Mercury over the Sun’s disk on the 5th of Novr 1789 made at Cambridge, with deductions from the same.
By The Revd. Joseph Willard D.D.

{{Revd John Mellen}}
A topographical description of & Bill of Mortality for Hanover in the years 1786, 1787, 1788 & 1789 By The Revd John Mellen.
Communicated by Mr Benjamin Guild

{{Revd Joseph Thaxter}}
A Bill of Mortality for Edgartown on Martha-vineyard [sic] for 1789
By The Revd Joseph Thaxter

{{Dr. Isaac Rand}}
A Bill of Mortality & an account of diseases in the first Parish in Cambridge, in 1789 by Dr Isaac Rand.
The two last communicated by Mr Caleb Gannett

{{Stephen Sewall Esqr}}
Observations of the variation of the magnetic needle, continued from the 7th of Novr 1789. to the 20th of Jany. 1790
By Stephen Sewall Esqr

{{Books presented}}
Journal de Sçavans for Jany. Feby. March & May 1789; and a Memoirs sur la passage par le Nord, par le Duc de Croy, all pamphlets, were presented by The Honble The President, from a Gentleman, who did not choose that his name should be declared.

{{Thanks returned}}
Vote 1. That The President be desired to present the Thanks of the Academy to the Donor.

{{Committee to examine proposals respecting the manufacture of Potash}}
Vote 2. That The Hon. Benjamin Lincoln Esqr. Aaron Dexter MD. and The Hon. Cotton Tufts M.D. be a Committee to examine certain Proposals on the files of the Academy, respecting the encouragement of the manufacture of Potash, and report what they shall judge expedient to be done by the Academy.

[end page 132 | begin page 133]


{{Mr Webber added to the Committee for selecting papers &c}}
Vote. 3 That Mr Samuel Webber be of the Committee [strikethrough] for [end strikethrough] appointed Novr 8 1786 for inspecting & examining the communications in the custody of the recording Secretary, and for selecting such as may be thought proper for future publications in the room of The Revd. Saml. Williams LLD. see page 97.

{{Addition to Committee for examining machines}}
Vote 4. That The Hon. Robert T. Paine Esqr. & Mr. Samuel Webber be of the Committee appointed April 1. 1784 for examining machines &c The former in the room of the Revd Samuel Williams LLD. See page 71.

Vote 5. That Aaron Dexter M.D and Mr Samuel Webber be Scrutineers for the following elections.

{{Fellows elected}}
The following Gentlemen were elected Fellows.

J.G.C.A. Baron ^De Hupsch of Cologne in Germany
Seigneur de Krickalshausen, Membre de l’Academie imperial d’Augsbourg, de l’Academie royale de la Rochelle, des Academies electorales de Manheim & Munic [sic], des Societes litteraires hollandoises de Batavia, de Harlem & d’Uttrecht, de la Societe d’Antiquites de Cassel, de la sociaete physique de berlin, de la Societe economique de Bourghausen, & de plusiers autres Societes litteraires.

Grimr Johnson Thorkelin L.L.D. of Copenhagen
Regius Professor of Antiquity in the University of Copenhagen, Keeper of His Majesty’s privy Archives; Secretary to the Trustees of the Arnamagnean legacy; member of the Royal Societies of Heraldry and Icelandic Literature of Copenhagen; The Antiquarian Societies of London & Edinburgh; The Royal Academy of Dublin; and corresponding member of the Royal Society of Sciences at Gottingen.

John Howard Esquire F.R.S. of Great Britain
Robert Young Esqr. of London
The Revd. Samuel Kirkland
Missionary from the Society in Scotland and from the Corporation of Harvard College to the six Nations.
Doctor Solomon Drowne of Providence

[end page 133 | begin page 134]


{{44th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences in the Hall of the Massachusetts Bank May 25th 1790.

The Transactions of the last meeting were read.

The following Communications were then made viz

{{Revd Dr Hitchcock}}
An Inquiry into the Physical influence of education on health, beauty & disposition; by Revd Enos Hitchcock D[D]
Communicated by Revd Presdt. Willard

{{Revd Isaac Story}}
The [Matempsychosis]-doctrine, in a limited sense, defended. by the Revd Isaac Story
Communicated by Revd Presdt. Willard

{{Mr Jno Vinall}}
On the benefit of Electricity in Burns and Scalds.
By Mr John Vinall
Communicated by The Honble President

{{Bills of Mortality}}
Bills of Mortality for –

Montague ^for 1789 by Revd Judah Nash.

Northborough for 1789 By Revd Peter Whitney

Cambridge, 3d. Parish for 1787. 1788 & 1789 by Revd John Foster.

Barnstable 1st Parish for 1780 – by Revd John Mellen

{{Report on Bills of Mortality with Deductions}}
A Report of a Sub-Committee on Bills of Mortality with deductions – by Revd. Edwd Wigglesworth DD.
Communicated by Revd Presdt. Willard

{{Dr. Saml. Mitchille [sic]}}
An Enlargement of Sir Isaac Newton’s proposition concerning the Semicircular shapes of Rainbows.
By Dr. Samuel L. Mitchille
Communicated by The Honble President

{{Stephen Sewall Esqr}}
Observations of the variation of the magnetic needle continued from Jany. 20. 1790 to May 11th by Stephen Sewall Esqr.

{{Mr Belcher Noyes}}
Meteorological Observations made at Beaufort, South Carolina from the 1st of June to the last of December 1789.
By Mr Belcher Noyes
Communicated by Revd Presdt Willard

{{Transactions of Royal Society}}
Extracts from Two letters of George Erving Esqr. with the Royal Society, presented by the Society to the Academy.
Communicated by The Honble President.

{{Thanks to George Erving Esqr}}
Vote 1. That The Thanks of the Academy be presented to George Erving Esqr. for his obliging attention in procuring & transmitting the two last numbers of the Transactions of the Royal Society, and for his polite offer to serve the Academy in future in the same manner

[end page 134 | begin page 135]


{{Medical papers presented}}
The first number of medical papers published by the Massachusetts Medical Society, was presented from the Society, by John Warren M.D Corresponding Secy.

{{Thanks to Medl. Society}}
Vote 2. That Thanks be returned to the Medical Society.

{{Letter from Secretary of ye Treasy.}}
A Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, requesting information respecting manufactures in this Commonwealth, was communicated by The Honble Benjamin Lincoln Esqr.

{{Committee to correspond with ye Secretary of the Treasury}}
Vote 3. That a Committee of nine be appointed to take into consideration the Contents of the aforesaid letter, to collection information on the subject thereof and to make such communications to the Secretary, as they shall be able & may judge expedient, That three members the Chairman, being one, be a Quorum for forwarding Communications.

Hon Benjamin Lincoln Esqr. Hon John Lowell Esqr. George Cabot Esqr. Aaron Dexter MD. Hon. William Baylies Esqr. Loammi Baldwin Esqr. Hon. Samuel Phillips jnr. Esqr. Hon Levi Lincoln Esqr. and Dr. Ebenezer Hunt, were, by nomination, elected the Committee.

{{Committee to examine Treasr accts}}
Vote 4. That The Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr. Dr Nathaniel W. Appleton & Mr. Samuel Webber be a Committee to examine the Treasurer’s accounts.

{{Report of Committee.}}
The Committee reported That those accounts were properly cast & well vouched, and that there is a Balance of one pound & six pence due to the Treasurer.

Vote 5. That the Report be accepted.

{{Committee on assessments}}
Vote 6. That George R. Minot Esqr. Ebenezer Storer Esqr. & Mr Eliphalet Pearson be a Committee to take into consideration the list of Delinquents in payment of the annual assessment – whether it would be eligible to exempt any from payment.. In that case to specidy the persons: also to point out the best methods to obtain payment from others: and to report at the next meeting.

{{Committee on Potash discharged}}
Vote 7. That the Committee appointed Jany. 27. 1790 to examine proposals on the files, relative to the manufacture of Pot-ash, be discharged; no papers having been laid before them, which require the further attn-

[end page 135 | begin page 136]


{{Liberty to Mr Frobisher to withdraw papers -}}
attention of the Academy: That Mr Frobisher be permitted to withdraw his papers from the files, if he shall desire it.

{{The 2d Vol. of Memoirs reduced}}
Vote 8. That notwithstanding the 2d Vote passed at the meeting on the 2d. of December 1789, The second Volume of Memoirs may consist of not more than four hundred & fifty six pages, contained in six numbers.

Voted. That Aaron Dexter & George R. Minot be Scrutineers for the following Elections.

{{Officers elected}}
The following Gentlemen were elected Officers for the year ensuing.

The Honble James Bowdoin LLD – President
The Revd Joseph Willard D.D. – Vice-President

His Honor Samuel Adams Esqr
Loammi Baldwin Esqr
Hon. Richard Cranch Esqr.
Hon. Francis Dana Esqr
Mr. Caleb Gannett
Hon. Benjamin Lincoln Esqr.
Hon John Lowell Esqr
Hon Robert T. Paine Esqr
Hon. Cotton Tufts Esqr
John Warren MD.

Mr Samuel Webber – Recording Secretary
Mr Eliphalet Pearson – Corresponding Secretary
Ebenezer Storer Esqr – Treasurer
Mr Benjamin Guild – Vice Treasurer
Mr Caleb Gannett – Librarian & Keeper of the Cabinet

[end page 136 | begin page 137]


{{45th Meeting}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences in the University in Cambridge, Aug. 25. 1790.

The Transactions of the last Meeting were read.

The following communications were then made Viz.

{{Stephen Sewall Esq.}}
Observations on the variation of the Magnetic ^Needle, continued from May 15th. 1790 to Aug. 10.
By Stephen Sewall Esq.

{{Rev. Nathan Fiske.}}
List of births, deaths, &c. in the 3d. Parish of Brookfield ^, for 1789. By Rev. Nathan Fiske.

{{Mr. Isaac Pinto.}}
A Letter from Mr. Isaac Pinto to Rev. Ezra Stiles, D.D. President of Yale College, respecting an inscription on a rock in the western part of Connecticutt [sic]. –

{{M[r]. A. Crocker.}}
A practical Essay on raising Apple-trees & making Cyder [sic]. By M[r]. A. Crocker.
Communicated by Hon. President.

{{Noah Webster junr Esq}}
Observations on the Theory of Vegetation.
By Noah Webster ^jun. Esq.
Communicated by Rev. Prest. Willard.

Observations on Dew. By do. Communicated by do.

{{Mr. Nathan Read.}}
A draft & description of a Perpetual Chronometer. By Mr. Nathan Read.
Communicated by Honble. President.

{{Dr. Mitchill}}
Meteorological remarks & [strikethrough]observations[end strikethrough] conjectures.
By Dr. Samuel L. Mitchill.
Communicated by Hon. President.

{{Winthrop Sargent junr.}}
A Letter relative to the plan of ancient ruins he had sent to the Academy. By Winthrop Sargent Jun. Esq.
Communicated by Rev. Presid. Willard.

{{Rev. B. Shaw.}}
A bill of mortality for the Island of Nantucket ^for 1789. By Rev. Bezaleal Shaw. Communicated by Rev. Jeremy Belknap.

[end page 137 | begin page 138]


{{Mr. Jacob Isaacs.}}
Letters relative to the extraction of fresh water from salt or ocean water.
By Mr. Jacob Isaacs ^& others.
Communicated by Hon. President.

{{Rev. Ezra Stiles D.D.}}
An account of two inscriptions upon rocks in Kent & Washington in the western part of the state of Connecticutt [sic], taken off 1789.
By Rev. Ezra Stiles D.D.

{{Mr. Pike presents his Arithmetic.}}
Nicholas Pike Esq. presented one copy of his new & complete system of Arithmetic.

{{Thanks to Do.}}
Voted. That thanks be returned to Nicholas Pike Esq.

{{Dr. Waterhouse presents his Discourse.}}
Benjamin Waterhouse M.D. also presented a copy of his Discourse before the Humane Society.

{{Thanks to Do.}}
Voted, That thanks be returned to Benjamin Waterhouse M.D.

Voted, That Aaron Dexter M.D. & Dr. Nathaniel W. Appleton be Scrutineers for the following elections.

The following Gentlemen were elected Fellows.

{{Fellows elected.}}
Samuel Shaw Esq. Consul of the United States at Canton.
George Erving Esq. in England.
Rev. John Lathrop D.D. of Boston.
Honble. John Jay LL.D. Chief Justice of the United States.

{{Voted 3. Committee to examine Mr. Isaac’s process.}}
Voted, That John Warren M.D. & Aaron Dexter M.D. be a Committee to pursue inquiries relative to Mr. Isaac’s method of extracting fresh water from salt; & even if they think expedient, to go to Newport

[end page 138 | begin page 139]


for the purpose of ascertaining whether Mr. Isaacs has made any valuable discovery.

{{Vote 4. Secretary to publish an extract on making Cyder.}}
Voted, That the Secretary make an extract of the part, which respects the making of Cyder, from Mr. A. Croker’s “Practical Essay on raising apple-trees & making Cyder,” & desire Mr. Thomas to insert it in his Magazine.

{{Vote 5. Librarian to call for agricultural books.}}
Voted, That the Librarian be desired to call on the two Secretaries, Dr. Howard & Major Erving, to return the books in the possession of the agricultural Committee; & that in future, by desire of the Secretary, any book on agriculture may be taken out for a term not exceeding six months; & that any Gentleman wishing for the use of a book, while lent, may be intitled, by leaving his name with the Librarian, to take it as soon as returned.

[horizontal line]

{{46th Meeting“45” originally written, with the 5 being overwritten with a 6 at some point.}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Nov. 10th. 1790.

{{The President’s funeral.}}
Voted, 1. That the Academy will attend the funeral of their late worthy President, the Honble. James Bowdoin LL. D.

{{Judge Lowell to deliver an Oration.}}
2. That the Honble. John Lowell Esq. be appointed to deliver an Oration on the death of ye. Hon.ble President, at the next Stated Meeting.
3. That the Oration be delivered in public.

{{Rev. Mr. Belknap, Dr. Dexter & Rev. John Clarke, a Committee to apply for a [house]}}
4. That a Committee of three be appointed to apply to the Parish Committee of the Society in Brattle-street for the use of their Meeting-House on the occasion.

[end page 139 | begin page 140]


5. That the Rev. Jeremy Belknap, Aaron Dexter M.D. & the Rev. John Clarke be the Committee for this purpose.

{{Information to be given.}}
6. That information relative to the Oration be given to the Public, by the insertion of a paragraph in a newspaper, before the Meeting is notified; also that mention be made of the same in the notification of sd. Meeting.

The following communications were made.

{{Rev. Mr. Story.}}
A bill of marriages, baptisms, & deaths in the 2d. congregational Society of Marblehead. by Rev. Isaac Story.
Communicated by Rev. Pres. Willard.

{{Dr. Holyoke.}}
Postscript to a paper entitled an estimate of the excess of the [underline] greatest [end underline] heat & greatest cold of the American atmosphere beyond the European under the same parallel of latitude, &c. by Edward Aug. Holyoke M.D.
Communicated by Mr. Pearson.

{{Mr. Sewall.}}
Observations on the variation of the magnetic needle, from Aug. 20th. 1790 to Nov. 5th. (continued) by Stephen Sewall Esq.

{{Severyn T. Bruyn, Esq.}}
An account of an immense number of swallows found in an hollow tree, in the month of March, & some curious observations on the natural history of the Bear. In a letter from Severyn T. Bruyn Esq. of the State of New York to the Rev. Dr. Cutler.

{{Mr. Coswell}}
An account of certain new tables for finding the Longitude by the Lunar Observation. By Mr. William Croswell, inclosed in a letter to Mr. Webber.

The following Donations were made.

{{Dr. Stoke’s [sic] Donation.}}
The 1st. part of the III Vol. of a Botanical Arrangement of British Plants. By William Withering M.D. F.R.S. and Jonathan Stokes M.D. presented to the Academy by Dr. Stokes, & communicated by the Rev. Dr. Cutler.

[end page 140 | begin page 141]


{{Bath Society’s Donation.}}
Also the Vth. Vol. of the Bath Agriculture Society’s papers, & four copies of the Rules, orders & premiums of the said Society for the year 1790; - Likewise several copies of a Prospectus of an intended new [strikethrough] publication [end strikethrough] periodical work, to be called The Bee or Universal Literary Intelligencer.

{{Thanks to Dr. Stokes.}}
Voted, 7. That thanks be returned to Dr. Stokes.-

{{Do. to Bath Society.}}
8. That thanks be returned to the Bath Society, together with the true reason why the Academy has not sent a second volume of their Transactions.

{{M. de L’etombe elected}}
Joseph Philip de L’etombe L.L.D, the French Consul ^general for the States of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, & Rhode Island, was elected a Fellow.

Voted 9. That the ^Meeting be [strikethrough] Academy [end strikethrough] adjourned till half past 2 o’clock, & to the room of the Director of the Massachusetts’ Bank_

The Academy met agreeably to adjournment & then attended the funeral of the late President. In the procession the Officers walked together.

[end page 141 | begin page 142]


{{47 Meeting“46” originally written, with the 6 being overwritten with a 7 at some point.}}

At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences Jan. 26th. 1791.

A letter was received from James Bowdoin Esq. inclosing an extract from the late President’s Will, & informing that the Executors of the said Will stand ready to deliver the donation therein made to the Academy.

{{Extract from ye. late President’s Will.}}
“Extract from the late Hon.ble James Bowdoin Esq. deceased’s Will. Viz.”

“4.th I give to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences my Library, which consists of more than twelve hundred volumes: the whole or any part of it to be sold as the Academy shall direct; and the product of the Books that may be sold, to be applied to the purchase of other Books: such as the Academy shall judge best [adapted] to promote the design of their institution. I also give to the said Academy one hundred pounds to be applied in such manner as they shall judge will best contribute to that design.”

{{Treasurer authorized to receive Legacy of £100.}}
Voted 1.st. That the Treasurer be authorized to receive the late President legacy of one hundred pounds & give the Executors a discharge for the same.

{{Committee to receive ye. Books}}
Voted 2.dly That ^Rev. John Lathrop D.D. Ebenezer Storer Esq. Mr. Caleb Gannett, Aaron Dexter M.D. ^& Rev. Simeon Howard D.D. be a Committee to receive from the Executors of the Will of the Hon.ble James Bowdoin deceased the Books bequeathed to the Academy, &c. give to the said Executors a discharge for the same.

Voted 3.dly That the said Committee cause a list of the Books contained in the bequest to be made, & to report to the Academy at their next Meeting the titles of such of them as in their judgment may be disposed of by exchange or sale with advantage to the Academy.

{{2 Vols. of Memoirs to College.}}
Voted 4.thly That two copies of the first Volume of the Academy’s Memoirs be presented to Harvard University.-

The following Donations were received, viz.

{{Corporation’s Donation.}}
Two copies of the Catalogue of the Library of Harvard University; presented by the Corporation of said University.

{{Mess’rs Thomas & Andrews Donations.}}
Two Volumes of the Massachussetts’ Magazine; presented by the Editors Mess’rs Thomas & Andrews.

[end page 142 | begin page 143]


{{Mr. Bowdoins Donation.}}
A number of copies of the Rev. Peter Thacker’s Sermon on the Death of the Hon.ble James Bowdoin Esq. LL.D: presented by ^Mrs. Bowdoin [strikethrough] the Author [end strikethrough].

{{Mr. Fenno’s Donation}}
The first Volume of the Gazette of the United States; presented by the Editor Mr. John Fenno.

{{Voted 5.thly That thanks be returned to the Corporation of Harvard University.

{{Thanks to Mess’rs Thomas & Andrews}}
Voted 6.thly That thanks be returned to Mess’rs Thomas & Andrews.

{{Thanks to Mrs. Bowdoin}}
Voted 7.thly That thanks be returned to ^Mrs. Bowdoin. [strikethrough] the Rev. Peter [end strikethrough]. Thacker. [sic]

{{Thanks to Mr. Fenno.}}
Voted 8.thly That thanks be returned to Mr. Fenno.

{{Thanks to Mr. Hill}}
Voted 9.thly That Mr. Henry Hill be informed that the Academy have received the late Dr. Franklin’s donation of Books, & thank him for his care & attention in forwarding the same.

{{Extract from Dr. Franklin’s Will.}}
The extract from Doctor Franklins [sic] Will, which Mr. Hill has sent to the Academy is as follows –
“My Collection in Folio of Les Arts and [sic] Les Metiers I give to the American Philosophical Society established in New England, of which I am a Member.”

The number of volumes in this Collection is thirty two. –

The Hon.ble Judge Lowell delivered his Oration at 12 o’clock in the Meeting House in Brattle Street, whither the Academy walked in procession from the Hall of the Massachusetts Bank. –

{{Committee to wait on Judge Lowell.}}
Voted 10.thly That Dr. Charles Jarvis, Rev. Jeremy Belknap & Ebenezer Storer Esq. be a Committee to return the thanks of the Academy to the Hon.ble John Lowell Esq. for his elegant Oration on the death of the late President, & to request a copy of the same for the press.

{{Oration to be inserted in Memoir.}}
Voted 11.thly That the Committee for the selection of papers to be published in the next Volume of Memoirs be directed to insert a copy of the Hon. Judge Lowell’s Oration in its proper place among those papers. –

Voted 12.thly That the printing & disposal of the Oration be left discretionary with the Committee who waited on the Hon. Judge Lowell.

[end page 143 | begin page 144]


{{Committee and Dr. Holyoke’s Therm.}}
Voted 13.thly That the Vice President, Mr. Pearson & Mr. Webber be a Committee to consider whether it be expedient to get any thermometers constructed according to Dr. Holyoke’s plan; &, if so, to take such measures for the purpose, & for securing the honour of the invention to Dr. Holyoke, as shall appear to them most proper.

{{47 Meeting. }}

At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences May 24th. 1791.

{{Committee to receive ye. Presidents [sic] Donation report.}}
The Committee, appointed at the last Meeting to receive the books bequeathed to the Academy by the late President, & to make a catalogue of the same, & to lay before the Academy a list of such ^of them as they suppose may be disposed of by exchange or sale with advantage to the Academy, report.

This report was read; & referred to another Committee.

{{Report of Committee for printing Mr. Lowell’s Eulogy.}}
The Committee, appointed to oversee the printing & disposal of the Hon. Judge Lowell’s Eulogy, report; “That they agreed with Mess’rs Thomas & Andrews for printing 800 copies, for £8, LH. which money has been paid by the Treasurer – that one half of the number of copies remain in sheets to be bound up with the next volume of memoirs, which may be published, that the other half are folded & stiched [sic] – that 50 copies have been delivered to Mr. Lowell, 50 more to Mrs. Bowdoin & that the Committee took 12 to their own use. The others have been delivered to the care of the Rev. Dr. Lathrop, to be disposed of as the Academy shall order.”

Voted, That this report be accepted.

{{Committee to examine Treasurer’s accounts.}}
Vote 2. That ^the Hon. Robert T. Paine Esq. Mr. Gannett, & the Hon. Richard Cranch Esq. be a Committee to examine the Treasurers [sic] accounts for the last year; - also that this Committee examine them at the

[end page 144 | begin page 145]


close of the ensuing year & report at the next May meeting.

This Committee report that they have examined the Treasurer’s accounts for the last year, & find it rightly cast & well vouched.

Vote 3. That this report be accepted.

{{Librarian may lend a MS.}}
Vote 4. That the Library be permitted to lend a manuscript entitled “American Husbandry” to Mess’rs Thomas & Andrews, that they may extract some parts of it to publish in their Magazine, if they think proper; but on the express condition that they make no mention of the Academy.

{{Committee to consider delinquents report.}}
The Committee, appointed to consider the list of delinquents in payment of the annual assessment, report.

Vote, 5. That Aaron Dexter M.D. Dr. Nathaneal [sic] W. Appleton & the Rev. Mr. Prince be Scrutineers for the following elections.

The following Gentlemen were elected Officers for the ensuing year.

Hi Exce^ll.y John Adams LL.D. Vice President of the United States, President
Rev. Joseph Willar D.D. Vice President.
His Honour Samuel Adams Esq.
Loammi Baldwin Esq.
Hon. Richard Cranch Esq.
Mr. Caleb Gannett
Hon. Benjamin Lincoln Esq.
Hon. John Lowell Esq.
Hon. Robert T. Paine Esq.
Hon. Cotton Tufts Esq.
John Warren M.D.

[end page 145 | begin page 146]


Rev. John Clarke, Recording Secretary.
Mr. Eliphalet Pearson, Corresponding Secretary.
Ebenezer Storer Esq. Treasurer.
Mr. Benjamin Guild Vice Treasurer.
Rev. John Lathrop D.D. Librarian & Keeper of the Cabinet.

{{Committee to transfer Library.}}
Vote, 6. That a Committee be appointed to receive the books & cabinet of the former Librarian & Keeper of the cabinet, to give him a receipt for the same, & to transfer them to the Gentleman now elected to that office.

Vote. 7. That the Vice President, Mr. Pearson & the Rev. Dr. Howard be the Committee for this purpose.-

{{Dr. Lathrop.}}
Vote 8. That the Rev. Dr. Lathrop consider himself as now taking possession of the books belonging to the Academy in his custody, in the capacity of Librarian.-

{{Committee to consider ye. state of ye. Library.}}
Vote 9. That a Committee be appointed to consider the state of the Library, & report what alterations it may be expedient to make.

To this Committee the report abovementioned was referred.

Vote 10. That Mr. Benjamin Guild, Ebenezer Storer Esq. Hon. John Lowell Esq. & Rev. Simeon Howard D.D. & Aaron Dexter M.D. be the Committee for this purpose.

{{Each member to have copies of Eulogy.}}
Vote 11. That each member be furnished with two copies of Judge Lowell’s Eulogy.

{{Foreign members & corres. Societies to be supplied.-}}
Vote 12. That copies of said Eulogy be transmitted to such Societies abroad as correspond with the Academy, & to foreign members, by the Corresponding Secretary.

[end page 146 | begin page 147]


{{2 copies to College.-}}
Vote, 13. That two copies of said Eulogy be presented to Harvard University.

The following communications were made, Viz,

{{Mr. D. Sewall.}}
Meteorological observations of the weather for the ^year 1790; made at York. By Mr. Daniel Sewall.
Communicated by Rev. President Willard.

{{Mr. Williams.}}
A Bill of mortality &c. for Brimfield, for 1789.
By Rev. Nehemiah Williams.
Communicated by Rev. President Willard.

{{Mr. Noyes.}}
Meteorological observations at Beaufort, South Carolina, from Jan. to June inclusively, 1790.
By Wm. Belcher Noyes.
Communicated by Rev. President Willard.

{{Mr. Storey.}}
A Bill of mortality for the 2d. congregational Society in Marblehead, for 1790.
By Rev. Isaac Storey.
Communicated by Rev. President Willard.

{{Mr. Sewall.}}
Variation of the magnetic needle at Cambridge, from Nov. 5. 1790. to the 13.th inst. By Stephen Sewall Esq.

{{Dr. Tenny.}}
An Essay on some of the prismatic colours.
By Dr. Samuel Tenny.
Communicated by Rev. Jeremy Belknap.

{{Mr. Thaxter}}
A Bill of mortality for Edgartown, for the year 1790. By Rev. Joseph Thaxter.
Communicated by Mr. Gannett.

{{Mr. Whitney}}
A Bill of the births & deaths in Northborough for 1790. By Rev. Peter Whitney.
Communicated by Mr. Webber

Vote 14. That this meeting be adjourned to next Tuesday, at 11 o’clock A.M. in this place. –

[end page 147 | begin page 148]


{{49. Meeting.}}
At a Meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, May 31. A.D. 1791. on Adjournment.

[underline] Votes. [end underline]

{{Act relative to V. Presid.t}}
1. A vote passed relative to the Vice President, and the enlargement of his powers. See. Chapr. II. Page. 7.

{{Act relative to Librarians}}
2. A Vote passed relative to the Librarian. See Chapr. [underline] vi [end underline] Page. 14.

{{Letter to Delinquents.}}
Vote. 3. that a Letter be written by the Treasurer of the Academy to the delinquents, informing them of their assessments, and requesting immediate payment.

{{drawn by J. Paine}}
Vote 4. that the Hon.b Judge Paine be requested to draught the form of said letter.

{{attest. Rec. Secr.}}
Vote 5. that a copy of Vote 3d, attested by the Recording Secretary, accompany the letter.

{{Letters examined.}}
Vote 6. that the Secretaries examine the letters from persons elected, and add their name to the List.

{{to ascertain members.}}
Vote. 7. that the Secretaries write to such persons as have not signified their acceptance; and to request their final determination respecting the choice.

{{Transactions publish.}}
Vote 8. that the Committee appointed to superintend the publication of the memoirs of the Academy, may do it either in numbers, or in the form of a Volume, as they shall find it most expedient.

[horizontal line]

[double underline] Communications. [end underline]

{{D. Cony.}}
“A Bill of Mortality for the Years 1789 & 1790. made at Hallowell, by D. Cony,” communicated by Mr Gannett.

{{Jud. Nash.}}
“A Bill of Mortality &c made at Montague, for the Year 1790 by Judah Nash.”

{{J. Felton.}}
“A Bill of Mortality, made in the first Parish in Roxbury, from the 1. Jan.y 1783, to the 31. Dec.r 1790 by Joshua Felton,” communicated by Dr Warren.

{{John Vinall}}
“Variation of the Magnetic Needle, [strikethrough] ma [end strikethrough] observed at Boston from 1. [strikethrough] Jan. [end strikethrough] Feb.y to 30. April 1791. by John Vinall.” communicated by Dr Warren.

{{Wm. Bradford.}}
“The formation of Hail,” by William Bradford, a Letter to the Revd Noah Atwater of Westfield, communicated by E. Pearson.

{{Roy. Soc.}}
“Transactions of the Royal Society. 2. Volumes for the Year [blank]” accompanied with a letter from Geo. Erving.

{{Wm. Croswell.}}
“Mathematical Papers by William Croswell,” communicated by Samuel Webber.

{{N. Atwater}}
“Meteorological Observations at Westfield,” by Noah Atwater, communicated by. E Pearson.

[end page 148 | begin page 149]


{{Report of Com. respecting Isaac’s.}}
The Committee appointed to inquire into Mr Isaac’s Method of extracting water from Salt reported.

[horizontal line]

[end page 149 | blank page | begin Index 1, page 1]

Index to the Transactions of the Academy

Date  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||  Subject matter  ||  Page
1780  ||    ||    ||    ||  
3 May  ||    ||    ||  Act of Incorporation of the Academy  ||  1
  ||    ||    ||  Statutes of the Academy, enacted  ||  5
  ||    ||    ||  Catalogues of the members [sic] names  ||  25 to 35
"30 May first meeting"  ||    ||  Cambridge  ||  Transactions of the Academy at the first meeting  ||  35
  ||  James Bowdoin  ||  Boston  ||  Elected President of the Academy till the next meeting  ||  "
  ||  Caleb Gannet [sic]  ||  Cambridge  ||  Secretary Pro Tem Do Do  ||  "
  ||  Ebenezer Storer  ||  Boston  ||  Treasurer Pro Tem Do Do  ||  "
  ||  J Bowdoin & others  ||  Cambridge  ||  Com^ittee to frame Statutes & Byelaws [sic] &c (this 2d meeting)  ||  "
"July 12 2d meeting"  ||  Dr S Cooper & others  ||  At D_  ||  Report of the above Committee, & recommitted to another Committee  ||  36
  ||    ||    ||  Officers appointed the last meeting, continued to next meeting  ||  "
  ||  Dr Aaron Dexter  ||  of Boston  ||  Donation of a Vol of Table on refraction & parallax (thanks voted)  ||  "
  ||  Ebenezer Hazard  ||  Philadelph  ||  Letter, & curious specimens of Abestos [sic] & Pyrites (thanks voted)  ||  "
"Augt 30 third meeting"  ||    ||  at Cambridge  ||  Transactions of the 3d meeting of the Academy  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Code of Statutes reported & adopted with exceptions  ||  "
  ||  James Bowdoin  ||  Boston  ||  Elected President of the Academy  ||  37
  ||  Samuel Cooper  ||  Do  ||  Vice President Do  ||  "
  ||  Caleb Gannet [sic]  ||  Cambridge  ||  Recording Secretary Do  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||  Do  ||  Corresponding Secretary Do  ||  "
  ||  Ebenezer Storer  ||  Boston  ||  Treasurer Do  ||  "
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||  Cambridge  ||  Vice Treasurer Do  ||  "
  ||  James Winthrop  ||  Do  ||  Cabinet keeper Do  ||  "
  ||  Thomas Cushing  ||  Boston  ||    ||  "
  ||  Henry Gardner  ||  Do  ||    ||  "
  ||  John Hancock  ||  Do  ||    ||  "
  ||  Samuel Langdon  ||  Cambridge  ||  Councellors of the Academy  ||  "
  ||  John Lowell  ||  Boston  ||    ||  "
  ||  Robert T Paine  ||  Do  ||    ||  "
  ||  Phillips Payson  ||  Chelsea  ||    ||  "
  ||  James Warren  ||  Plymouth  ||    ||  "
  ||  Edward Wigglesworth  ||  Cambridge  ||    ||  "
  ||  Samuel Williams  ||  Do  ||    ||  "
  ||  John Clarke & al  ||    ||  Committee to provide a convenient room for the next meeting  ||  "
  ||  Thomas Cushing & al  ||    ||  [Committee] to confer with the Corporation of the University on pursuing measures for an accurate observation of the solar eclipse, & if necessary to join in applying to the Gen Court for assistance  ||  "
  ||  Thomas Cushing  ||    ||  Authorised to administer the oath to the President  ||  "
"Novr 8 4th meeting"  ||    ||  Boston  ||  Transations of the Academy at the 4th meeting holdin  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  2d article 8 chapter of the Statutes postponed for further consideration  ||  "
  ||  John Hancock  ||    ||  Requested to administer the oath to the President (mr Cushing absent)  ||  "
  ||  James Bowdoin  ||    ||  President delivers his inaugural oration &c  ||  38
  ||    ||    ||  administers the oath to the Officers present  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Vote of thanks to him for his oration & a copy requested &c  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [REDACTED]  ||  "
  ||  [REDACTED]  ||    ||  [REDACTED]  ||  "
  ||  [REDACTED]  ||    ||  his nomination of [REDACTED] Candidates  ||  "
  ||  [REDACTED]  ||    ||  Nomination of [REDACTED] as Do  ||  39
  ||  [REDACTED]  ||    ||  of [REDACTED] as Do  ||  "
  ||  [REDACTED]  ||    ||  of [REDACTED]as Do  ||  "
  ||  [REDACTED]  ||    ||  of [REDACTED] as Do  ||  "
[end table]

[end Index 1, page 1 | begin Index 1, page 2]

Index to the Transactions of the Academy &c continued

Date  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||  Subject matter  ||  Page
1780 Nov:r 8  ||  [REDACTED]  ||    ||  Nomination of [REDACTED], as Candidates  ||  39
  ||  Caleb Gannet  ||    ||  Corresponding Secy to communicate copies of the act of Incorporation to Philosophical Institutions in Europe  ||  "
  ||  [Caleb Gannet] & al  ||    ||  Committee to collect subscriptions – establishing a fund &c &c &c  ||  "
  ||  Benjamin Lincoln  ||    ||  Letter to J Warren enclosing an essay on vegetables by Timo: Matlack  ||  "
x  ||  Samuel Mather  ||    ||  Letter to J Bowdoin with proposals for regulation of the academy  ||  "
+  ||  James Bowdoin  ||    ||  Communicates a letter from J Palmer with an essay on converting Iron into Steel & Cast Iron Malleable  ||  "
+  ||  Ezra Stiles  ||    ||  Observations of a Solar eclipse at New Haven 27 Octo:r 1780  ||  "
+  ||    ||    ||  Description of Kelsey Grist mill  ||  "
"1781 Jany 31 5 meeting"  ||    ||  Boston  ||  Transactions of the Academy at the 5th meeting held in  ||  40
  ||  Samuel Cooper  ||    ||  Motion for altering 1st statute in 8 Chapter & votes thereon  ||  "
  ||  Caleb Gannet  ||    ||  Report of an additional Statute in 7 chapter – accepted  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Williams  ||    ||  _ of an Adress to the Public & invitation to communicate experiments, observations & productions of nature or art adapted to the ends of the I^stitution [sic] &c &c &c  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Communications from divers gentlemen  ||  "
x  ||  Ebenezer Hazard  ||  Philadelphia  ||  Letter accompanied with speciments of Abestos [sic] & Pyrites  ||  "
o  ||  James War^en  ||    ||  Letter from B Lincoln with an essay on the growth of vegetables  ||  "
x  ||  Joseph Palmer  ||  Braintree  ||  Letter & Essay on converting Iron into Steel & Cast Iron malleable  ||  "
x  ||  Ezra Stiles  ||  N Haven  ||  Letter with an Essay on the invention of making sand Iron by the late rev: Jared Eliot of Killingworth Connecticut – (Benj Gale)  ||  "
x  ||  James Winthrop  ||  Penobscot  ||  Account of the Solar Eclipse on the 27th October 1780 – at  ||  "
o  ||  Samuel Williams  ||    ||  Observations made at Long Isalnd in Penobscot bay in October & of a Lunar eclipse at Cambridge in Novemr 1780  ||  " 41
o  ||  Caleb Gannet  ||  Cambridge  ||  _ of the Solar eclipse on the 27 October 1780 – at  ||  41
o  ||  Joseph Willard  ||  Beverly  ||  Essay – a method of deducing the difference of meridians from observations of solar eclipses – also observations of the solar eclipse 27 Octor 1780 at Beverly &c &c &c  ||  "
  ||  Edward Wigglesworth  ||  Cambridge  ||  Meteorological observations from the 20 May to the end of year [^]1780  ||  "
x  ||  Joseph Greenleaf  ||  Brookfield  ||  Letter respecting copperas ore in_  ||  "
x  ||  James Lovel  ||  Boston  ||  Letter on the revival of the ancient method of making cement  ||  "
  ||  Aaron Dexter  ||  Boston  ||  Donation of a Vol of Tables published by order of Commissioners of Longitude – also a variety of articles adapted to illustrate the natural history of the country  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Vote to accept the foregoing repor [sic], & the Treasurer to requet all the Printers to publish it in their newspapers &c  ||  42
  ||    ||    ||  Candidates proposed at the last meeting balloted for – (16 chosen)  ||  "
  ||  Members  ||    ||  Names of members to be always alphabetically arranged  ||  "
  ||  Committee  ||    ||  Report accepted of a substitute for the 1st statute 8 chapt Code  ||  "
  ||  Secretaries  ||    ||  Vote to empower them to pocure blank books (academy’s [sic] expen)  ||  43
  ||  Committee  ||    ||  _ to collect subscriptions – to apply first to the Fellows  ||  "
  ||  John Lowell  ||    ||  Added to the above committee  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Communications presented & read (see page 39 repeated)  ||  "
  ||  David Watson  ||    ||  Description of a curious stone (communicated by rev Dan Little)  ||  "
"May 29 6 meeting"  ||    ||  Boston  ||  Tranactions [sic] of the academy at the 6 meeting held in  ||  44
  ||  Committee of Council  ||    ||  Report for arranging the several subjects which should principally engage the attention of the Academy prosecuted to greatest advantage by classes &c &c  ||  44
[end table]

[end Index 1, page 2 | begin Index 1, page 3]

Index to the Transactions of the Academy

Date  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||  Subject matter  ||  Page
1781 May 29  ||  E Wigglesworth & al  ||    ||  Report to arrange by classes the different subjects &c  ||  44
  ||    ||    ||  1st Class to examine the qualities of different soils &c  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  2d Class to examine the growth of vegetables &c  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  3d Class to collect samples of minerals & fossils, with descriptions &c  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  4th Class to make a chemical analysis of vegetables, minerals &c  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  5 Class to examine the various diseases of the country &c  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  6 Class – attend to mathematical disquisitions, & astronomical obs &c  ||  45
  ||    ||    ||  7 Class to make meterology [sic] their special object, &c  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  8 Class to examine the progress of mechanic arts, improvements &c  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  9 Class The rationale, genius, & idiom of the English language &c  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  10 Class To attend to the subject of Commerce, balance & medium of Trade &c  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  11 Class To enquire into antiquities of the Country Indian & European  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  accepted & voted to be published  ||  46
  ||  Members  ||    ||  Each, desired by letter to one of the Secretary’s to inform which Subject shall engage his particular attention &c  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Greenleaf  ||  Boston  ||  Vote of thanks for several communications  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Nomination list of Candidates for Fellowship  ||  "
  ||  [REDACTED]  ||    ||  [REDACTED]  ||  "
  ||  [REDACTED]  ||    ||  [REDACTED]  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [REDACTED]  ||  "
  ||  [REDACTED]  ||    ||  [REDACTED]  ||  "
  ||  [REDACTED]  ||    ||  [REDACTED]  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [REDACTED]  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [REDACTED]  ||  "
  ||  [REDACTED]  ||    ||  [REDACTED]  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [REDACTED]  ||  "
  ||  [REDACTED]  ||    ||  [REDACTED]  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [REDACTED]  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [REDACTED]  ||  "
  ||  [REDACTED]  ||    ||  [REDACTED]  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [REDACTED]  ||  "
  ||  [REDACTED]  ||    ||  [REDACTED]  ||  "
  ||  [REDACTED]  ||    ||  [REDACTED]  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Officers of the Academy elected for the year  ||  47
  ||  James Bowdoin  ||    ||  President  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Cooper  ||    ||  Vice President  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Adams  ||  Boston  ||    ||  "
  ||  Thomas Cushing  ||  Do  ||    ||  "
  ||  Henry Gardner  ||  Do  ||    ||  "
  ||  John Hancock  ||  Do  ||    ||  "
  ||  John Lowell  ||  Do  ||  Councellors of the Academy  ||  "
  ||  Robert T Paine  ||  Do  ||    ||  "
  ||  Phillips Payson  ||  Chelsea  ||    ||  "
  ||  James Warren  ||  Plymouth  ||    ||  "
  ||  Edw: Wigglesworth  ||  Cambridge  ||    ||  "
  ||  Samuel Williams  ||  Do  ||    ||  "
  ||  Caleb Gannet  ||  Do  ||  Recording Secretary  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||  Do  ||  Corresponding Secretary  ||  "
  ||  Ebenezer Storer  ||  Boston  ||  Treasurer  ||  "
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||  Cambridge  ||  Vice Treasurer  ||  "
  ||  James Winthrop  ||  Do  ||  Cabinet keeper  ||  "
  ||  Secretary’s  ||    ||  Committee to procure the publication of the articles of arrangement of subjects in classes – with an address to the members thereon &c  ||  "
[end table]

[end Index 1, page 3 | begin Index 1, page 4]

Date  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||  Subject matter  ||  Page
1781 May 29  ||  Ebenezer Hazard  ||    ||  Two Letters with a specimen of Zinck [sic] found in N Hampshire  ||  48
  ||  Mercator (anony)  ||    ||  Method of reducing dollars @ 6/ into £ & vice versa – Insurance &c  ||  "
  ||  Philomath (anonym)  ||    ||  new & concise of computing Interest @ 6 [P] C [P] An &c  ||  "
x  ||  Jos: Greenleaf  ||    ||  Letter – experiments on Pyrites found in Brookfield [communicated by Mr Bowdoin]  ||  49
x  ||  Poor Countryman  ||    ||  Letter respecting the Aurora Borealis  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  } communicated by Mr Bowdoin  ||  "
x  ||  Poor Countryman  ||    ||  Account of the darkness on the 19 May 1780 [communicated by Mr Bowdoin]  ||  "
  ||  Dr Ebenr Beardsly  ||  N Haven  ||  Memoir on the advantage of a free air in Putrid disorders  ||  "
  ||  Benjamin West  ||  Providence  ||  New method of extracting roots  ||  "
x  ||  Caleb Gannet  ||    ||  Account of a singular appearance of Aurora Borealis 27 March 81  ||  "
  ||  Manasseh Cutler  ||    ||  Meterological [sic] observations of weather & diseases &c &c &c  ||  "
  ||  Dr Isaac Spafford  ||    ||  Machine for Sheet lint with a specimen &c  ||  "
"August 22 7th meeting"  ||    ||  Cambridge  ||  Transactions of the Academy 7th meeting  ||  "
  ||  Mons:r D’Alembert  ||  France  ||    ||  "
  ||  Joseph Brown  ||  RI Providence  ||    ||  "
  ||  Mons:r Ch^tteleux  ||  France  ||    ||  "
  ||  Benjamin Gale  ||  Connecticut  ||  } Elected Fellows of the Academy  ||  "
  ||  Mons:r Gebeline  ||  France  ||    ||  "
  ||  Simeon Howard  ||  Boston  ||    ||  "
  ||  M De La Lande  ||  France  ||    ||  "
  ||  Peter Wargentin  ||  Sweden  ||    ||  "
  ||  John Warren  ||  Boston  ||    ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Names of Gentlemen nominated ^in future not to be entered on record  ||  49
  ||    ||    ||  No Fellow in future to nominate more than one candidate  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  One meeting to be altered from Septemr to Octor at Cambridge  ||  "
x  ||  Edw Wigglesworth  ||    ||  Vote on his proposals to collect the [underline]Data[end underline] for calculations of population & longevity of the Inhabitants of the Country  ||  "
  ||  Arthur Lee  ||  Philadelphi [sic]  ||  Letter contg an account off [sic] the effects of lightening [sic] on a house  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Deane  ||    ||  Description of the Nortorian Pigment, method of manufac  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Brown  ||  Providence  ||  Observations on the Solar Eclipse in October 1780 – at  ||  "
  ||  Jeremy Belknap  ||    ||  Account of a vitriolic & sulphureous stone, & specimen  ||  50
x  ||  Geo: Sparhawk  ||    ||  Letter with several fosil [sic] substances  ||  "
  ||  Manasseh Cutler  ||  Ipswich  ||  Meterological [sic] &c observations compleated [sic] from July 1780 to 81  ||  "
x  ||  William Gordon  ||    ||  Observations respecting Siberian wheat  ||  "
"Novem 14 8 meeting"  ||    ||  Cambridge  ||  Transactions of the Academy the 8th meeting at  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Williams  ||    ||  Account of the uncommon darkness on the 19th May 1780  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||  Beverly  ||  Magnetical observations made at  ||  "
  ||  Manasseh Cutler  ||    ||  Enquiry into the cause of the small pox being incommunicable a 2d time  ||  "
  ||  Benj: Dearborn  ||  Portsmouth  ||  Letter to the President cont’g a description of a Pump Engine  ||  "
x  ||  Benj: Lincoln  ||    ||  Account of an Aurora Borealis on the 8 August 1781  ||  "
x  ||  Daniel Little  ||    ||  Letter to mr [sic] Gannet giving an account of the time & manner Siberian Wheat first imported into this Country  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Brown  ||  Providence  ||  Letter to Do_ giving an account of the Solar Eclipse 27 Octor 1780 at  ||  "
  ||  Benjamin West  ||    ||  account of the observations of the Eclipse of the Sun the 23 April 1781  ||  "
x  ||  Samuel Deane  ||  Casco Bay  ||  Observations of the Solar Eclipse on 27 Octor 1780 at Saccarappa in_  ||  "
x  ||  William Ellery  ||  Philadelphia  ||  Account of a still on a new construction in (communicate [sic] by Dr Stiles)  ||  "
x  ||  Wm Gordon  ||    ||  Letter to the President describing the Orchilla Weed  ||  "
x  ||  Eben: Hazard  ||  N Hampshire  ||  Two letters to the President with a return of N Hampshire Census 1779  ||  51
  ||    ||  Rhode Island  ||  also a Census for 1730, 1748, 1755, & 1774 of the Inhabitants in_  ||  
[end table]

[end Index 1, page 4 | begin Index 1, page 5]

  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||    ||  Page
1782 May 28  ||    ||    ||  Annual Election of Officers for the year  ||  53
  ||  James Bowdoin  ||    ||  President  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Cooper  ||    ||  Vice President  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Adams  ||    ||    ||  "
  ||  Thomas Cushing  ||    ||    ||  "
  ||  Henry Gardner  ||    ||    ||  "
  ||  John Hancock  ||    ||    ||  "
  ||  John Lowell  ||    ||    ||  "
  ||  Robert T Paine  ||    ||  Elected Councelors of the Academy  ||  "
  ||  Phillips Payson  ||    ||    ||  "
  ||  James Warren  ||    ||    ||  "
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||    ||    ||  "
  ||  Samuel Williamd  ||    ||    ||  "
  ||  Caleb Gannet  ||    ||  Recording Secretary  ||  54
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||    ||  Corresponding Secretary  ||  "
  ||  Ebenezer Storer  ||    ||  Treasurer  ||  "
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||    ||  Vice Treasurer & Keeper of the Cabinet  ||  "
  ||  Count Gibeline  ||    ||  Correspond^g Secy to answer his polite letter, & reciprocate his offers &c  ||  "
August 22  ||    ||    ||  No meeting held – a quorum not appearing  ||  "
"Novembr: 13 11th meeting"  ||    ||  Cambridge  ||  Transactions & communications at the 11th meeting at  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||    ||  "
  ||  Comttee of ways & means  ||    ||  Report made & referred to the Council – their result to be laid before next meeting  ||  "
  ||  Cottons Tufts & al  ||    ||  Committee to join with M Medical Society in procuring a room for meetgs  ||  "
  ||  Monsr: Grandchain  ||  France  ||  Elected a Fellow  ||  "
  ||  monsr: [sic] D’Alembert  ||    ||    ||  "
  ||  monsr: [sic] Euler  ||    ||    ||  "
  ||  Dr Benjamin Gale  ||    ||  By Letters declare their acceptance of Fellowship in the Academy  ||  55
  ||  monsr: [sic] De La Lande  ||    ||    ||  "
  ||  Benj: Lincoln  ||    ||  Account of remarkable springs in Virginia on the Ohio & Mississippi  ||  "
  ||  Do  ||  Virginia  ||  [Account] of a fatal disease among Cattle, bro’t from other parts into  ||  "
  ||  Dr Barnab: Binney  ||  Philadelphia  ||  [Account] of two chirurgical cases in the Hospital at  ||  "
  ||  Cotton Tufts  ||    ||  [Account] & observations on the Horn distemper among neat Cattle  ||  "
x  ||  Wm Hickling  ||    ||  New method of firing shels, with a description the [sic] apparatus &c  ||  "
  ||  Peter Whitney  ||  Petersham  ||  Account of a singular apple tree, bearing two species of fruit  ||  "
x  ||  George Sparhawk  ||    ||  [Account] of an artificial chalk, with a specimen  ||  "
  ||  Noble Everitt  ||  New London  ||  Description of a number of Parhelia observed 31 January 1782, at  ||  "
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||    ||  Magnetical Observations continued from May 17 to Augt 20. 1782  ||  "
  ||  Thomas A De Marien  ||  Amsterdam  ||  Donation of 2 Vols of his works – Vote of thanks &c  ||  "
"1783 Jany 29 12 meeting"  ||    ||  Boston  ||  Transactions & communications at the 12 meeting held in  ||  56
  ||  Council  ||    ||  Report on “ways & means” to promote the ends of the Instittution &c  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Voted to arrange the business of the Academy (for the present) under 3 heads  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  1st. [underline] Mathematical [end underline], including astronomical & geographical observations  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  2d [underline] Physical [end underline], comprehending Natural Philosophy, Nat: History or Agri  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  3 [underline] Medical [end underline], containing Medicine, Anatomy & Chemistry  ||  "
  ||  Comttee for each head  ||    ||  5 Fellows (not exceeding) to be chosen for 2 years for each department  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Each member of each com:ttee once a year to present a performance in his departmt  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  _ [Each member of each com:ttee] to have the use of all papers of the Academy – & select materials for a Vol &c  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  _ [Each member of each com:ttee] chosen for a departmt, resign, when he cannot attend to the business  ||  57
  ||    ||    ||  Voted that these rules are not to limit or exempt any one from other pursuits  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  _ [Voted] that every member to afford all the assistance in his power  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||    ||  [Chosen for the Mathematical Department]  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Williams  ||    ||  Chosen for the Mathematical Department  ||  "
  ||  Caleb Gannet  ||    ||  [Chosen for the Mathematical Department]  ||  "
  ||  Manasseh Cutler  ||    ||  [Chosen for the Physical Department]  ||  "
  ||  Theoph: Parsons  ||    ||  Chosen for the Physical Department  ||  "
  ||  Benj Lincoln  ||    ||  [Chosen for the Physical Department]  ||  "
[end table]

[end Index 1, page 5 | begin Index 1, page 6]

Date  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||    ||  Page
1783 Jany 29  ||  Ed A Holyoke  ||    ||  [Chosen for the Medical Department]  ||  [57]
  ||  John Warren  ||    ||  Chosen for the Medical Department  ||  57
  ||  Cotton Tufts  ||    ||  [Chosen for the Medical Department]  ||  [57]
  ||  Mons:r Jeurat  ||  Paris  ||  Elected a Fellow  ||  "
  ||  Committee’s  ||    ||  Reports not to be recorded till accepted or rejected by the Academy  ||  "
  ||  Benj: Lincoln  ||  Pensilvania [sic]  ||  Letter to D Willard describing a subterraneous passage into a rock, a surprising [sic] temporary current of water, & a remarkable spring &c  ||  58
x  ||  Samuel Mather  ||    ||  Letter to the President with the form of a seal for the Academy also  ||  ["]
  ||  [Samuel Mather]  ||  Boston  ||  an account of the origin of inoculation for the small pox in  ||  "
"May 27 Meeting 13"  ||    ||  Do  ||  Transactions & communications at the 13 meeting held in  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Orne  ||    ||  one of the Committee to examine papers in the Physical Department  ||  "
  ||  John Mary  ||    ||  Petition for the use of the room to the French Language  ||  "
  ||  Ebenezer Storer & al  ||    ||  Committee to join the M Medical Society in determining on said petition & Report  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Annual Election of Officers for the year  ||  59
  ||  James Bowdoin  ||    ||  President  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Cooper  ||    ||  Vice President  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Adams  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  "
  ||  Thomas Cushing  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  "
  ||  John Hancock  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  "
  ||  John Lowell  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  "
  ||  Robert T Paine  ||    ||  Councellors  ||  "
  ||  Phillips Payson  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  "
  ||  Cotton Tufts  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  "
  ||  James Warren  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Williams  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  "
  ||  Caleb Gannet  ||    ||  Recording Secretary & Keeper of the Cabinet  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||    ||  Corresponding Secretary  ||  "
  ||  Ebenezer Storer  ||    ||  Treasurer  ||  "
  ||  Steph: Sewall  ||    ||  Vice Treasurer  ||  "
  ||  James Bo^doin  ||    ||  Observations on Light & the waste of matter in the Sun & fixed stars &c  ||  "
  ||  Do  ||    ||  Letter proposing improvments [sic] in the Pump Engine  ||  "
  ||  Benj: Dearborn  ||  Portsmouth  ||  _ [Letter] to the President – description of a Fire Engine on the same princip as the Pumps  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Greenleaf  ||    ||  _ [Letter] on the culture of Indian Corn  ||  60
  ||  Manasseh Cutler  ||    ||  _ [Letter] on Population & the terms of human life, with two Tables  ||  "
x  ||  [blank] Aboville  ||    ||  Memoir respecting Bird grass  ||  "
  ||  Benj: Waterhouse  ||    ||  Observations on Epidemic diseases – Essay to collect the history of in this Country  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Agree that Dr W_ publish the above if he desire it, & return the original &c  ||  "
x  ||  Jonathan Balch  ||    ||  Letter, with a model of the Pump Engine (thanks voted mr [sic] Balch)  ||  "
  ||  James Bowdoin & al  ||    ||  Comittee [sic] to examine ^the above & consider & report whether any improvements can [sic]  ||  "
  ||  Richard Cranch  ||    ||  Donation of a French Translation of Vitruvius on Architecture (thanks voted [sic]  ||  "
  ||  monsr: Jeaurat  ||    ||  Correspondg Secy to transmit him the thanks of the Academy for his present  ||  "
  ||  Council  ||    ||  Report a Petition to the G Court on the subject of experiments, the expence [sic], &c  ||  61
  ||  Academy  ||    ||  Vote on the above Petitition – approved & to be presented in the name & nehalf of the  ||  62
  ||  John Lowell &c  ||    ||  Comittee [sic] to prepare a regulation, respecting members who have not acknowledged  ||  "
  ||  Do  ||    ||  _ [Committee] to consider the expediency of a fund to be appropriated for premiums &c  ||  63
  ||  Do  ||    ||  _ [Committee] to consider 2 article 8 chapter & report a sum to compleat said article  ||  "
  ||  John Warren  ||    ||  An Essay entitled – The Psoas or Lumbar Abscess  ||  "
x  ||  Eben: Beardsley  ||  N Haven  ||  Letter stating a case of Hydrocephalus internus  ||  "
  ||  Loammi Baldwin  ||    ||  _ [Letter] to Dr Willard – account of the effects of a pointed kite elevated in a Storm  ||  "
  ||  Eli Forbes  ||  Cape Ann  ||  _ [Letter] to mr Cutler describing the effects of lightening on a Rock at  ||  "
[end table]

[end Index 1, page 6 | begin Index 1, page 7]

  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||    ||  Page
"1783 Augt 20 14 Meeting"  ||  Samuel Webster  ||    ||  Letter to mr Gannet with samples of marble, salt, mineral & cloth  ||  63
x  ||  John Payson  ||    ||  Letter to mr Cutler with specimens of stones  ||  "
x  ||  Daniel Fuller  ||    ||  _ [Letter] to Do with Indian Utensils  ||  "
  ||  Ed A Holyoke  ||  Salem  ||  _ [Letter] to mr Gannet with a Bill of mortality & era for  ||  "
  ||  Caleb Alexander  ||  Vermont  ||  _ [Letter] to Do respecting a Volcano in West River Mountain  ||  "
x  ||  A_ I_  ||    ||  Letter to the President on raising potatoes  ||  64
  ||  Caleb Gannet  ||    ||  Historical Register of the Aurora Borealis  ||  "
"Novemr 12 15 meeting"  ||    ||  Cambridge  ||  Transactions & communications at the 15 meeting held at  ||  "
  ||  Edw: Wigglesworth  ||  Hingham  ||  Observations on mr Gay’s Register of Baptisms &c for 54 years  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Williams  ||  Bradford  ||  _ [Observations] & Conjectures on the Earthquakes in this Country  ||  "
x  ||  Do  ||  Do  ||  Meterological [sic] observations from 1771 to 1777 made at  ||  "
  ||  Benjamin Gale  ||    ||  Letter to the President on the culture of Smyrna wheat  ||  "
x  ||  Samuel Deane  ||    ||  _ [Letter] to Dr Willard on the culture of Indian Corn  ||  "
  ||  Manasseh Cutler  ||    ||  Observations on the Transit of Mercury 12 Novemr 1782  ||  "
  ||  Do  ||  Wenham  ||  Letter to mr Wigglesworth with the No of Inhabitants in various cities of Europe – also Baptisms & Deaths from 1750 to 1782 for  ||  "
x  ||  Benjamin West  ||  Rhode Island  ||  _ [Letter] to mr Gannet with the No of Inhabitants – 1730 & 1774 for  ||  "
  ||  John Sparhawk  ||  N Hampshire  ||  _ [Letter] to mr Wigglesworth – No of Inhabitants in _ [1730 &] 1775 in  ||  "
  ||  Daniel Little  ||    ||  _ [Letter] to mr Sewall – account of a clay poultice in a cancerous case  ||  65
  ||  Peter Wargentin  ||    ||  _ [Letter] to Dr Willard on their elections as Fellows of the Academy  ||  "
  ||  Tho Brand Hollis  ||    ||  [Letter] to Dr Willard on their elections as Fellows of the Academy]  ||  "
  ||  Caleb Gannet  ||  Cambridge  ||  Meterological [sic] Register from Octo 1782 to Novemr 1783  ||  "
  ||  Do  ||  Do  ||  Observations of a Lunar Eclipse on 10 September 1783 – at  ||  "
  ||  Richard Price  ||    ||  Letter to D Willard with donation of his Observ: on Rever: Payments  ||  "
x  ||  Dr John Feron  ||    ||  _ [Letter] to Dr Warren with donation of a number of valuable articles  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  1 – an injected subject enclosed in an elegant case  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  2 – Twenty three volumes on various subjects  ||  "
  ||  John Warren  ||    ||  Vote that he present the grateful acknowledgements – to Dr Feron  ||  66
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||    ||  _ [Vote] Transmit thanks to Dr Price for his 2 Vols &c  ||  "
  ||  Members  ||    ||  Books lent to divers & returned  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Willard & al  ||    ||  Committee to prepare regulations respecting the loan of Books  ||  "
  ||  Do  ||    ||  _ [Committee] to provide a proper place for the Injected Subject & other  ||  "
  ||    ||  Cambridge  ||  Voted that the Keeper of the ^University Museum be dsired [sic] to receive it (pro tem)  ||  "
  ||  Edw Wigglesworth  ||    ||  Committee (added to) for examining papers in the Mathemat Departmt  ||  67
[end table]

[end Index 1, page 7 | begin Index 1, page 8]

  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||    ||  Page
1783 Decemr 31 Meeting  ||  James Bowdoin  ||    ||  Observations on a new hypothesis concerning light &c  ||  68
  ||  Do  ||    ||  [Observations] tending to prove the existence of an all surrounding Orb  ||  "
  ||  Committee  ||    ||  On the subject of printing a Vol, instructed to prepare & disperse subscription papers  ||  "
1784 Jany: 28 Meeting 17  ||    ||  Cambridge  ||  Transactions & comunications [sic] at the 17 meeting held at  ||  69
  ||  Benj: Dearborn  ||    ||  Letter to mr Gannet with descriptions & drawings of his Pump & Fire Engines  ||  "
  ||  John Prince  ||    ||  [Letter] to D Willard with description & drawings of his air Pump, new construction  ||  "
  ||  Isaac Mansfield  ||    ||  [Letter] to do with description of a moon dial & methods of pointing out Stars  ||  "
x  ||  Bennet Wheeler  ||  Providence  ||  [Letter] to mr Gannet making an offer of his newspaper to the Academy  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Dexter  ||    ||  [Letter] to the President on the migration of house swallows  ||  "
  ||  Dr John Feron  ||    ||  Essay on the nature of Boston water (communicated by D Warren [sic]  ||  "
  ||  Phillips Payson  ||  Chelsea  ||  Astronomical (select) Observations made at  ||  "
  ||  Committee  ||    ||  Report of, to prepare regulations for the Loan of Books & place for Cabinet  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Report] that part respecting Cabinet postponed  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Report] that part on the loan of books accepted till Augt Statute meeting  ||  "
  ||  Council  ||    ||  Recommend to alter 3 article 7 chap Statutes – Voted 7 be a quorum in certain  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Adjourned to 1st Thursday in April at the Factory hall in Boston  ||  "
April 1 meeting 18  ||    ||  Boston  ||  Transactions & comunications [sic] at the 18 meeting held at  ||  70
x  ||  William Cresswell  ||    ||  Letter to mr Gannet – Rule for measuring Frustrums of Pyramids &c  ||  "
  ||  Daniel Jones  ||  Vermont  ||  [Letter] to Dr Willard on a supposed old Volcano in West River Mountain in  ||  "
x  ||  James Winthrop  ||    ||  Remarks on the Parallax of the fixed Stars, occasioned by Herschel’s observations  ||  "
  ||  Daniel Little  ||    ||  Observations on the art of making Steel – with a specimen of the author’s  ||  "
  ||  Manasseh Cutler  ||    ||  Account of vegetables naturally growing in America – botanically arranged  ||  "
  ||  Dr John Feron  ||    ||  Continuation of his Essay on the nature of Boston water  ||  "
  ||  Tho Brand Hollis  ||  London  ||  Donation of valuable books – Vote to transmit thanks  ||  "
  ||  Richard Cranch  ||    ||  [Donation] of Georgii Agricola de re metallica Libri XII folio — also  ||  71
  ||  [Richard Cranch]  ||    ||  [Donation of] four peices [sic] of ancient coins — (thanks voted)  ||  "
  ||  James Bowdoin  ||    ||  [Donation] of one peice [sic] of Queen Elizabeth’s coin  ||  "
  ||  Benjamin Guild  ||  Europe  ||  [Donation of] 18 samples of different species of grain imported from  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Thanks voted mr Guild – the grain committed to mr Cutler for experiment  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Thanks voted] to mr B Wheeler, prtiner for the offer of his paper  ||  "
  ||  Thomas Dawes  ||  Boston  ||  } Elected Fellows  ||  "
  ||  Dr Joshua Fisher  ||  Beverly  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  "
  ||  University Presid & Fellows  ||    ||  Vote requesting permission to deposit the Cabinet of the Academy in the Museum ^Pro Tem  ||  "
  ||  Richard Cranch & al  ||    ||  Committee to examine &c machines of new invention, & give Testimonials  ||  72
  ||  Academy  ||    ||  Proceedings on printing the 1st vol of Transactions – committee [sic] to inspect papers  ||  "
  ||  Loammi Baldwin & al  ||    ||  Committee to contact with a printer, & engraver, & superintend the work  ||  "
May 25  ||    ||  Boston  ||  Transactions and communications at  ||  
  ||  Edw: A Holyoke  ||  Salem  ||  Bill of mortality for 1783 for — & uncommon case of Emphysema  ||  "
x  ||  Joseph Brown  ||  Providence  ||  Letter to mr Storer – Account of a Steam Engine – & on Construction of Chimnies  ||  73
x  ||  Jonathan Williams  ||    ||  [Letter] with account of the principles &c of constructing Areostatic [sic] Machines  ||  "
x  ||  [blank] Hamilton  ||    ||  New System of Philosophy on the Newtonian hypothesis, & sundry papers  ||  "
  ||  Academy  ||    ||  Annual Election of Officers for the year  ||  "
  ||  James Bowdoin  ||    ||  President  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||    ||  Vice President  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Adams  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  Thomas Cushing  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  John Hancock  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  John Lowell  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  Robert T Paine  ||    ||  } Councellors  ||  "
  ||  Phillips Payson  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  Cotton Tufts  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  James Warren  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  Samuel Williams  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
[end table]

[end Index 1, page 8 | begin Index 1, page 9]

  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||    ||  Page
1784 May 25  ||  Caleb Gannet  ||    ||  Recording Secretary, Librarian & Keeper of the Cabinet  ||  73
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||    ||  Corresponding Secretary  ||  "
  ||  Ebenezer Storer  ||    ||  Treasurer  ||  "
  ||  Benjamin Guild  ||    ||  Vice Treasurer  ||  "
  ||  & al Caleb Gannet  ||    ||  Committee to procure a suitable place for the Cabinet  ||  "
  ||  William Erving  ||  Boston  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  74
  ||  Samuel Hale  ||  Portsmouth  ||  } Elected Fellows  ||  
  ||  Samuel G Harmelin  ||  Stockholm  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  
  ||  John Sparhawk  ||  Portsmouth  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  
August 25  ||    ||  Cambridge  ||  Transactions & comunications [sic] at  ||  "
  ||  Noah Webster jr  ||    ||  Letter to the Presidt with 6 Copies of the 2d part of his Gram Institute  ||  "
  ||  Perez Fobes  ||  Raynham  ||  [Letter] to mr Gannet with description of a new Orrery  ||  "
x  ||  Cotton Tufts  ||    ||  [Letter] with transla of a French Memoir on a kind of grain. [underline] Colzat [end underline]  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Thanks votes mr Webster for his present  ||  "
  ||  James Bowdoin &c  ||    ||  Committee to inspect & correct the press – of the Vol of Memoirs  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Committee] on funds for premiums to take under further consideration  ||  75
  ||  Aaron Dexter  ||  Boston  ||  Elected a Fellow  ||  75
  ||    ||    ||  Books – regulations of loaning the Academy’s till further order  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  1 — not to be lent to any person not a member  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  2 — not more than 2 Vols to be lent at the same time  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  3 — all, to be returned on or before ^next Stated meeting after borrowg  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  4 — lent, account to be kept of the time when, size & state, the person &c  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  5 — detained longer, a fine to be paid 6d a week for 8vo – 1s for 4to, & 2s Folio  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  6 — damages the borrower shall replace, or a sum equal to double damg  ||  "
Novemr 10  ||  Academy  ||  Cambridge  ||  Transactions & communications at  ||  76
  ||  Samuel Tenny  ||  Saratoga  ||  Letter to Dr Fisher, description of mineral springs at - & experiments  ||  "
  ||  Jeremy Belknap  ||  Dover  ||  Bill of mortality from 1766 to 1781 – fourteen years – at  ||  "
  ||  Ezra Stiles  ||  N Haven  ||  Letter to Dr Willard with description of a Pneumatic Clock by B Hanks  ||  "
  ||  Fellows  ||  Cambridge  ||  Device for a Seal to be prepared by — & presented next meeting  ||  "
1785 Jany 26  ||  Academy  ||    ||  Transactions & comunications [sic] at  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Device for a Seal with an explanation, presented  ||  "
  ||  Benj: Waterhouse  ||    ||  [Device]’s Two, were received with an explanatory letter from  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  all committed to form a perfect – & engraved the size of a Dollar  ||  "
  ||  Benjamin Guild &c  ||    ||  Committee to assist the Printers in procuring money to carry on the Vol  ||  "
  ||  Caleb Gannet & al  ||    ||  [Committee] appointed, to estimate the damage done to books (6 article)  ||  77
  ||  Correspondg Secretary  ||    ||  Letter to be written to each Fellow, has not signified his acceptance  ||  "
  ||  Jeremy Belknap  ||  Dover  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  
  ||  John Prince  ||  Salem  ||  } Elected Fellows  ||  "
  ||  Peter J Bergius  ||  Stockholm  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  
  ||  M De La Fayette  ||  Paris  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  
x  ||  Edw: Wigglesworth  ||  Cambridge  ||  Result of Meteorological observations in 1784 at  ||  "
  ||  John Warren  ||    ||  Case (uncommon) of hair found in the Cavity of the Abdomen  ||  "
May 24  ||    ||    ||  Transactions & comunications [sic]  ||  78
  ||  Correspond’g Sec.y  ||    ||  Letter to be written to ascertain who are Fellows (former vote repealed)  ||  "
  ||  James Bowdoin  ||    ||  President  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||    ||  Vice President  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Adams  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  Loammi Baldwin  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  Thomas Cushing  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  Benjamin Lincoln  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  John Lowell  ||    ||  } Councellors  ||  
  ||  Robert T Paine  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  Cotton Tufts  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  Jo Warren  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  John Warren  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  Samuel Williams  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
[end table]

[end Index 1, page 9 | begin Index 1, page 10]

Date  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||    ||  Page
1785 May 24  ||  Caleb Gannet  ||    ||  Recording secretary, Librarian & Keeper of the Cabinet  ||  79
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||    ||  Corresponding secretary  ||  "
  ||  Ebenezer Storer  ||    ||  Treasurer  ||  "
  ||  Benjamin Guild  ||    ||  Vice Treasurer  ||  "
  ||  Norman & Coles  ||    ||  New Map of the Eastern States, presented by them (thro the President)  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Thanks voted to Norman & Coles  ||  "
  ||  Benj Licoln [sic] & al  ||  Nova Scotia  ||  Committee to examine the accuracy of the divisional line between this State &  ||  "
  ||  Jeremy Belknap  ||  N Hampshire  ||  History of (1st vol) presented by — (thanks voted)  ||  "
  ||  Nehemiah Williams  ||  Brimfield  ||  Bill of mortality from 1 January 1775 to 1 January 1785 for the town of  ||  "
  ||  Jeremy Belknap  ||  Dover  ||  [Bill] of Do from [1 January] 1788 to [1 January] 1785 [for the town] of  ||  "
  ||  Edward Wigglesworth  ||  Do  ||  Table of Probabilities of the duration &c of human life at  ||  "
  ||  Isaac Mansfield  ||  Exeter  ||  Bill of mortality from 1775 to 1785 at  ||  "
x  ||  Richard Cranch  ||  White Hills  ||  Extract from on Old MMS history of Massachusetts (1642) respecting the  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Webber  ||    ||  Problems & Solutions in Fluxions, & Algebraical solutions of Problems  ||  80
  ||    ||    ||  Leave given to withdraw the above, to render them more general &c  ||  "
x  ||  Caleb Gannet  ||  Cambridge  ||  Results of Meteorological observations from Octor 1783 to Novemr 1784, at  ||  "
  ||  Isaiah Thomas  ||    ||  Specimen of his Printing Types presented (1 [sic]  ||  "
  ||  Treasurer  ||    ||  Empowered to loan not above £200 on personal security to assist the Printer  ||  "
  ||  Cotton Tufts }  ||    ||  Committee on the Vol of Memoirs continued — & 2 others added  ||  "
  ||  Aaron Dexter  ||    ||    ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Committee] authorised to agree with another Printer, in case  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Committee] for the Mathematical &c Department continued till next meeting  ||  "
August 24  ||    ||    ||  Transactions & communications  ||  81
  ||  Edw A Holyoke  ||  Salem  ||  Bill of Mortality for the year 1784 for the town of  ||  "
  ||  Perez Fobes  ||  Raynham  ||  Proposal for formation of a National Language  ||  "
x  ||  Benjamin Guild  ||    ||  Letter to the Presid on the importance of agriculture, & means to promote  ||  "
  ||  [Benjamin Guild] & al  ||    ||  Committee to prepare a plan for exciting attention to, experimts, improvements, &c  ||  "
  ||  Manasseh Cutler & al  ||    ||  [Committee] appointed to devise a plan for a Bill of mortality, to be dispersed  ||  "
  ||  Academy  ||    ||  Seal made by Joseph Callender — Presid to draw an order on Treasurer to pay  ||  "
  ||  Henry Moyes  ||  London  ||  Elected a Fellow  ||  "
Novem: 9  ||    ||    ||  Transactions & comunications [sic]  ||  82
  ||  Samuel More Sec’y  ||  London  ||  Society for encouragmt of arts, manufatures [sic] & commerce, 1 Vol presented  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Society] thanked for their donation  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Preistley [sic]  ||    ||  Letter in answer to one informing him of his election as a Fellow  ||  "
  ||  Benja: Dudley  ||    ||  [Letter] to mr Gannet, soliciting the patronage of the Acy: in manufac Iron  ||  "
  ||  Loammi Baldwin &c  ||    ||  Committee [sic] to correspond with mr D— to ascertain his knowledge &c  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Blodget  ||    ||  Letter to mr Gannet, presenting a pair of Diving Tongs — (thanks voted)  ||  "
  ||  Richard Cranch & al  ||    ||  Comittee [sic] to examine the tongs & report what improvements can be made  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  A Poem inscribed to the Academy by an anonymus [sic] authro  ||  "
  ||  Wm Erving & 4 al  ||    ||  Comittee [sic] (special) on Husbandy [sic], experiments, improvements &c  ||  83
  ||    ||    ||  [Committee] on Bill of mortality, Report a formula, accepted  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Committee] to procure a number of copies printed & Disperse them  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Formula – Explanations & Comittee’s [sic] Letter  ||  Pages 84, 85, 86
1786 January 25  ||    ||    ||  Transactions & comunications [sic]  ||  "
  ||  Samuel West  ||  Gayhead  ||  Letter to the President on minerals at Martha’s Vineyard  ||  "
x  ||  Do  ||    ||  [Letter to the President] on extracting fresh water from sale  ||  "
  ||  Do  ||    ||  Comittee [sic] to procure samples of the minerals & fosils [sic], to analye [sic], & report  ||  "
  ||  Do  ||    ||  Desired to give further information on extract’g fresh from salt water  ||  "
  ||  Cotton Tufts  ||    ||  Donation, sundry peices old English coin, one Portuguese & one Rupee  ||  87
  ||  James Winthrop  ||    ||  Rule for Trisecting angles, geometrically  ||  "
  ||  Allen & Cushing  ||    ||  Letter to mr Gannet, with the offer of their Newspaper (thanks voted)  ||  "
  ||  Jona: Williams  ||    ||  [Letter] to the Presid, with 2 Vols 8vo French on Areostatic [sic] experiments  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Thanks voted to mr Williams for his very acceptable donation  ||  "

[end Index 1, page 10 | begin Index 1, page 11]

  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||    ||  Page
1786 Jan’y 25  ||  David Smead  ||  Hampsh County  ||  Sundry Specimens of ores found in  ||  87
  ||  Edw Wigglesworth  ||  Manheim  ||  Letter to the Presid informing of a sett of Meterolog: Instrumts present of  ||  "
x  ||  William Heath  ||  Canada  ||  Account of Extraordinary darkness in October last in  ||  "
x  ||  James Warren  ||    ||  Remarks on the effects of light on the growth of Plants  ||  "
  ||  Elbridge Gerry  ||    ||  Letter to the Presid with Dr Jeffries account of his & Blanchard aerial voya  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Hall  ||    ||  Account of Paper & Printing 500 formula’s of Bills of mortality &c £8.6.8  ||  88
  ||  President  ||    ||  Desired to draw upon the Treasurer for payment  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Preistley [sic]  ||    ||  Experiments & Observations in different kinds of air 5 Vols present’ by  ||  "
  ||  Academy  ||    ||  Vote their thanks to Dr Preistley [sic] for his valuable donation  ||  "
  ||  Jonathan Jackson  ||    ||  Donation of Cooke’s last voyage 3 Vols 4to — thanks voted mr J for generous  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Time extended for Fellow to express their intentions of contin members  ||  "
  ||  Benjamin Dudley  ||    ||  Comittee [sic] to correspond with D- reported 2 letters on the subject  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Report recommitted to same Committee to make further enquiry of his skill  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Committee on husbandry &c – 26 added to the 5 first appointed  ||  89
  ||    ||    ||  — 5 to constitute a quorum, one of the original members being  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  — to hold stated meetings once in 3 months & oftener if necessy  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  — to endeaveor [sic] to procure money by Subscription to enable them  ||  "
May 30  ||    ||  Boston  ||  Transactions & comunications [sic]  ||  90
x  ||  Samuel West  ||    ||  Letter to the Presid on extraction of fresh from salt water  ||  "
x  ||  Robert Annan  ||  Hudson’s Riv  ||  [Letter] to do [the Presid] account of the Skeleton of a large animal found  ||  "
x  ||  Daniel Little  ||  Penobscot  ||  Minutes of the growth & maturity of most useful vegetables in 1785 at  ||  "
  ||  William Heath  ||  Canada  ||  Letter to Presid with remarks on the darkness Octor: 1785 in  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Freeman  ||    ||  [Letter] to Presid on an unusual appearance in the heavens last March  ||  "
  ||  John Metcalf  ||    ||  Observation on the variation of the magnetic needle  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Williams  ||    ||  Attempt to explain the state, motion & operations of heat &c &c &c  ||  "
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||    ||  Series of magnetic observations from Aug 1782 to the end of the year  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Hale  ||    ||  Conjectures of the Nat causes of NW winds, colder in winter NE than Europe  ||  "
x  ||  Do  ||    ||  Dissertation upon Potatoes  ||  "
  ||  Isaac Mansfield  ||  E Kingston  ||  Bill of mortality from 1739 to 1772 for EK in N Hampshire  ||  91
  ||  Do  ||  Exeter  ||  Bill of mortality for the year 1785 – in N Hampshire  ||  "
  ||  Zepheniah Willis  ||    ||  Letter to D Willard – account of salutary effects of Oil of Tobacco in Cancer  ||  "
  ||  Benjam Franklin  ||    ||  Thot’s [sic] on a Universal Fluid  ||  "
  ||  Do  ||    ||  [Thoughts] on the Theory of the Earth  ||  "
  ||  Do  ||    ||  Meterological [sic] imaginations & conjectures  ||  "
  ||  Do  ||    ||  Result of 12 Experimts of 7 wires of same size, different metals &c  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  These 5 last, not being the property of the Academy immediately withdrawn  ||  "
  ||  John J Spooner  ||    ||  Letter to the Presid with 4 vols 8vo of a 6 months tour thro North of England  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Thanks voted to Mr S for his very acceptable donation  ||  "
  ||  C Storer & Wm Smith  ||  Ireland  ||  Letter to mr Gannet with 6 stones taken from the Giants causeway & a Print  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Thanks voted to mess S & S for their curious & agreeable present  ||  "
  ||  John Coles & Co  ||    ||  Letter to the Presid with specimens of their engraving, solicit recomendation [sic]  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Vote on – refering [sic] the matter to the Marine Society  ||  92
  ||  Benj: Franklin  ||    ||  Dr Jeffries account of his & Blanchard’s aerial voyages returned to  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Blodget  ||    ||  Presents miniatures of several pair of diving tongs, as improvements  ||  "
  ||  Cook’s [sic] voyage  ||    ||  Large Charts in – to be taken out, rolled on linnen [sic] & framed  ||  "
  ||  Richard Cranch &c  ||    ||  Comittee [sic] to audit the Treasurer’s accounts  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Committee] Report, right cast & well vouched & balance £7.5.3 in his favour  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Committee Report] belongs to the Academy a State note £66.16.4 — also  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Committee Report] Bond of £80 – by J Green T Adams & J Nourse — report accepted  ||  "
  ||  Lo: Baldwin &al  ||    ||  Comittee [sic] appointed on the printing the Vol of Memoirs – to distribute them  ||  93
  ||  David Bemis  ||    ||  [Committee appointed] to settle his account £10.16.0 – for paper  ||  "
  ||  Simeon Howard & al  ||    ||  [Committee appointed] to devise best method of publishing memoirs in future & report  ||  "
[end table]

[end Index 1, page 11 | begin Index 1, page 12]

  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||    ||  Page
1786 May 30  ||    ||    ||  Annual Election of Officers for the year  ||  93
  ||  James Bowdoin  ||    ||  President  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||    ||  Vice President  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Adams  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  Loammi Baldwin  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  Thomas Cushing  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  Benj: Lincoln  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  John Lowell  ||    ||  } Councellors  ||  
  ||  Robert T Paine  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  "
  ||  Cotton Tufts  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  James Warren  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  John Warren  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  Samuel Williams  ||    ||  [Councellors]  ||  
  ||  Caleb Gannet  ||    ||  Recording Secretary, Librarian & Keeper of the Cabinet  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||    ||  Corresponding Secretary  ||  "
  ||  Ebenezer Storer  ||    ||  Treasurer  ||  "
  ||  Benjamin Guild  ||    ||  Vice Treasurer  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Committee on Agriculture to make report of their proceedings  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Committee on Agriculture] to enable them, the Fellows severally to subscribe a sum for a fund  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Committee on Agriculture] 5 more added to them, Mess, Dalton, Gerry, Guild, Lowell, & N P Sargent  ||  94
  ||    ||    ||  [Committee on Agriculture] their Sec’y to keep books on the subject of for 1 year under same rulse as  ||  "
  ||  Count Castiglioni  ||  Tuscany  ||  Elected a Fellow  ||  "
Augt 23  ||    ||    ||  Transactions & comunications [sic]  ||  "
  ||  John Jeffries  ||    ||  Letter to the President with his narrative of 2 aerial voyages, with observations  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Thanks voted to Dr J for his areostatic [sic] experiments  ||  "
  ||  Dr Lorens Crell  ||    ||  Chemical Annals in 4 Pamphlets in German (thro’ mr S Vaughan jr (thanks voted) [sic]  ||  "
  ||  Benja: Waterhouse  ||  Cambridge  ||  Synopsis of a course of Lectures on Theory & Practice of Medicine (thanks voted)  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Preistley [sic]  ||    ||  Experiments & Observations on various branches in Nat: Philosophy (thanks voted)  ||  95
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||    ||  Nocte cogitate a pamphlet presented by – (thanks voted)  ||  "
  ||  William Hickling  ||    ||  Peice [sic] of Asiatic coin presented by – thanks voted) [sic]  ||  "
x  ||  Sam: Holden Parsons  ||  Ohio  ||  Letter to the President, descibing [sic] nat: curiosities & draft of ancient fortifications  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Letter] to D Willard, a mechanical method of taking height of an object  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Lathrop  ||  W Springfield  ||  [Letter] to [Dr Willard] with a Bill of mortality from 1770 to 1786 for  ||  "
  ||  Do  ||    ||  also, account of the efficacy of Plantain as an antidote against Poison  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Deane  ||    ||  Thot’s [sic] on the causes of smoaky [sic] houses & method of guarding against them  ||  "
  ||  James Winthrop  ||  Champlain  ||  Barometerical Observations & remarks made during a Tour to Lake  ||  "
  ||  William Fish  ||    ||  Letter to mr Winthrop, presenting 11 Indian Utensils to the Academy (thanked)  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Deane  ||    ||  N England Farmer – Committee on Agricult to peruse it, & if approved, to recommend  ||  "
  ||  James Bowdoin jr  ||  Dorchester  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  [96]
  ||  John Feron  ||  Paris  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  
  ||  John Jones Spooner  ||  Roxbury  ||  } Elected Fellows  ||  96
  ||  Samuel Vaughan  ||  Philadelphia  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  
  ||  Nathaniel Wells  ||  Wells  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  
Nov: 8  ||    ||    ||  Transactions & comunications [sic]  ||  "
  ||  Noah Atwater  ||    ||  Attempt to account for the Tails of Comets, & for the Aurora Borealis  ||  "
x  ||  Leverett Hubbard  ||    ||  Description of a case of a person affected with a gangrene of the Scrotum  ||  "
x  ||  Samuel H Parsons  ||  Ohio &c  ||  Letter to Dr Willard with an account of his discoveries in the Country on  ||  "
x  ||  Daniel Little  ||  Penobscot  ||  [Letter] to the Presid – Observations while among the Indians & specimens language  ||  "
x  ||  Samuel Freeman  ||    ||  [Letter] to [the Presid] Account of remarkable Aurora Borealis seen March 22  ||  "
x  ||  Samuel West D William Baylies  ||  Gay Head on Martha’s Viney  ||  [Letter] to [the Presid] account of their observations & discoveries  ||  "
x  ||  John Gardiner  ||    ||  [Letter] to [the Presid] with a drawing of a ferry boat, easy method of crossing &c  ||  "
  ||  Do  ||    ||  Grainery of his invention to preserve grain from vermin & keeping dry &c  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Callender  ||    ||  Account £80..8s for engraving plates & memorial for payment  ||  97
[end table]

[end Index 1, page 12 | begin Index 1, page 13]

  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||    ||  Page
1786 Novemr 8  ||  John Jones Spooner &c  ||    ||  Added to Committee for distributing the memoirs of the Academy &c  ||  97
  ||  Joseph Willard & al  ||    ||  Committee to examine papers in [underline] Mathemat [end underline] Departmt for future publication  ||  "
  ||  Caleb Gannet & al  ||    ||  [Committee] to examines Do in [underline] Physical Department for Do  ||  "
  ||  John Warren & al  ||    ||  [Committee] to examine Do in [underline] Medical [end underline] Department for Do  ||  "
  ||  Samuel H Parsons  ||  Ohio  ||  Donation of a Tooth of large animal now unknown found in West Country  ||  "
  ||  Tho: Brand Hollis  ||  London  ||  [Donation of] a Treastise on minerals, mines & mining by Wm Pryce  ||  98
  ||    ||    ||  [Donation of] Journal of monsr: Condamine voyage to the equator, 4to  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Donation of] Natural History in Italian folio  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Donation of] Descriptions of useful machines & models, by Society in Lond  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Donation of] Drawings of the above machines & models  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Donation of] Premiums offered by the above Society & Lists 3 Vols 8vo  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Do Do Do Do in pamphlets  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Donation of] Register of the premiums & bounties by the Society folio  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Donation of] Lists of the Society in 4 pamphlets 8vo  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Donation of] Rules & Orders of the Society in 4 pamphlets 8vo  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Donation of] Jacob’s Observations on the structure of wheel carriages  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Donation of] Do Animadversions on the use of broad wheels &c  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Donation of] Malton’s treastise on Perspective in 3 Vols folio  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Donation of] Dr Jackson’s Sermon preached before Humane Society  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Donation of] Navigators who have reached high northern latitudes  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Thanks voted mr H for his generous & useful donation  ||  "
1787 Jany: 31  ||    ||    ||  Transactions & comunications [sic]  ||  99
  ||  Dr Jon Dryander  ||  London  ||  Letter from the Librarian of the Royal Society  ||  "
  ||  John S Copley  ||    ||  [Letter from] with an example of perspective drawing  ||  "
x  ||  Winthrop Sargent  ||  Ohio  ||  Discriptive [sic] list of Forest & other Trees to Lati 38 N West of River  ||  "
x  ||  Abijah Cleever  ||    ||  Account of preternatural hydropic cysts found by disection [sic]  ||  "
x  ||  Alex: Shepard junr  ||    ||  Letter to Dr Willard on raising buck whear  ||  "
x  ||  John Cushing  ||    ||  [Letter to] mr Guild with bill of mortality from 1769 to 1787 for  ||  "
  ||  Solomon Drown  ||  Hosuk River  ||  [Letter to] mr Williams, account of a Phosphoric substance & specimen  ||  "
x"  ||  "John Gardiner &
N Garrison"  ||  Delaware  ||  Letters to the President describing the Moravian Ferry boat in Riv  ||  "
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||  Cambridge  ||  Variation of magnetic needle from Novemr 1786 to Jan’y 1787 at  ||  "
  ||  Royal Society  ||  London  ||  Dr Maskelyne’s observations from 1775 to 1782  ||  "
  ||  Do  ||    ||  Philosophical Transactions (the first part) for the year 1786  ||  100
  ||  Samuel Williams & al  ||    ||  Comittee [sic] to draft ^vote of thanks — & consider what other Societies to send  ||  "
March 14  ||    ||    ||  Transactions & communications  ||  
  ||  John Melben  ||  EP Barnstable  ||  Bill of mortality &c for the year 1786 in East Precinct  ||  "
  ||  Peter Whitney  ||  Northboro’  ||  [Bill] of Do from 1780 to 1787 for  ||  "
  ||  Philomath  ||    ||  Table of Areas of Circle from 1 to 40 inches, in wine gallons  ||  "
  ||  William Gammage  ||  Cambridge  ||  Human Fietus in the 6 month, presented by  ||  "
  ||  Benjamin Guild  ||    ||  Further powers given him, respecting the Vols’ of Memoirs  ||  101
  ||  Members  ||    ||  Each one to pay 2 Dollars annually for the use of the Academy  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  £200 to be raised on loan by subscription to pay debts of Do  ||  "
  ||  Benja: Guild  ||    ||  Desired & authorised to negociate [sic] the above  ||  "
May 29  ||    ||    ||  Transactions & comunications [sic]  ||  102
  ||  Winthrop Sargent  ||  Muskingum  ||  Letter to the Presid with a plan of an ancient Town or fortified camp  ||  "
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||  Cambridge  ||  Observations of the variation of the magnetic needle Jany to May 87  ||  "
x  ||  Daniel Little  ||    ||  Process for making a farinaceous soap  ||  "
  ||  Jacob Cushing  ||  Waltham  ||  Metereological [sic] observations &c from 1773 to 1787 made at  ||  "
  ||  Dr [blank] Hunt  ||  Northampton  ||  Bill of mortality & Topographical description of the town of  ||  "
[end table]

[end Index 1, page 13 | begin Index 1, page 14]

Date  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||    ||  Page
1787 May 29  ||  Enoch Hale  ||  W Hampton  ||  Bill of mortality & Topographical description of the town of  ||  102
  ||  Nathan Fiske  ||  Brookfield  ||  [Bill] of Do for the 3d Parish in  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Swain  ||  Wenham  ||  [Bill] of Do for  ||  "
  ||  William Hale  ||  Newbury  ||  [Bill] of Do for the 2d Parish in  ||  "
  ||  Judah Nash  ||  Montague  ||  [Bill] of Do for  ||  "
  ||  Isaac Mansfield  ||  Exeter NH  ||  [Bill] of Do for  ||  "
  ||  Manasseh Cutler  ||  Ipswich  ||  [Bill] of Do for the [blank] Parish (hamlet)  ||  "
  ||  Nehem: Williams  ||  Brimfield  ||  [Bill] of Do for  ||  "
  ||  Wm Fesswenden  ||  Fryburgh  ||  [Bill] of Do for  ||  "
  ||  Wm D Cheever  ||    ||  Letter to Dr Howard – with 8 vols of Memoirs of Literature (vote thanks)  ||  "
  ||  Royal Society  ||    ||  Comittee [sic] Report a vote of thanks for their generous donation &c  ||  103
  ||    ||    ||  Memoirs to be sent to the following Societies  ||  "
  ||    ||  London  ||  Royal Society  ||  "
  ||    ||  Paris  ||  Royal Academy  ||  "
  ||    ||  Do  ||  Academy of Inscriptions & Belles Lettres  ||  "
  ||    ||  Petersburgh  ||  Imperial Academy in Russia  ||  "
  ||    ||  Stockholm  ||  Royal Academy in Russia  ||  "
  ||    ||  Madrid  ||  Royal Academy at  ||  "
  ||    ||  Berlin  ||  Royal Academy at  ||  "
  ||    ||  Copenhagen  ||  Royal Academy at  ||  "
  ||    ||  Manheim  ||  Electoral Academy at  ||  "
  ||    ||  Gottingen  ||  Electoral Academy at  ||  "
  ||    ||  London  ||  Academy of arts & commerce  ||  "
  ||    ||  Philadelph  ||  Philosophical Society  ||  "
  ||    ||  Boulogne  ||  Academy at  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  French Academy  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Antiquarian Society  ||  "
  ||    ||  Haerlem  ||  Society  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Massachusetts Medical Society  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Philosophical Society of Connecticut  ||  "
  ||  Council  ||    ||  Regulations recomended [sic] by them adopted & established  ||  104
  ||    ||    ||  1 Succession of vol’s to be published as the papers will allow  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  2 Each member obliged to take one copy at the rate established  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  3 [Each member] elected in future to pay 30/, & not considered members to pd  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  4 [Each member] election in future announced by a printed certificate  ||  "
  ||  Treasurer  ||    ||  Vote to be sent (passed March 14, 1787) to members, who have not paid assessmts  ||  "
  ||  Benjamin Guild  ||    ||  Deliver 17 Copies of Memoirs to the correspondg Sec’y, to send to Europe  ||  "
  ||  Treasurer  ||    ||  To pay mr Guild from money accruing by assessments &c  ||  "
  ||  James Bowdoin  ||    ||  President for the ensuing year  ||  105
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||    ||  vice President  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Adams  ||    ||  [Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  Loammi Baldwin  ||    ||  [Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  Richard Cranch  ||    ||  [Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  Benjamin Lincoln  ||    ||  [Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  John Lowell  ||    ||  } Counsellors  ||  "
  ||  Robert T Paine  ||    ||  [Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  Cotton Tufts  ||    ||  [Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  John Warren  ||    ||  [Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  Ed: Wigglesworth  ||    ||  [Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Williams  ||    ||  [Counsellors]  ||  "
[end table]

[end Index 1, page 14 | begin Index 1, page 15]

  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||    ||  Page
1787 May 29  ||  Caleb Gannet  ||    ||  Recording Secretary, Librarian & Keeper of the Cabinet  ||  105
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||    ||  Corresponding Secretary  ||  "
  ||  Ebenezer Storer  ||    ||  Treasurer  ||  "
  ||  Benjamin Guild  ||    ||  Vice Treasurer  ||  "
  ||  Thomas Jefferson  ||  Virginia  ||  Elected a Fellow  ||  "
  ||  Treasurer  ||    ||  Account current presented – Balance due to him £8”3”3  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  John Green & others bond June 18th 1785 80 – “ – “  ||  
  ||    ||    ||  State note – Interest paid to 1st January 1787 – £66_14_4  ||  
  ||    ||    ||  Order on Excise 4_0_3  ||  
  ||    ||    ||  Do on Tax 4”_”_ 74_16_7  ||  
  ||  Governor & Council  ||    ||  Warrant on the State Treasurer (comitted [sic] to Vice Presid) 132_12_2  ||  
August 22  ||    ||    ||  Transactions & comunications [sic]  ||  106
x  ||  James Winthrop  ||    ||  Method of doubling a cube geometrically  ||  "
x  ||  Noah Atwater  ||    ||  Meteorological observations in 1781 & 1786  ||  "
  ||  Bezaleel Shaw  ||  Nantucket  ||  Topographical description of & Bill of mortality &c for  ||  "
  ||  John Bartlett  ||  Do  ||  Observations on the waters of the Island of  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Thaxter  ||  Edgartown  ||  Topographical description of & Bill of mortality  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Sumner  ||  Shrewsbury  ||  Do Do of Do for  ||  "
  ||  Chandler Robbins  ||  Plymouth  ||  Bill of mortality from 1760 to 1787 for  ||  "
  ||  John Foster  ||  Cambridge  ||  [Bill} of Do for the 3d Parish in  ||  "
x  ||  Samuel Freeman  ||    ||  Description of a watch almanack with drawings by  ||  "
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||    ||  Observations of the variation of the magnetic needle in 1787  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Pope  ||    ||  Description of his Orrery  ||  "
  ||  Hugh Maxwell  ||    ||  Observations on a difference in different trees conductors lighten’g  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Pope  ||    ||  Committee on machines to examine his orrery  ||  "
  ||  Ed A Holyoke & al  ||    ||  [Committee] on mr Maxwell’s letter to make experiments & report  ||  107
  ||    ||    ||  [Committee] on 3 departments continued for 2 years  ||  "
  ||  Academy’s [sic]  ||    ||  Memoirs to be sent to the following Societies in addition  ||  "
  ||    ||  Edinburgh  ||  Royal Society in  ||  "
  ||    ||  Manchester  ||  Royal Society in  ||  "
  ||    ||  Rotterdam  ||  Batavian Society at  ||  "
  ||    ||  Turin  ||  Academy of Sciences at  ||  "
  ||  Benjamin Guild  ||    ||  Empowered to negociate [sic] a loan of the sum due to the Printers  ||  108
  ||  Treasurer  ||    ||  Directed to deliver Adams & Nourse bond to mr Guild &c  ||  "
  ||  [Treasurer] & al  ||    ||  Comittee [sic] to procure a copper plate engraving for Certificates  ||  "
  ||  Benja: Guild  ||    ||  To send 300 Copies of the memoirs [sic] unbound to England for sale  ||  "
  ||  Librarian  ||    ||  To continue the loan of books to the comittee [sic] on husbandry  ||  "
  ||  John Adams  ||    ||  Vote of thanks to him for his donation of Defence of Constitution  ||  "
  ||  Wm D Cheever  ||    ||  [Vote] of Do for Do of Memoirs of literature 8 vols  ||  "
Novemr 14  ||    ||  Cambridge  ||  Transactions & comunications [sic]  ||  109
  ||  Joseph Pope  ||    ||  Remarks upon the vibration of the Earth’s axis &c  ||  "
  ||  Theoph: Parsons  ||    ||  Solution of an astronomical problem by  ||  "
  ||  Simeon Williams  ||  Weymouth  ||  Topographical description & Bill of mortality for 2d Parish  ||  "
  ||  John C Lettsom  ||  London  ||  Donation of 4 Vol’s of books – (thanks voted)  ||  "
  ||  John Haygarth  ||    ||  Inquiry how to prevent the small pox from the author FRS &c  ||  "
  ||  Henry Pelham  ||  Ireland  ||  Plan of the County of Clare in – & Print, [underline] ‘The finding of Moses’ [end underline] from  ||  "
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||  Cambridge  ||  Observations of variation of magnetic needle continued by  ||  "
  ||  Benja Waterhouse  ||    ||  Permited [sic] to peruse & extract from Dr Mather’s letter on Innoculation [sic]  ||  110
[end table]

[end Index 1, page 15 | begin Index 1, page 16]

  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||    ||  Page
1788 January 30  ||    ||  Cambridge  ||  Transactions & comunications [sic] at  ||  110
  ||  James Winthrop  ||    ||  Geometrical methods of finding any required Series of mean proportionals &c  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Pope  ||    ||  Remarks & strictures on Sir I Newton’s Theory of Tides  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Observations on the powers off attraction & impulsion  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Observations] on the increase of the Equatorial diameter  ||  "
  ||  Judah Nash  ||  Montague  ||  Bill of mortality &c in 1787 for  ||  "
  ||  Isaac Morril  ||  Wilmington  ||  [Bill] of Do &c 1786 & 1787, & Topographical Description of the town  ||  "
  ||  Wm Fessenden  ||  Fryburgh  ||  [Bill] of Do &c in 1787 for  ||  "
x  ||  Jabez Holden  ||  Sandisfield  ||  Topographical Description with Philosophical remarks & observations  ||  111
  ||  John Warren & al  ||    ||  Comittee [sic] on Dr H, letter, to consider, & obtain further information  ||  "
  ||  John Adams  ||    ||  Defence of American Constitutions, 2d Vol 8vo from the author } thanks voted  ||  "
  ||  Charles Hutton  ||    ||  Tracts, Mathematical & Philosophical 4to from the author [thanks voted]  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Williams  ||  London  ||  Empowered to apply for & receive Transactions of the Royal Society in  ||  "
April 30  ||    ||  Boston  ||  Transactions & comunications at [sic]  ||  "
  ||  Daniel Cony  ||  Hallowell  ||  Topographical description of, & Register of the births & deaths from 1st Settlemt  ||  "
  ||  Isaac Mansfield  ||  Exeter NH  ||  Bill of mortality in 1787 for  ||  112
  ||  Joseph Thaxter  ||  Edgarton [sic] MV  ||  [Bill] of Do in 1787 for  ||  "
  ||  Nathan Fiske  ||  Brookfield  ||  [Bill] of Do in 1787 for  ||  "
  ||  Timothy Edwards  ||  Tyoga  ||  Description of an horn or bone found in the river  ||  "
  ||  Timothy Langdon  ||    ||  Letter to Dr Willard with an ancient copper coin (thanks voted)  ||  "
  ||  Sir Joseph Banks  ||  London  ||  President of the Royal Society [Elected Fellows]  ||  "
  ||  Nevil Maskelyne  ||    ||  Astronomer Royal at Greenwich [Elected Fellows]  ||  "
  ||  Thomas Hornsby  ||  Oxford  ||  Savilian Professor of Astronomy at [Elected Fellows]  ||  "
  ||  Richard Watson  ||    ||  Bishop of Landaff DD FRS [Elected Fellows]  ||  "
  ||  Wm Herschell  ||    ||  LLD. Fellow of the Royal Society. } Elected Fellows.  ||  "
  ||  Comte De Cassini  ||    ||  Fellow Roy: Acad: Sciences at Paris [Elected Fellows]  ||  "
  ||  James Hemmer  ||  Manheim  ||  Secretary of the Electoral Academy at [Elected Fellows]  ||  "
  ||  Thomas Russell  ||  Boston  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  "
  ||  Noah Atwater  ||  Westfield  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Pope  ||    ||  Comitee [sic] on machines, report an accurate description & vote of applause for his Orrery—accepted, & voted to be published  ||  113
May 27  ||    ||  Boston  ||  Transactions & comunications [sic]  ||  114
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||    ||  Observations of the variation of the magnetic needle continued by  ||  "
x  ||  Samuel Mather  ||    ||  Case in Surgery, occasioned by a fracture of the skull  ||  "
  ||  Eli Forbes  ||  Glocester [sic]  ||  Bill of mortality &c, & Topographical description of the town of Cape Ann  ||  "
  ||  William Hale  ||  Newbury  ||  [Bill] of Do for the 2d Parish in (1787)  ||  "
  ||  Caleb Prentice  ||  Reading  ||  [Bill] of Do for the 1st Parish in (1786)  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Adams  ||  Ipswich  ||  Topographical description & Bills of mortality &c (1786& 7) first & south Parish  ||  "
  ||  Aaron Dexter  ||    ||  Observations on the manufacture of Pot ash, by  ||  "
  ||  Benj: Lincoln & al  ||    ||  Comittee [sic] on the above, to examine, & publish in case  ||  "
  ||  Isaiah Thomas  ||  Worcester  ||  Donation of 3 Vol’s to the Academy (thanks voted)  ||  "
  ||  Robert T Paine & al  ||    ||  Committee, to Devise best method to collect monies due for Memoirs from Subscrib  ||  "
  ||  Academy  ||    ||  Memoirs to be presented to London Medical Society  ||  "
  ||  Aaron Dexter & al  ||    ||  Comitee [sic] to audit Treasurer’s accounts  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Annual Election of Officers for the year  ||  115
  ||  James Bowdoin  ||    ||  President  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||    ||  Vice President  ||  "
  ||  Caleb Gannet  ||    ||  Recording Secretary, Librarian & Keeper of the Cabinet  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||    ||  Corresponding Secretary  ||  "
[end table]

[end Index 1, page 16 | begin Index 1, page 17]

  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||    ||  Page
1788 May 27  ||  Ebenezer Storer  ||    ||  Treasurer for the ensuing year  ||  116
  ||  Benjamin Guild  ||    ||  Vice Treasurer Do Do  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Adams  ||    ||  [Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  John Adams  ||    ||  [Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  Loammi Baldwin  ||    ||  [Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  Richard Cranch  ||    ||  [Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  Benjamin Lincoln  ||    ||  [Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  John Lowell  ||    ||  } Counsellors  ||  "
  ||  Robert T Paine  ||    ||  [Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  Cotton Tufts  ||    ||  [Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  John Warren  ||    ||  [Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  Ed: Wigglesworth  ||    ||  [Counsellors]  ||  "
August 20  ||    ||  Cambridge  ||  Transactions & comunications [sic] at the  ||  "
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||    ||  Observations of the variation of the magnetic needle continued  ||  "
  ||  Bezaleel Shaw  ||  Nantucket  ||  Bill of mortality &c for 1787 at  ||  "
  ||  John Mellen  ||  Barnstable  ||  [Bill] of Do 1787 for the East Parish in  ||  "
  ||  Edw: A Holyoke & al  ||    ||  Comittee [sic] to make Electric experiments in wood – Report  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Committee] requested to prosecute their enquiry & mr Oliver added to  ||  117
  ||  Royal Society  ||  London  ||  Philosophical Transactions for 1787 in 2 Vols 4to  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Philosophical Transactions] General Index, 4to  ||  "
  ||    ||  Greenwich  ||  Astronomical Observations in 1785 & 86 made by Dr Maskelyne at  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Vote of thanks for this repeated & valuable donation  ||  "
  ||  John Adams  ||    ||  Defence of American Constitutions 3d vol 8vo from the author (thanks [sic]  ||  "
  ||  Treasurer  ||    ||  Committee to audit his accounts report — Report accepted  ||  "
  ||  Correspond’g Sec’y  ||    ||  Copperplate Certificates of Elections procured agreable [sic] to vote  ||  "
  ||  Recording Sec’y  ||    ||  To receive them & procure a press for impressions of the seal &c &c  ||  "
  ||  Vice President & al  ||    ||  Committee to draught form of a letter of thanks to Donors  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Committee’]s form accepted — Cor Sec’y to procure 120 Copies of letter press  ||  "
  ||  Eliphalet Pearson & al  ||    ||  Committee to draught a letter to Fellows elect, with regulations respecting  ||  "
  ||  David Smead  ||  Hampsh County  ||  Ores, essayed by Dr Dexter & others produce nothing but Sulpher  ||  118
  ||  George Cabot  ||  Beverly  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  "
  ||  Charles Hutton  ||    ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  "
  ||  John C Lettsom  ||  London  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  "
  ||  Nicholas Pike  ||  NBury Port  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Pope  ||  Boston  ||  } Elected Fellows  ||  "
  ||  Benjamin Rush  ||  Philadelphi [sic]  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  "
  ||  Winthrop Sargent  ||  Marietta  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  "
  ||  Jonathan Stokes  ||    ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  "
  ||  Academy  ||    ||  Notification of the next meeting with a request to delinquents  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Books further loaned to Committee on Agriculture  ||  "
Novem: 12  ||    ||  Cambridge  ||  Transactions & communications at the  ||  119
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||    ||  Observations of the variation of the magnetic needle contin’d  ||  "
  ||  Edw: A Holyoke  ||    ||  Estimate of excess of heat & cold in American Atmosphere beyond Europ [sic]  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  __ & Thot’s [sic] on the causes of this excess  ||  "
x  ||  Aaron Dexter  ||    ||  Result of an assay of Sal soda, or Kelp ashes  ||  "
x  ||  James Winthrop  ||    ||  Easy method of drawing an Elipsis, & description of the compasses  ||  "
copy w x  ||  Do  ||  Dighton  ||  Account of an inscribed rock & copy of the inscription (thanks voted)  ||  "
  ||  monsr: De La Marat  ||    ||  Nouvelles Decouvertes sur La Lumiere 8vo from the author  ||  "
  ||  A. C. Chavannes  ||    ||  Essai sur L’education intellectuelle from the author  ||  "
  ||  monsr: Warville  ||    ||  Considerations of the relative situation of France & the US  ||  "
  ||  George Minot  ||    ||  History of the Insurrections in Massachusetts &c from the author  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Thanks voted to each of the above  ||  "
  ||  Recording Secretary  ||    ||  To deliver Bills of mortality on the files to Dr Wigglesworth & others  ||  "
[end table]

[end Index 1, page 17 | begin Index 1, page 18]

  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||    ||  Page
1788 Novemr 12  ||  Vice President & al  ||    ||  Committe [sic] to peruse Marat’s vol & make Experiments - & Report  ||  120
  ||    ||    ||  [Committee] for future publication of memoirs to make enquiry whether any printer will undertake them on his own account &c &c  ||  "
  ||  James White  ||    ||  Letter requesting payment of a balance for printing first vol  ||  "
  ||  Benjamin Guild  ||    ||  Instructed to obtain money from the Commite [sic] on this subject  ||  "
  ||  Do  ||    ||  Empowered to solicit subscriptions from the Fellows for the above  ||  "
  ||  Adams & Nourse  ||  Boston  ||  [Vote of thanks for their weekly papers presented]  ||  [121]
  ||  John W Allen  ||  Do  ||  [Vote of thanks for their weekly papers presented]  ||  [121]
  ||  Benja: Russell  ||  Do  ||  } Vote of thanks for their weekly papers presented  ||  121
  ||  Edmund Freeman  ||  Do  ||  [Vote of thanks for their weekly papers presented]  ||  [121]
  ||  Benet Wheeler  ||  Providence  ||  [Vote of thanks for their weekly papers presented]  ||  [121]
  ||  Benja: Haskell  ||    ||  Account of 10/ } President to draw upon Treasurer for payment  ||  "
  ||  Walton & Moore  ||    ||  account of 12/9 [} President to draw upon Treasurer for payment]  ||  "
1789 Jan’y 28  ||    ||  Boston  ||  Transactions & comunications [sic] at the  ||  "
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||  Cambridge  ||  Observations of the variation & dip of the magnetic needle contind  ||  "
  ||  Isaac Rand  ||  Do  ||  Bill of Births & deaths &c in 1786, 87, & 88 – in families in care of  ||  "
  ||  Nehem: Williams  ||  Brimfield  ||  [Bill] of Do for 1787 in  ||  "
  ||  Enoch Perley  ||  Brigton [sic]  ||  [Bill] of Do for 1788 in  ||  "
  ||  Daniel Cony  ||  Hallowell  ||  Letter to the President with the No of Births & deaths in 1788 in  ||  "
x  ||  Jacob Cushing  ||  Waltham  ||  Metereological [sic] Observations in 1787 & 1788 made at  ||  "
  ||  Do  ||  Do  ||  Bill of mortality from 1 Jan’y 1767 to 1 Jan’y 1789, for  ||  "
  ||  Winthrop Sargent  ||  Marietta  ||  Letter to the Presid, with meterological [sic] observations Septr & Octr 1788  ||  122
  ||  Edw A Holyoke  ||  Massachusetts  ||  [Letter] to Do proposing a method for obtain’g an accurate map  ||  "
x  ||  Samuel Blodget  ||    ||  [Letter] to Do description of a new Hydrometer of his construct:  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  The Hydrometer & weights were also presented (thanks voted)  ||  "
  ||  Aaron Dexter &c  ||    ||  Committee to examine the above, make experements, & Report  ||  "
  ||  Vice President  ||    ||  [Committee] to examine Dr Holyoke’s letter, & devise method to execute  ||  "
  ||  Cotton Tufts  ||    ||  [Committee] to investigate the subject of Dyes & Report  ||  "
  ||  John Haygarth  ||    ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  "
  ||  Geo: R Minot  ||  Boston  ||  } Elected Fellows  ||  "
  ||  J P B de Warville  ||    ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  "
May 26  ||    ||  Boston  ||  Transactions & comunications [sic] at the  ||  123
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||    ||  Observations of the variation & dip of the magnetic needle contd  ||  "
  ||  Justus Forward  ||  Belcherton  ||  Topographical Description & Bill or Mortality for 33 years past in  ||  "
  ||  Do  ||  Do  ||  Remarks on Pumonic consumptions by  ||  "
  ||  Judah Nash  ||  Montague  ||  Bill of mortality for 1788  ||  "
  ||  Nathan Fiske  ||  Brookfield  ||  [Bill] of Do [for] 1788 for the 3d Parish in  ||  "
  ||  Joeph [sic] Thaxter  ||  Edgarton [sic]  ||  [Bill] of Do [for] 1788  ||  "
  ||  Isaac Mansfield  ||  Exeter  ||  [Bill] of Do [for] 1788 (New Hampshire)  ||  "
  ||  Josiah Bartlett  ||  Charleston  ||  [Bill] of Do [for] 1786, 1787, 1788  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Swain  ||  Wenham  ||  [Bill] of Do [for] 1787  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Webster  ||  Salisbury  ||  [Bill] of Do [for] 1786, 1787, 1788 _ & Topographical Description of  ||  "
  ||  Peter Whitney  ||  Northboro’  ||  [Bill] of Do [for] 1788  ||  "
x  ||  Isaac Story  ||    ||  Calculations on the longevity of the ministerial, above other callings  ||  "
x  ||  Samuel Perkins  ||    ||  Essay on a new method of finding the Longitude at Sea  ||  "
  ||  Thomas Russell  ||    ||  Donation of 30 folio vol’s Newspapers from 1758 to 1789 (Thanks voted)  ||  "

[end Index 1, page 18 | begin Index 1, page 19]

  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||    ||  Page
1788 May 26  ||  Agricult: Society  ||  Bath  ||  Agricultural Papers in 4 vol’s 8vo ([underline] thanks voted [end underline])  ||  125
  ||  Academy  ||  Gottingen  ||  Vote of thanks for their memoirs, & mutual exchange  ||  "
  ||  Isaiah Thomas & Co  ||    ||  Massachusetts Magazine presented by (thanks voted)  ||  "
  ||  Edw: A Holyoke  ||    ||  American Husbandry, a Mms in 4to  ||  "
  ||  a Friend (anonymus [sic])  ||    ||  Duhamel’s husbandry 4to from  ||  "
  ||  Nathan Read  ||  Salem  ||  Requests to copy of the description of Hank’s Pneumatic Clock  ||  "
  ||  Cotton Tufts & al  ||    ||  Committee to examine the Treasurer’s account, & mr Guild’s  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Right cast & well vouched – Balance 11/9 due from Treasr:  ||  "
  ||  B Guild & A Dexter  ||    ||  added to, on a Petition to the Genl: Court for a Lottery  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Annual Election of Officers for the Year  ||  125
  ||  James Bowdoin  ||    ||  President  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||    ||  Vice President  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Adams  ||    ||  [Elected Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  Loammi Baldwin  ||    ||  [Elected Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  Richard Cranch  ||    ||  [Elected Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  Francis Dana  ||    ||  [Elected Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  Benja: Lincoln  ||    ||  [Elected Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  John Lowell  ||    ||  } Elected Counsellors  ||  "
  ||  Robert T Paine  ||    ||  [Elected Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  Cotton Tufts  ||    ||  [Elected Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  John Warren  ||    ||  [Elected Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  Ed: Wigglesworth  ||    ||  [Elected Counsellors]  ||  "
  ||  Caleb Gannet  ||    ||  Recording Secretary Librarian & Keeper of the Cabinet  ||  "
  ||  Eliphalet Pearson  ||    ||  Corresponding Secretary  ||  "
  ||  Ebenezer Storer  ||    ||  Treasurer  ||  "
  ||  Benjamin Guild  ||    ||  Vice Treasurer  ||  "
May 29  ||    ||    ||  Committee to prepare a petition to the General Court – Report  ||  "
  ||  Robt T Paine & al  ||    ||  [Committee] to sign & present Do in behalf of the Academy  ||  126
  ||  Edw A Holyoke  ||    ||  Report on his proposal for a map of the State postpon’d  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Books on husbandry, loaned for one year to Sec’y Comtee on Agri  ||  "
  ||  Royal Society  ||  London  ||  President desired to apply for & receive their Transactions  ||  "
  ||  Manasseh Cutler  ||    ||  Observations on the medical properties of white, walnut  ||  "
  ||  Nath: W Appleton  ||  Boston  ||  Physician [Elected Fellows]  ||  
  ||  William Baylies  ||  Dighton  ||  Physician [Elected Fellows]  ||  
  ||  John Eliot  ||  Boston  ||  Minister [Elected Fellows]  ||  
  ||  Duke De Almodavar  ||  Spain  ||  Nobleman of [Elected Fellows]  ||  
  ||  Alexr: M Ceresier  ||  Leyden  ||  Author of History of United Provinces [Elected Fellows]  ||  
  ||  Marquiss Santa Crux  ||  Spain  ||  Nobleman [Elected Fellows]  ||  
  ||  Charles Wm Fk Dumas  ||  Hague  ||  Agent for the United States, at } Elected Fellows  ||  127
  ||  Edmund Jennings  ||  Longon  ||  [blank] [Elected Fellows]  ||  
  ||  John Luzac  ||  Leyden  ||  Professor of Greek in University of [Elected Fellows]  ||  
  ||  Archibald McLaine  ||  Hague  ||  Pastor of the English Church at [Elected Fellows]  ||  
  ||  Fred: Wm Pestel  ||  Leyden  ||  Professor in the University of [Elected Fellows]  ||  
  ||  Sir Benj Thompson  ||  London  ||  Knight &c Member of several Academies [Elected Fellows]  ||  
  ||  Benjamin Lincoln  ||  Gayhead MV  ||  Minerals & Fossils taken from – presented by  ||  "
Augt: 19  ||    ||  Cambridge  ||  Transactions & comuniactions [sic] at the  ||  "
  ||  American  ||    ||  Proposal for adjusting a new scale to the mercurial thermometer  ||  "
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||    ||  Observations of the variation & dip of the magnetic needle contind  ||  "
x  ||  John Churchman  ||    ||  Letter to the President, relative to his principles of magnetic variati  ||  "
x  ||  John Rogers  ||    ||  Observations of the advantages of rolling the ground in husbandry  ||  128
[end table]

[end Index 1, page 19 | begin Index 1, page 20]

  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||    ||  Page
1789 Augt 19 x  ||  Wm Frobisher  ||  Boston  ||  Process for manufacturing Potash by a new & advantageous method  ||  128
x  ||  Wm Baylies  ||  Dighton  ||  Remarks on the Inscribed rock at  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Hitchcock  ||  Vermont  ||  Account of curious discoveries made in digging a well in  ||  "
x  ||  Samuel Haven  ||    ||  Letter to mr Cutler relative to the colouring corn with samples &c  ||  "
  ||  John Mellen  ||  Barnstable  ||  Bill of mortality &c for the year 1788 in the East parish in  ||  "
  ||  Bezaleel Shaw  ||  Nantucket  ||  [Bill] of Do for 1788  ||  "
x  ||  Nehemiah Williams  ||  Brimfield  ||  [Bill] of Do for 1788  ||  "
  ||  Wm Fessenden  ||  Fryburgh  ||  [Bill] of Do for 1788  ||  "
  ||  Medical Societies  ||  Lond & N Haven  ||  Donation of Books from them – also from J Stokes, I Thomas, N Webster, N Pike & J Mycall – (thanks voted severally)  ||  "
  ||  Academy  ||  N Haven  ||  Memoirs to to [sic] be presented the Medical Society at  ||  129
  ||  Benj: Guild & al  ||    ||  Commite [sic] with full powers to contract for publishing 2d vol of memoirs  ||  "
  ||  John Warren & al  ||    ||  [Committee] to correct the press – papers in the Medical Department  ||  "
  ||  John Clarke & al  ||    ||  [Committee] to correct the press for the Mathematical Department  ||  "
  ||  George R Minot  ||    ||  [Committee] to correct the press for the other papers  ||  "
  ||  Aaron Dexter & al  ||    ||  [Committee] to examine Frobisher’s process for making Potash & Report  ||  "
Nov: 11  ||    ||    ||  Transactions & comunications [sic]  ||  "
  ||  Society of arts &c  ||  London  ||  Transactions for encouragm[en]t of arts &c 5 vols 8vo & 6 Pamphl  ||  130
  ||  Baron de Hupsch  ||    ||  Letter with 4 Copies of a Pamphlet – a new discovery for drowned persons  ||  "
  ||  Do  ||    ||  Thanks voted & Dr Warren & Dexter to procure a translation & publish  ||  "
x  ||  Noah Atwater  ||  Genesee  ||  Letter with an account of natural curiosities found in Country at  ||  "
  ||  Aaron Dexter  ||    ||  Requested to assay the above specimens of minerals & Report  ||  "
x  ||  John Cushing  ||    ||  Letter proposing a method for preventing blasts in grain &c  ||  "
  ||  Correspondg Sec’y  ||    ||  To propose to mr Cushing a speedy publisation of his letter for experimts  ||  "
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||    ||  Observations of the variation of the magnetic needle continued  ||  "
  ||  Belcher Noyes  ||  Beaufort SC  ||  Meteorol Observations from Nov 1788 to May 1789 & Topograph Description  ||  "
Decr: 2  ||  Charles Blagden  ||  London  ||  M.D. F.RS [Elected Fellows of the Academy]  ||  
  ||  Samuel Danforth  ||  Boston  ||  Physician [Elected Fellows of the Academy]  ||  
  ||  Richard Kirwan  ||  London  ||  FRS } Elected Fellows of the Academy  ||  131
  ||  Thomas Percival  ||  Manchester  ||  MD in England [Elected Fellows of the Academy]  ||  
  ||  Samuel Webber  ||  Cambridge  ||  Hollis Professor [Elected Fellows of the Academy]  ||  
  ||    ||    ||  2 vol of memoirs to be published in 6 numbers 100 pages each &c  ||  "
  ||  Benja: Rush  ||    ||  Medical Inquiries & Observations 8vo presented by the author  ||  "
  ||  William Billings  ||    ||  Musick presented by T Dawes junr (Thanks voted Mr Rush & Dawes)  ||  "
  ||  Aaron Dexter  ||    ||  Report on Frobisher’s process of making Potash  ||  "
1790 Jany 27  ||    ||    ||  Transactions & comunications [sic]  ||  132
  ||  Aarong Dexter  ||    ||  Accurate history of a locked jaw from a wounded membrane &c  ||  "
x  ||  Edw: Wigglesworth  ||    ||  Examination of the comparative longevity of the Clergy with other people  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||  Cambridge  ||  Observations of the Transit of Mercury over the Sun’s disk in 1789 at  ||  "
  ||  John Mellen  ||  Hanover  ||  Topograph Description & Bill of Mortality in 1786, 87, 88, & 89 for  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Thaxter  ||  Edgartown  ||  Bill of Mortality in 1789 for (Martha’s Vineyard)  ||  "
  ||  Isaac Rand  ||  Cambridge  ||  [Bill] of Do & account of diseases in the first Parish of  ||  "
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||    ||  Observations of the variation of the magnetic needle continued  ||  "
  ||  (anonymous)  ||    ||  Donation of Pamp[h]lets, Journal des Sçavans in 1789 &c (thanks voted)  ||  "
v  ||  Benj Lincol [sic] & al  ||    ||  Committe [sic] to examine proposals on file, respecting manufacture of Potash  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Webber  ||    ||  [Committee] to inspect papers for future publication ^see page 97 in room of mr Williams  ||  "

[end Index 1, page 20 | begin Index 1, page 21]

  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||    ||  Page
1790 January 27  ||  Baron De Hupsch  ||  Cologne in Germany  ||  member of several Academies [Elected Members]  ||  
  ||  G J Thorkelin  ||  Copenhagen Denmark  ||  Do Do Do [Elected Members]  ||  
  ||  John Howard  ||  G Britain  ||  FRS [Elected Members]  ||  
  ||  Robert Young  ||  London  ||  [blank] } Elected Members  ||  133
  ||  Samuel Kirkland  ||  Oneida  ||  Misionary [sic] to the 6 Nations Indians [Elected Members]  ||  
  ||  Solomon Drowne  ||  Providence  ||  Physician [Elected Members]  ||  
  ||  R T Paine & S Webber  ||    ||  Committe [sic] to examine Machines (appointed April 1784) See page 71) [sic]  ||  "
May 25  ||    ||  Boston  ||  Transactions & comunications [sic]  ||  134
  ||  Enos Hitchcock  ||    ||  Enquiry into the phsyical influence of education on health, beauty &c  ||  "
  ||  Isaac Story  ||  Marblehead  ||  Metempsychosis in a limited sense defended by  ||  "
x  ||  John Vinal  ||    ||  On the benefit of Electricity in Burns & scalds  ||  "
  ||  John Foster  ||  Cambridge  ||  Bill of Mortality for 1787, 1788, & 1789 for the 3 Parish in  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Bill] of Do for Barnstable Northboro’ & Montague in 1789  ||  "
  ||  Edw: Wigglesworth  ||    ||  [Bill] of Do Report of a Subcommitte [sic] on – with deductions  ||  "
x  ||  Sam: L Mitchelle [sic]  ||    ||  Propositions on Semi circular shapes of rain bows, from Sir I Newton  ||  "
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||    ||  Observations of the variation of the magnetic needle continued  ||  "
  ||  Belcher Noyes  ||  S Carolina  ||  Meteorological Observations to 31 Decr: 1789 made at Beaufort S C  ||  "
  ||  George Erving  ||  London  ||  Letters (2) from, with transactions of Royal Society (2 last numbers)  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Thanks voted – & for his offer of transmitting future numbers  ||  "
  ||  John Warren  ||    ||  Presents from M Med Society the 1st No of Medical papers published by them  ||  135
  ||  Alex: Hamilton  ||    ||  Letter requesting information respecting manufactures &c of this State  ||  "
  ||  Benj Lincoln & 8 al  ||    ||  Committe [sic] on the above letter to collect & transmit information  ||  "
  ||  Cotton Tufts & al  ||    ||  [Comittee] to examine Treasurer’s accounts – Report accepted, well vouched &c  ||  "
  ||  George R Minot &c  ||    ||  [Committee] on Delinquency of annual assessments, to point out a mode &c  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Committee] to examine proposals of Frobisher &c on Potash discharged  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Annual Election of Officers for the Year  ||  "
  ||  James Bowdoin  ||    ||  President } for the ensuing year  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||    ||  Vice President [for the ensuing year]  ||  "
  ||  Counsellors  ||    ||  The same as last year except mr Gannet in the room of mr Wigglesworth  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Webber  ||    ||  Recording Secretary [For the year ensuing]  ||  "
  ||  Eliphalet Pearson  ||    ||  Corresponding Secretary [For the year ensuing]  ||  "
  ||  Ebenezer Storer  ||    ||  Treasurer } For the year ensuing  ||  "
  ||  Benja: Guild  ||    ||  Vice Treasurer [For the year ensuing]  ||  "
  ||  Caleb Gannet  ||    ||  Librarian & Keeper of the Cabinet [For the year ensuing]  ||  "
August 25  ||    ||  Cambridge  ||  Transactions & comunications [sic]  ||  137
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||    ||  Observations of the variation of the magnetic needle continued  ||  "
  ||  Nathan Fiske  ||  Broofield  ||  List of Births, Deaths &c in 1789 in the 3d Parish of  ||  "
x  ||  Isaac Pinto  ||  Connecticut  ||  Letter to Dr Stiles, respecting an inscription on a Rock in Westn: part of  ||  "
  ||  A Crocker  ||    ||  Practical Essay on raising Apple trees & making Cyder [sic]  ||  "
x  ||  Noah Webster  ||    ||  Observations on the Theory of Vegetation, & on Dew  ||  "
x  ||  Nathan Read  ||    ||  Chronometer, Draft & description of a perpetual one by  ||  "
x  ||  Sam: L Mitchelle [sic]  ||    ||  Meteorological remarks & conjectures  ||  "
x  ||  Winthrop Sargent  ||  Marietta  ||  Letter on the plan of ancient ruins at – formerly sent by  ||  "
  ||  Bezaleel Shaw  ||  Nantucket  ||  Bill of Mortality in 1789 for the Island of  ||  "
  ||  Jacob Isaacs  ||    ||  Letter on the extraction of fresh water from Salt  ||  138
  ||  Ezra Stiles  ||  Connecticut  ||  Account of 2 Inscriptions on Rocks in Kent & Washington, West part of  ||  "
  ||  Nicholas Pike  ||  NBury Port  ||  Presents one Copy of his New System of Arithmetic } Thanks voted  ||  "
  ||  Benj: Waterhouse  ||    ||  [Presents one] Copy of his Discourse before Humane Society [Thanks voted]  ||  "
  ||  George Erving  ||  G Britain  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  
  ||  John Jay LLD  ||  N York  ||  } Elected Fellows  ||  "
  ||  John Lathrop  ||  Boston  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  
  ||  Samuel Shaw  ||  China  ||  [Elected Fellows]  ||  

[end Index 1, page 21 | begin Index 1, page 22]

  ||  Names  ||  Place  ||    ||  Page
1790 August 25  ||  J Warren & A Dexter  ||    ||  Committe [sic] to pursue enquiries of mr Isaac’s Method of extracting fresh water  ||  138
  ||  Secretary  ||    ||  To publish part of mr Crocker’s essay on making cyder [sic] [&c] in Magazine  ||  139
  ||  Librarian  ||    ||  To call for Books on Agriculture from the Committee &c  ||  "
Novem: 10  ||  Academy  ||    ||  Vote attend [sic] the funeral of their late President, & appoint mr Lowell Eulogist  ||  "
  ||  Isaac Story  ||  Marblehead  ||  Bill of marriages, baptisms & deaths in the 2d Congregational Society  ||  140
  ||  Edw A Holyoke  ||  America  ||  Post Script to his Estimate of the excess of greatest heat & cold &c in  ||  "
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||    ||  Observations on the variation of the magnetic needle continued  ||  "
x  ||  Severyn J Bruyn  ||    ||  Letter to mr Cutler with acct of great number swalls, & Nat: history of the Bear  ||  "
  ||  Wm Creswell  ||    ||  [Letter] to mr Webber with new tables for finding Longitude by Lunar Observa  ||  "
  ||  Wm Withering & J Stokes  ||    ||  Botanical arrangement of British Plants (1st part of 3d vol) presented by Dr Stokes  ||  "
  ||  Agricultural Society  ||  Bath  ||  5th Vol & 4 Copies of their Rules, Orders & Premiums for 1790 &c (Thanks voted)  ||  141
  ||  Joseph P De Le Tombe  ||    ||  Consul General of 4 Eastern States, Elected a Fellow  ||  "
  ||  Academy  ||    ||  Procession at the Funeral of the late President Bowdoin  ||  "
1791 January 26  ||    ||  Boston  ||  Transactions  ||  142
  ||  James Bowdoin  ||    ||  Letter with an Extract from his father’s will making a bequest to Acady  ||  "
  ||  Treasurer  ||    ||  Authorised to receive the Legacy of £100 & give the Executors discharge  ||  "
  ||  John Lathrop & al  ||    ||  Committe [sic] to receive the Library bequeathed to the Academy & make a list  ||  "
  ||  Academy  ||    ||  Memoirs (2 Copies) to be presented to the University Library  ||  "
  ||  University  ||    ||  Catalogue (2 Copies) of the Library were presented by the Corporation  ||  "
  ||  Thomas & Andrews  ||    ||  Massachusetts Magazine (2 Vols) presented by the Editors  ||  "
  ||  Peter Thacher  ||    ||  Copies of his Sermon on death of Govr Bowdoin presented by Mrs B  ||  143
  ||  John Fenno  ||    ||  Gazzette [sic] of the United States first vol presented by  ||  "
  ||  Henry Hill  ||  Philadelphi [sic]  ||  To be informed the Academy have received the late Dr Franklin’s Books  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Thanks voted for each of the foregoing communications &c  ||  "
  ||  John Lowell  ||    ||  Delivers his oration, thanks voted & a copy requested for publication  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Committe [sic] for selection of papers 2d vol of Memoirs to insert mr Lowell’s Eulogy &c  ||  "
  ||  Vice President & al  ||    ||  Committe [sic] to consider expediency of making Thermometers on Dr Holyoke’s plan  ||  "
May 24  ||    ||    ||  Transactions  ||  144
  ||    ||    ||  Committe [sic] on the Library make Report, which is referred to another Comee:  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Committee] appointed to oversee the printing & disposal of the Eulogy Report  ||  "
  ||  Robert T Paine  ||    ||  Comitte [sic] to examine Treasurer’s accounts for the last & ensuing year  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  [Committee] Report accepted for the last year, right cast & well vouched  ||  145
  ||    ||    ||  [Committee] appointed to consider the List of Delinquents – Report  ||  "
  ||  Librarian  ||    ||  Permitted to lend a MmS vol on Husbandry to Thomas & Andrews  ||  "
  ||  John Adams  ||    ||  President [of the Academy for the year ensuing]  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Willard  ||    ||  President [of the Academy for the year ensuing]  ||  "
  ||  Councellors  ||    ||  The same as last year [of the Academy for the year ensuing]  ||  "
  ||  John Clarke  ||    ||  Recording Secretary } of the Academy for the year ensuing  ||  146
  ||  Eliphalet Pearson  ||    ||  Corresponding Secretary [of the Academy for the year ensuing]  ||  "
  ||  Ebenezer Storer  ||    ||  Treasurer [of the Academy for the year ensuing]  ||  "
  ||  Benja: Guild  ||    ||  Vice Treasurer [of the Academy for the year ensuing]  ||  "
  ||  John Lathrop  ||    ||  Librarian & Cabinet Keeper [of the Academy for the year ensuing]  ||  "
  ||  Vice President & al  ||    ||  Committe [sic] to Receive the Books & Museum of mr Gannet & deliver to mr Lathrop  ||  "
  ||  Benj Guild & al  ||    ||  [Committee] to consider the State of the Library & Report what alterations &c  ||  "
  ||    ||    ||  Eulogy, copies of to be distributed & transmitted to Foreign Academies  ||  "
  ||  Daniel Sewall  ||  York  ||  Meteorlogical Observations of the weather for the year 1790 – at  ||  147
  ||  Belcher Noyes  ||  S Carolina  ||  Do Do to June 1790 made at Beaufort in  ||  "
  ||  Nehem: Williams  ||  Brimfield  ||  Bill of mortality &c from 1789 in  ||  "
  ||  Isaac Story  ||  Marblehead  ||  [Bill] of Do 1790 for 2d Congregational Society  ||  "
  ||  Joseph Thaxter  ||  Edgarton [sic]  ||  [Bill] of Do 1790  ||  "
  ||  Peter Whitney  ||  Northboro  ||  [Bill] of Births & Deaths ^1790  ||  "
  ||  Stephen Sewall  ||  Cambridge  ||  Variation of the Magnetic needle continued by  ||  "
  ||  Samuel Tenny  ||    ||  Essay on some of the Prismatic Colours by  ||  "
[end table]

[end index page 22 | blank page]



  • 1The square brackets appear in the text as shown.